
The Mercenary In Marvel

"How can one guy cause this much trouble? Destruction? And terror? If he can do this much, then we have no other choice. We must eliminate The Shogun." ______________________________________________________________ Mercenary: a person who will do any job for money no matter the cost. That is what the one called Shogun does for a living. His actions have caused enough stir to gain S.H.I.E.L.D's attention and, unknown to the entire world, H.Y.D.R.A. What they will do to the mercenary is unknown, but if there is one thing these two agencies are doing is underestimating what Shogun can do. **Three Chapter Per Week**

TheListless · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

The Warning

I shift the stick and pick up to a speed of 130mph and saw I was leaving everyone behind. "Hold on tight!" I yell. I hit the brakes and done a one eighty and drove fast back to the two cars and stayed in front of one. "What are you doing!? Stop, stop the car!" he yells.

"I thought you wanted me to surrender?" I mock him. "Okay, if you say so."

I hit the brakes, with enough force to send Captian America flying to the car in front of me as it swerves to a stop. "Bastards." I mumble and took off once more. The second car is all I have to worry about.

A third thud came and I look up to see red and white suit with wings. "Oh give me a fucking break for gods sake!!" I growl and pick up speed. The person on top lost footing immediately and starts flying once more.

"Where is it? Where is it?" I mumble as I rummage threw my bag and found a cube with purple lines pulsating. "Here goes nothing." A blast hit the car from the back that sent me flying to the air and the car spinning on the ground.


The car continues to turn until it stops upside down with the entire car destroyed and in ruin. The two cars stop a few meters behind with the two fliers landing on the ground.

"What the hell Tony?! We're suppose to capture him, not kill him!" Clint shouts in anger as he gets out of the passenger seat from one car.

Nat came out of the drivers while Bucky and Steve came out from the back. T'Challa, Scott, and Bruce came out from the second car, with the special guest Falcon being the fourth person in the car but took off in the air.

"Relax, Legolas. That blast didn't hit the gas to make it explode. J.A.R.V.I.S, scan the car." Tony's suit scans the destroyed car and lights up when it detects something inside. "He lives." Tony answers nonchalantly.

"If anything, he's probably unconscious from that blast." Steve and Bucky nod at each other and walk first to the car in front of the ruin car.

They grab on to the car's door and pull it off with their inhumane strength. Looking inside was Shogun with his eyes closed and still.

"He's unconscious. We got him-" Without able to fight back, Steve and Bucky were sent flying with wires tied around their midsection and stuck together back to back.

"Steve!" Natasha yells and runs towards the two super humans but was as well trapped with the same wires.

Shogun crawls out from the car and shoots again at Clint to stop him from shooting at him with an arrow. Shogun brings out the cube he had a hold on and threw it at the remainder of the heroes as a purple force field surrounds them.

"What is this?" T'Challa questions as he tries to break through. The others try to but to no avail.

"Relax," Shogun limps towards the force field and stands tall. "It'll go away after fifteen minutes. And when those fifteen minutes pass, I'll be gone once more. Thanks for the Vibranium and new weapon. Might make some modification since it looks too cat-like for my taste." Shogun informs the trapped group.

"You won't get away with this, Shogun. We know you have killed our agents and you will pay the price." Steve shouts at the mercenary. Shogun glances to the two super humans, "You do realize that agent was a smuggler using your weapons to send to Africa right? If anything, I did you a favor."

"Yes, I have killed many of your agents. But they were people that were using you for their own good. I may be a mercenary, but I'm not that heartless. Well, give or take." Shogun replies smugly. "I don't trust your government, I don't trust anyone unless they have money to pay me. I'm a mercenary whether you like it or not."

"But you're just a kid!" Everyone turn their heads towards the voice that was talking, which ended up being Scott. "You told me your age. Seventeen. What's a kid like you doing something this dangerous? Why are you doing this?"

The Avengers and friends were shocked to the new found information they are receiving from Ant-Man. They're not dealing with some adult, this is a child they're dealing with! A delinquent.

"My apologies for telling you my age. I thought you were a normal person until I had a closer look at your face and realized who you were."

"It doesn't matter anymore. Is there someone making you do this? We can help you! The Avengers can track down the person forcing you to do all their dirty work." Scott retorts. The two just stare at each other for a moment until the mercenary starts chuckling then the chuckling turn into a full blown laughter.

"You .... you think someone is making me do this!?" Shogun laughs. "No one is making me do anything. I make my own rules!" He continues to laugh a bit more and soon calms down and takes a breather to catch his footing.

Scott frowns at how he is taking this as a joke and can't help but feel bad for the child. Who was forced into doing jobs and killing for others just to survive.

"Look, I appreciate the sentiment but I don't need it. I've been doing this for more than ten years. And look what happens, I got the Avengers plus friends going after me and look what happens!" He points to all the heroes, smiling widely behind his mask, "Trapped. Unable to break free. Though I do see that we are missing one. No worries, it's great to see how desperate your government is to kill me."

