La Squadra Esecuzi, the hitman squad. A branch of the "Passione" Mafia. The squad was formerly led by the illusive and infamous Risotto Nero until the deaths of each member, Risotto included. As fate itself would have it...Risotto was robbed of his victory over Diavolo. Due to this...Fate seems to have given him another chance in a unfamiliar and rather bizzare world...A world much like his own. Yet, for each similarity the new world holds...there is vast differences at hand. From a entirely different language, to evil beasts of pure darkness, Risotto must now face a new and much more insidious enemy then rival gangs and internal threats. Will Risotto Nero become a despised and feared assassin? Or will he instead become a honorable huntsmen? Or perhaps...Will they be a bit of both? _____________________________________ DISCLAIMER: RWBY is property of RoosterTeeth and Monty Oum. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is property of David Productions and Hiroki Araki. PLEASE SUPPORT THE OFFICAL RELEASE(S)