
Caesar X Chase (4)

After sticking with the same partner for the fourth time, Caesar's attractive voice was soon heard from all over the map.

"You taste better than I thought."

Fu Yue who was so shocked that he almost flashed on the spot, "..."

Everyone in the game who was forced to hear this spicy line, "..."

Every single dog in the barrage who was forced to eat dog food, "..."

[All] [Yuz]: Hey, aren't you two Li and K from the last game?!

[All] [Yuz]: Are you two real-life partners?!

As it turned out, Yuz was the same Yuz from the last match. When the game was loading, he went to the bathroom and he did not realize that he unluckily ran into those two big demons once again!

To make things worse, Li was now playing Chase as a Mid-Laner while K was playing Caesar as a Jungler!

Had he known this he would have dodged since the champ selection!

[All] [Chase]: No

[All] [Caesar]: No.

Seeing their denial, everyone collectively rolled their eyes.

[All] [Ilay]: Bro. You two flirt so much in the team chat that I feel so sour!

[All] [Black Knight]: Yeah, I even suspect that they are forgetting this is a team chat!

[All] [On]: I knew that something was not right after seeing Caesar being picked and he claimed to mark Chase later on...

[All] [On]: Btw who is chasing who?

[All] [Chase]: We are friends

[All] [Caesar]: Me.

[A/N: Wei Chen is referring to headhunting.]

[All] [On]: Ohhhhh Chase is being chased?!

[All] [Yuz]: I see that this is one-sided...

[All] [Black Knight]: Wow, Caesar... I really admire your guts!!!

[All] [Black Knight]: Chase, give him a chance. Caesar is such a cool guy!

Fu Yue watched wide-eyed at how messed up the situation had become with 009's misleading words.

He was not narcissistic to think that 009 was romantically chasing him.

This guy didn't engage in a talk unless it was about the game and abruptly left without saying anything!

How was this an attitude of someone having an interest in him?

Therefore, Fu Yue did not let others influence him and looked at the situation in a straight man's way.

[All] [Chase]: 009 speak properly...

[All] [Caesar]: I am trying to secure you.

[All] [Chase]: ?

[All] [Caesar]: We will go into details after the game is over.

[All] [Caesar]: Can you spare me a moment?

[All] [Chase]: Ok

[All] [On]: Mom, I want a wife QAQ

[All] [Ilay]: I will teach my husband to play TOBH later on YY

[All] [Lay]: Stop spreading PDA you damn couple!

At this point, Fu Yue realized that even if he were to have ten mouths, he couldn't wash himself clean no matter what.

In the end, he mindlessly said, "Why do I feel so drained today?"

Fu Yue did not know that his careless remark unintentionally caused his partner to play even more aggressively.

At the moment, Caesar looked like a businessman whose time was worth millions of dollars. He kept making plays causing the enemy team to be unable to breathe especially Yuz.

Even his teammates were having a hard time keeping up with him. Thankfully, Fu Yue seemed to share the same brain cell as Caesar so the two worked together seamlessly to terrorize the entire map.

Speaking of which, rather than saying that it was tiring matching Caesar's pace, Fu Yue has never felt as free as he was in this game.

Having such a reliable Jungler to back him up, he did not feel the burden of having to apply the pressure alone anymore.

Fortunately, Fu Yue did not speak his praise out loud otherwise he would cause another wave of misunderstanding.

Anyways, after being inseparable for most of the time, whenever the enemy team spotted Chase, they would automatically think that Caesar was there beside him.

Due to this mindset, they were caught off-guard several times when Caesar suddenly popped up elsewhere to make a play.

Revealing his partner could be used in another way such as misleading the enemy into thinking so and making play elsewhere.

Even if the other team realized they were being tricked later on, there was nothing they could do.

Presently, everyone was witnessing how Caesar utilized this function to his advantage.

Chase went to the botside leading the enemy team to think that Caesar was around the botside.

Then out of nowhere, Caesar appeared in the Top lane to kill Dangge. Together with Black Knight, he was able to secure the Young Saint easily.

To offset the loss, the enemy team decided to gang up on Chase who was alone.

Nonetheless, Chase held his ground and fought back 1 vs 4. Not long after, the world suddenly went dark, and Caesar flew from across half a map to join in the fight and annihilate them together with his partner.

Due to this trade, Caesar gained a bunch of stacks and uttered another line in his attractive deep male voice.

"I think I am liking you more and more."

Those who were still lying on the cold ground at their feet, "..."

After this incident, the enemy team learned their lesson and decided to pick on Caesar instead.

They thought that they would have a better chance of ganging on Caesar since no one on his team had a global Ult.

What happened after caused their teeth to almost fall out due to eating too much lemon!

After painstakingly squatting down in the bush for quite a time, the four finally spotted Caesar coming to clear his bot camps.

They all jumped on him instantly.

But, Caesar's reaction speed was inhuman. He cleverly ulted Lay who was staying way at the back and instantly one-shot her!

Seeing this unexpected situation, Yuz immediately activated his Ult to fight Caesar.

Caesar nimbly dodged his spear and focused on killing Ki who was busily healing her teammates. Dotte shot her E at him but was blocked by his spell shield letting his already fast attack speed to be double!

Caesar managed to kill Ki but his health was low due to being in Yuz's attack range.

Meanwhile, Yuz was wrecked with anxiety seeing how Caesar killed off two people in the blink of an eye.

