
The Wooden Train Model.

19th Of Sunt, 5018. 

Ezekiel woke up early in the morning, as usual. He got off his bed and got dressed up for work. Once he had had his breakfast, he packed his back with the necessary things he need, before heading off to the office by entering the tram.

As he entered the train, he thought of everything that had happened.  He had been working extra hard all day, for the past few weeks, to build a small model part for the train, and then see if his component fitted with the others. 

There have been many failures. Whether it be imperfections, small measurement mistakes, or any other, each and every one of them costed hours of Ezekiel's life to fix it up. In the end, he managed to make the perfect model.

The tram soon stops, allowing him to leave. He walks over to his office, and to his workstation. There, he grabs the wooden model of the cylinder component that he was assigned and looks at it.