The last comment made everyone confuse and look at one other. Did he actually think they are trying to execute him? "S.H.I.E.L.D and H.Y.D.R.A both trying to get rid of me-"

"H.Y.D.R.A is back!?"

Shogun turns to Bucky who had a shocked look on his face. "Your lying-"

"They've been after me for quite a while. Six months I believe." Shogun realizes the ex-soldier was part of H.Y.D.R.A, maybe he knows something. He quickly takes out his notepad and flips back through a couple sheets while walking towards the tied super humans.

"Is this their symbol?" Shogun shows Bucky the dreaded symbol of the group that cause nothing but pain and agony. He only nods once to answer and spoke,

"They experiment, torture, force you to do jobs that you do."

Shogun widens his eye and steps back a few from Bucky. What surprises the duo is seeing the fear in his eye. "That's why they're after me .... "

He then glares at Steve and pulls his gun at him, "This is why S.H.I.E.L.D is after me! They sent you didn't they? Teaming up with you fucking humans?! Where are they? Using both of you to take me back! I'm not going back you hear me! I am never going back to them!" Shogun yells.

He pulls back the gun and brings out his hover board quickly. "I'm not an experiment anymore and I will fight my way out again. If I see any of you or your fucking agents, I will kill without mercy!" Shogun puts his gun away, gets on his hover board and takes off as quickly as he can to avoid being captured.

Everyone was left baffled, lost, and confused as to what just happen in the span of five minutes.

Ten minutes later, the force field and the wire traps disappear and broke down to let the others out. It was too late to go after him now that he had made his escape to who knows where. Probably out of Africa by now seeing how fast he went.

"Well" Tony starts to speak, "that escalated quickly. Anyone else here confused on to what the hell was he talking about?"

"What did he mean by 'experiment?" Scott questioned.

"And who is 'they' he kept mentioning?" Natasha adds. Now it's suspicious to all of them. If one of S.H.I.E.L.D's top agent is questioning the mission instead of staying silent, that is something they now have to look into and ask Fury.

Something isn't completely adding up with capturing one mercenary. Well they see now this person isn't a normal mercenary, whoever he is.

"He looked .... scared when he started thinking about it." Steve mention to his friends. "But how and why is H.Y.D.R.A is back is the question. And what made them be involved in capturing Shogun?"

"If H.Y.D.R.A is being how they were back then, they want to use him as a weapon." Bucky answers monotonely. "He has weapons and gadgets that were made by him and can fight. That can be one thing Shogun is involved with them."

"Then what's the other?" Bruce asked.

"Shogun has made H.Y.D.R.A angry."


"So not only did you have help to capture Shogun, you all failed and let him escape!" Fury roared at the Avengers. Everyone was there since they were involved with Shogun and must face Fury's scolding.

"I wouldn't say we let him escape" Tony said casually. "More like, he had the technology to make a getaway."

"Guns, bombs, traps, and even a car," All the pictures appear one after another when Fury calls the weapons out. "And that car was installed with guns as well. What's worse is we could've used that car to see where Shogun is. But it exploded instead."

Apprently the mercenary was smart enough to self destruct the car before anyone can get their hands on it and use it against him. "Since you all fail to catch one person, I will start a manhunt for him"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up Fury. We can't do that." Steve intervenes.

"He has killed our agents!" Fury roars in anger.

"Agents who were undercover and working for others." Natasha answers. Pictures of dead "agents" appear on screen and extra files on their true selves.

"These people are smugglers, dealers, thieves, all killed by Shogun himself. Shogun left this USB for us to see the people who have been using S.H.I.E.L.D," Natasha continues her argument, "But now since we have angered him, any agents we send after him or any one of us, will be killed. Shogun will not hold back."

"And what makes you so sure he will actually-"

The entire room went dark for a moment causing everyone look around in shock and find the problem. "Get the lights back on." A light turns on behind Fury, everyone gasps to see a face they are hunting.

"I'm guessing you didn't bother taking my warning." Fury looks back and glares at Shogun who is sitting down, arms crossed on the table with nothing behind him. "When I said I will kill any agents after me, I mean it. Now you have eight less agents." The camera shifts and points to a pile of dead bodies on the ground.

The room stays silent and struck in horror to see dead bodies of their comrades who were taken too soon. Shogun said he killed eight agents, so why does it look there are more than eight?

"If you're wondering why there are more bodies, H.Y.D.R.A came before," the camera shifts back to Shogun who was now leaning back on his chair.

"You know, all of this could've been avoided if you heeded my warning." The Avengers look at Fury in confusion of what is happening. They just told Fury about the warning from the mercenary. Unless ..

"Wait, the look on your faces." Shogun says as he sits up and leans towards the camera. He opens his mouth and smiles widely but it hides behind the mask, "Oh my god! Not even twenty hour hours after what happen in Africa! You lied to them! Let me guess, they just told you about me giving a warning will kill S.H.I.E.L.D agents or them if they come after me?"

**Read Bellow**

Who do you want as the heroine in this story? I'm not sure about harem as people have mixed feelings about them but if the majority want it then that's what will happen.

Just put Harem or No harem and the one I see that has the most people voting for will become the winner.

2137 Words

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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