Just as Caesar was supposed to die with his spear, the former suddenly gained a massive shield!

Everyone was utterly shocked seeing this scene.

How come Caesar suddenly gets ulted by their Dange?!

A few seconds later, they all collectively slapped their foreheads.

Right, Caesar has an overprotective lover!

It turned out that Chase who was shamelessly stealing their top jungle not long ago timely noticed his partner's situation down the botside.

As a result, he hurriedly ran to their Dange who was clearing the minion wave to steal his Ult just to save his lover who was a mile away!

[All] [Lay]: Bah! You two go get a room!

[All] [Yuz]: Will it kill you if either of you were to die once?!

[All] [Dange]: Bro, I was so spooked that I thought Chase was coming for my head... Who would have thought that he simply came to steal my Ult to save his partner?

[All] [On]: I say... These two definitely have a crush on each other!

[All] [Ilay]: Or maybe... These two are pro players?

[All] [On]: Why haven't I heard any pro players dating each other?

[All] [Chase]: We are not pro players but I am a streamer

[All] [Black Knight]: Wait... Is this going on the internet?!

[All] [Chase]: Yeah

Knowing that they were playing against streamers, the enemy team felt less miserable. To keep their pride, they did not surrender no matter how far behind they were!

Nevertheless, pride did not get them that far and the game ended soon after.

Fu Yue relaxed his shoulders while right-clicking on the crystal. Right before the crystal exploded, Caesar's voice was heard once more catching everyone off guard.

"As it turns out, I can't get away from you..."

"My fated pair."

Fu Yue's actions abruptly paused upon hearing Caesar's voice was devoid of his usual playfulness and sounded a bit helpless.

He thought that he had already gotten used to Caesar's teasing but he had to admit that his last sentence indeed got him good.

He generously praised the developer, "Now I know why you want to play Caesar to chase someone."

[Wait, wait! Yueyue, the last voice lines have never been heard before!]

[Caesar becomes sincere?! 0∆0]

[He sounds like he has indeed fallen in love with his partner! Wth]

[No one tells me that he is such a romanticist!]

[How did u trigger this line?!]

Only after seeing the turmoil in the chat did Fu Yue realize that he and 009 seemed to accidentally discover Caesar's easter egg.

Truth be told, even Wei Chen who knew the game like the back of his hand was faintly surprised hearing Caesar's lines.

However, his surprise did not last long as he seemed to figure out what triggered this line.

Wei Chen knew that Caesar was designed to target couples and sold his skins with his attractive appearance to those single people out there who wanted to pick up someone in the game.

Everyone knew that Caesar would speak some special lines when his partner remained unchanged.

Even if Caesar or his partner died during the game, as long as he chose the same partner after his mark went off cooldown, it would be fine.

However, this would make his mark a temporary mark.

Marking involves two types. A temporary mark that would last for several months and a complete mark that would last for a lifetime.

When Caesar or his partner died, his mark disappeared. Therefore, the game counted it as a temporary mark.

Wei Chen silently glanced at his KDA and Yueyue's KDA.

In this game, neither he nor Yueyue died. Caesar had 25 stacks at the end and he never changed his partner. So to speak, the game counted this as a complete mark.

Due to these extreme conditions, it was not strange that this voice line had never been heard before.

Someone in the barrage also pointed out these points which caused everyone to angrily roar.

[Oh my God! The developer is really cruel!]

[How are normal citizens going to trigger this voice line?!]

[Call someone strong to play with you in the low elo lmao]

[Wow, this is like witnessing a historical moment!]

[I bet this video is going to explode tomorrow...]

[Number 009: Can I ask you a question?]

Fu Yue was promptly pulled back to his senses due to 009's question. Noticing that the direction of the chat had shifted to them once more he hurriedly ended the stream.

"Okay, the stream ends here. See you tomorrow!"

Before Fu Yue was able to close the stream, he involuntarily caught sight of a message in the bullet chat.

[Is Gege asking Yueyue to go out with him?!]

Seeing this, he was momentarily stunned.

Even though he didn't want to overthink things, he couldn't help but become nervous staring at the chat interface.

[No Inted Just Bad: Ok]

After giving him consent, Fu Yue's heart couldn't help but speed up as he waited for 009 to finish typing.

... If 009 asks him out, what will he say?

Fu Yue has been asked out by a lot of people in the past but he has never been as nervous as he is now.

Recalling all the hints from before and 009 picking Caesar to play with him, Fu Yue began to doubt his initial judgment.

To make things worse, 009 who normally typed so fast suddenly had difficulty typing as if he kept deleting his message due to nervousness about asking someone out.

Arriving at this conclusion, Fu Yue's eyes widened in shock. He was finally convinced that everyone was right all along!

009 is really making a move on him!

With guilt in his eyes, Fu Yue steeled his heart and decided to take the initiative to reject the man.

As a result, two messages from two different men appeared almost at the same time talking about two completely different topics but forming a proper conversation.

[Number 009: Sorry for the late introduction. I am Wei Chen, Silence from Tianmeng. I think we are going to be good partners, therefore, I would like to invite you to join Tianmeng. You can take your time to consider my offer and ask me any questions.]

[No Inted Just Bad: I am sorry but I have to say no...]

Wei Chen who got rejected in a lightning speed, "..."

Fu Yue who just finished reading the message and realized that he had fucked himself over, "..."