
The Mid Laner Belongs To The Jungler

Synopsis: Fu Yue suffered a hand injury and could no longer play in the competition but he never thought that the day his e-sport career ended, his life as well also came to a stop. However, the next thing he knew was that he somehow crossed into another world. Everything was fine, he no longer had a hand injury, his new family was also very nice just that... Why does he have to be an Omega?! Anyways, after some time passed Fu Yue came to accept the reality. He is a man who chases after a career, not love so Omega or whatever it means nothing to him! Filled with determination, Fu Yue decided to focus on returning to the e-sport industry. As luck has it, he found a very good pro player who shared the same mind as him in the game. Fu Yue then joined his team to become the new starting Mid Laner. Fu Yue, " Captain Wei, one more round!" Wei Chen," Mm." Some time later after getting together... Fu Yue, " Captain Wei, I-" Wei Chen, " Mm? One more round? Okay." The game in the story will be using League Of Legends (LOL), a MOBA game as a reference. This is an original novel so inevitably there will be a lot of errors. The cover is drawn by @Pineapplrr

B1ackDiA · LGBT+
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83 Chs

Visiting Relatives

As the year approached the end and season 11 would be starting soon, Coach He took TM's players to the temple to burn incense and pray for good luck.

It was not long before the Laba festival arrived. This year it corresponded to 30 December and Fu Yue made Laba porridge, Laba tofu, and noodles for everyone in the base.

The children from the second team were all dumbfounded upon seeing the mouthwatering dishes on the table.

They all subconsciously thought: As expected from an Omega, he is good at cooking.

Fu Yue keenly noticed that the second-team children became more reserved in front of him unlike when they first met.

If he were to put it into words then it would be the feeling of being the only girl among a bunch of guys.

Even He Xing who seemed to like him the most acted a little strange...

At this moment, Fu Yue looked at the blushing He Xing in a complicated mood. If not for the sake of maintaining his image as a big brother, he would have rolled his eyes and said: Brat, I also have what you have! Why the hell are you blushing?

"Shall we play a few games?"

Fu Yue patiently waited for all of them to finish their food. He then gently asked with a smile while looking fondly at the second-team children.

Being able to play with a powerful player was a great opportunity, therefore, the clueless children eagerly nodded their heads.

On the sideline, TM's starting players who knew Fu Yue's real face silently lit a candle for those pitiful souls.

As expected, Fu Yue showed no mercy and taught these brats a lesson one by one without feeling any remorse.

He internally sneered: Heh. See if you still dare to look at him with those eyes of treating fairer sex.

The lesson was effective and the children were immediately wide awake.

At present, looking at the smiling Fu Yue, all they could see was a big demon that sent shivers down their spine!

Among those victims, He Xing might be the only one who had starry eyes after getting beat up by Fu Yue. He even had the nerve to ask him whether he could duo with him sometimes.

Fu Yue looked at his eager gaze and felt that his request was not unreasonable. However, just as he was about to say yes, a cold voice suddenly sounded, "He is busy."

Everyone including Fu Yue was somewhat surprised to hear Wei Chen answer in his stead.

Even with all the attention gathered on him, Wei Chen's expression remained unchanged. He gave He Xing a cursory glance, "During this period, you should queue with your Jungler."

No one thought his behavior was strange. Not to mention Wei Chen was the Captain, he had been coaching and training with Fu Yue for all this time so he knew Fu Yue's schedule better than anyone else.

Having heard Wei Chen's words, He Xing didn't make things hard for Fu Yue. He cleverly changed his words, "Then, Si-ge, whenever you feel like it, I will always be available to play with you."

Wei Chen made a small pause but it was so short that no one was able to catch it. Lowering his eyes, he silently drank the water from the cup.

In the meantime, after Fu Yue promised to play with He Xing he secretly snuck a glance at the man sitting beside him.

Others might not notice but not him.

Fu Yue who has been spending time with him from morning to night every single day was able to tell the difference.

On the way back to the room, taking the opportunity of the two falling behind their teammates, Fu Yue whispered, "I came here to win the trophy not to score someone. You can be at ease, Captain."

Wei Chen didn't expect Fu Yue to be so straightforward about this topic which made him slowly come to a stop and he calmly looked over.

As fellow Alpha, he immediately perceived that He Xing was interested in Fu Yue in that way.

Wei Chen had no intention of interfering with his teammate's private life but Fu Yue hasn't proven himself to the outside yet.

With just a tiny slip, his career might end before it even started. Wei Chen didn't want such a talented person to be buried due to those senseless rumors.

In the end, Wei Chen couldn't sit still and took the liberty to block He Xing's pursuit.

Since Fu Yue took the initiative to speak about this matter, Wei Chen didn't shy away either, "I am sure you are well aware of what to do and not to do. I apologize if my actions were to make you dissatisfied."

Facing Wei Chen's unexpected apology, Fu Yue internally lamented that his Captain was too considerate and upright.

All of a sudden, Fu Yue had the urge to tease this serious Captain.

With a slight shake of his head, Fu Yue pretended to be disappointed, "I thought Captain is different from others alas... "

Wei Chen stiffened the moment he heard the apparent disappointment in his voice. Subconsciously pursing his lips, he quietly waited for the other party to finish his sentence.

"Then for the rest of the matches today, your blue will be mine!"

Albeit a bit stunned at this playful request, Wei Chen still seriously replied, "Okay."

