
Upgrading Asgardian Weapons



"Thor is coming here with Hulk and Valkyrie. What do you want me to do about them?"

"Let them come, We still need the Tesseract from Loki, don't we?"

"We do….And about Heimdall?"

"You seem awfully obsessed with him. Don't Worry, I have already asked Skurge to start eliminating the prisoners if Heimdall doesn't bring the sword."


It was early in the morning and Tony and Hela were still talking in the garden. As soon as one topic got over, he would turn the conversation towards a different topic.

He asked her about her time in Hel, about how was it, about her adversaries in their quest to conquer the Nine Realms and he also told her about his sad past he showed Wanda earlier to gain some sympathy points.

"By the way, where is the Uru ore?" inquired Tony with a curious look.

"Where is the repulsar tech you were talking about on Midgard?" Hela questioned back.

Tony simply put a hand in his pocket and pulled out a vibranium card. Hela was intrigued by the shining card when Tony suddenly threw it on the ground and it became a working table with many equipments on it. He then put a hand in his another pocket and flipped out a handful of similar cards just to see Hela's surprised face.

"Nano Technology" whispered Tony near Hela's ears which made her even more intrigued.

It was not Nanotechnology by any stretch in reality. Tony had just used Pym particles to shrink them and then designed them like Nanotech to hide his ability to shrink and enhance the size of anything.

Tony then asked her again about the Uru ore and she simply stated

"First you serve, and then you get your reward."

Finally after a very long time, Hela showed him his Room in the Asgardian Palace and left.


Tony sat on a comfortable chair in his room and thought

'Games….She wants to play games with me? hahahaha….Need Tesseract from Loki? Bitch he doesn't even have it. It is still in Odin's vault yet you are not telling me….'

A Virtual screen then appeared in Tony's mind which had multiple videos playing. Tony then focused on one of the videos in which a Berserker, one of Hela's pawn was guarding the Odin's vault. The Vibranium fly which was sitting afar on a pillar then shrunk and hid to avoid being detected and Tony opened his eyes again.

'So she did increased the security to avoid Loki from entering the vault.'

Tony then focused again on different screens but he couldn't find what he was looking for and closed his eyes to open them again with a yellow glint.




Hela was watching over Fenrir who was still sleeping and started to speak

"He is the same as me….But his main problem is that he is still foolishly trusty of people he don't know. This flaw in him could be very fatal for him in the future….We can't have that. I shall temper him first."

She was reminiscing about how Tony just trusted her to treat him fairly after arriving to Asgard, and just casually showed her his most valuable secrets such as Mirror Dimension and Nanotechnology.

The reason she didn't gave Tony Tesseract even after having it right under her nose and having no need for it was that she wanted him to think that Loki did indeed had it. So after he comes to Asgard to kill her, she could instead kill Loki and then give the Tesseract to Tony making him feel that the price she had to pay for the said Tesseract was too big. Tony would then surely feel hugely indebted to her and then it would be easy for her to make him be forever loyal to her.

The other reason was obviously that she didn't trusted him fully as she was betrayed by her own father in the past so believing a stranger was a little bit difficult for her.

As Hela was reminiscing all of it, A berserker appeared beside her and told her that her guest Tony was asking for everyone's weapons.

"Oh really? Then what are you standing here for? Give him your weapons."

"Yes, My Queen"



Hela then went to her Throne room to find Tony casually upgrading a weapon of her Berserker in the middle of the hall on a table he showed her this morning.

Fenrir also arrived with her and when he noticed Tony, he started growling

"Shh….He's okay" Said Hela in playful tone.

Everyone bowed to Hela upon her arrival instead of Tony who just nodded at her and then kept working on the weapon.

"Here, Try and use it now" Said Tony to a Berserker while throwing an upgraded spear at his direction.

The Berserker caught the spear and with a grunt, went outside the palace and targeted at a random house.

A bright blue light appeared from his spear and with a flash, the upper floor of the said house disappeared.

"Impressive" Remarked Hela.

Listening to her say that, Tony got up from his seat and went up to her before saying

"Let me study your weapon so I can design an upgrade for it."

"You sure? It's a Necrosword….Anyone other than me will get their souls sucked out of their bodies upon direct contact with it."

Tony stumbled back two steps as he kept staring at Hela and then shrugged it while saying with an embarrassed smile

"I should've known...I can't even lift Mjolnir, so Your weapon will obviously be more powerful"

Hela chuckled at his realization and manifested her Necrosword before throwing it towards Tony without any prior warnings.

Tony acted as if he was taken off guard and caught the Blade. Everyone in the room was waiting for something to happen but after waiting for a few seconds, they all looked surprised and Tony released a sigh.

"For a Goddess of Death, you sure like to play pranks." remarked Tony before taking the sword to his desk and scanning it with some virtual holograms and then giving it back to her.

Tony then kept making different weapons powered by his repulsar tech and after a while, he packed everything up and went back to his room.




Thor, Hulk and Valkyrie were on their way to Asgard when they detected a protective shield around Asgard. Thor tried to use his powers so that the barrier would allow him access, but to his surprise, the barrier didn't even responded.

"She changed the barrier!" Stated Thor with frustration after trying several times to undo the barrier.

"Don't worry, we still have another way." Said Valkyrie with a shaky voice.

Thor was surprised to hear her say that as even he didn't know any backdoor to Asgard and he was suppose to be the King.

Under Thor and Banner's curious eyes, she said with a sad face

"There is an entry point to Asgard from Hel. All-Father showed it to us Valkyries when we were going to Hel to fight with Hela. But that way is extremely dangerous. It's a maze and if anyone gets lost in it, they are lost there for the rest of the eternity."

"Wait wait wait….Lost for all eternity? Are you sure we can't just break the protective shield?" Said Banner with some resignation.

Banner was obviously more intelligent than Thor and wanted to take all the different kinds of possible approaches before risking to lose himself for all eternity.



Tony was in his room watching Television but the video playing on the T.V. was of Loki, who was also following the Revengers, encounter the Protective Shield around Asgard.

'An Idiot God who thinks his father Odin was a messiah, A highly narcissistic and mischievous god who betrays and schemes against everyone, An All-Seeing and All hearing Sentry who sees nearly everything but is powerless to do anything about it and A naive Goddess who just killed people her entire life at the orders of Odin and has no ounce of political and social skill....which was also the reason for her exile to Hel by the way.

Heh, And people wonder why Asgard got destroyed. No wonder Thanos had it easy with the Space Stone….'

So for those people who think that Tony is being submissive...Well, Tony is not Hulk, people. He has a brain from which he tricks and manipulates people. Hela is a very proud and arrogant Goddess of Death...If he is disrespectful to her for no reason at all then he could be in deep shit. Don't forget that She is the Goddess of Death and has Eternal flame and Tesseract with several other treasures in her possession.

And the fact that she is in Asgard where her powers are the strongest.

Lumpish_Haggardcreators' thoughts