Not the reaction he was expecting, Fu Yue blinked his eyes a few times. He then hesitatingly added, "I will take the red too!"

Wei Chen was still unfazed. With a sincere face, he affirmed in a gentler tone, "I will give whatever you want."

Fu Yue has always found Silence's voice incredible. As a result, hearing his deep magnetic voice being spoken in such an indulgent tone made even the self-proclaim straight man Fu Yue panic.

Fu Yue internally cursed himself for his stupidity.

Damn, I am stupid to play against a natural flirt such as him!

Dodging his eyes to the side, Fu Yue tried to save his own skin, "Come on. Let's go to the training room!"

Staring at that fleeing figure, Wei Chen's eyes were full of smiles as he unhurriedly followed him.

Holidays arrived. Everyone left for their hometown to meet their family during the Chinese New Year.

Fu Yue who has always spent this time alone in the past was particularly excited. He went directly to the main house and decided to stay there for the whole vacation.

Sadly, the Fu family was not an average household, therefore, everyone was extremely busy during this period.

Fu Yue only met all of them during breakfast. Nevertheless, his festive mood was not dampened. Together with other employees, he cleaned the house and went shopping for decorations, snacks, clothes, and food.

Even though the Fu family was an upper-class family, they didn't gather their relatives and acquaintances to host a big party.

Thanks to this, Fu Yue could handle cooking on his own while the chefs were able to go back and meet their families.

Before eating, Fu Yue took a picture of the big round table full of festive foods and posted it on his Weibo while wishing everyone good luck.

To avoid being researched before his official game, Fu Yue hasn't changed his Weibo username yet.

Therefore, to the world, he was still a game anchor with no relation to TM or 404.

After being absent for so long, his fans were glad to know that he was living well and fine.

Of course, some came crying to report his big brother's disloyalty and hoped that he would come back to catch this adulterer.

Fu Yue couldn't help but chuckle at those guys. Putting down his phone, he looked up at his family who were enjoying the meal he made.

In the background, the Spring Festival Gala was being played on the TV while the explosive sound of fireworks constantly ringing almost drowning their chatter and laughter.

Lowering his head, Fu Yue felt his eyes redden and his nose turned sour.

In the past, he stayed alone at the base while listening to the sound of fireworks and New Year songs coming from the outside.

The more lively the outside was the sadder he became. No amount of food or firecrackers could lift his mood.

Fortunately, he was given another chance to experience this long-lost warmth.

While Fu Yue was lost in his thoughts, Fu Zhen suddenly suggested, "It is rare for all of us to be free like this. How about playing a few games together?"

"What game?" Fu Yue turned to look at his brother thinking that he might be suggesting mahjong, poker or fight the landlord.

To his surprise, Fu Zhen said a familiar name, "TOBH of course!"

Fu Yue looked at him with a pair of judging eyes, "How can Dad and Father play?"

"Of course, our parents know how." Fu Zhen confidently responded.

Hearing this, Fu Yue looked at his parents incredulously, "You both know how to play!?"

Fu Zheng awkwardly cleared his throat as he gave a stern glare at his older son for selling him out.

It was An Yan who replied with a chuckle to help his husband out of this awkward situation.

"Your father wants to know what kind of game you are playing so he plays whenever he has free time."

Fu Zheng wanted to argue that he had only played a few times but after noticing his younger son's sparkling eyes staring at him, he helplessly changed his words, "I am not good at that kind of game."

Fu Yue was already over the moon with this discovery so he slapped his chest and confidently said, "Don't worry! I will carry!"

Just like that, General Fu brought the three recruits in a heroic spirit as he charged into the battlefield.

However, it was not long before General Fu fell off his horse, and lost his sword, armor, and even his underwear was not spared.

Painfully looking at those miserable KDAs of his Top laner and Bot Laners, Fu Yue felt his eyes sting.

In the early stage, Fu Yue helped them gain a few kills but it was all for naught as they all gave away their heads to the enemy not long after.

The enemy team quickly realized that Fu Yue was the only threat, therefore, he was unable to develop and was targeted mercilessly by all five players.

In the meantime, his Jungler has already descended into madness from all the frequent assistance pings coming from both Top and Bot Lane.

Seeing his Jungler furiously curse in the chat, Fu Yue was not even mad at this poor guy.

Coming back to the lobby, Fu Yue for the first time was afraid to play the game.

[Crown Prince Zhen: See? I told you! As long as you keep clicking the 'asking for assistance ping' eventually the help will arrive]

[Great Emperor Fu: True.]

Fu Yue whose game was spammed by pings from all over the map and ran to help like a headless chicken: "..."

[Empress An: Our Xiao Yue is so cool! >.<]< p>

[Great Emperor Fu: Our youngest is indeed reliable.]

[Crown Prince Zhen: I told you! Ah Yue is the strongest!]

Seeing these messages, Fu Yue couldn't suppress the smile that was starting to form on his face.

Never mind, as long as they are happy, he is willing to sacrifice some of his sanity.

[No Inted Just Bad: Ok, let's go another round :)]

Fu Yue moved the mouse and was about to queue for another game. All of a sudden, he harshly stepped on a brake the moment he saw one of the gray names in his friend list suddenly lit up.

As if seeing a savior, Fu Yue immediately typed a string of messages to the other party.

[No Inted Just Bad: Captain, are you free to play a few rounds??]