
Testing The Parts

30th of Sunt, 5018.

Ezekiel walked down the street while talking to a co-worker. They had met up on the tram ride, on the way to the testing site. It had been 12 days since they presented their wooden models, to be assembled into one large train.

When it was made clear that it was good to go, the managers sent the blueprints to a few firms to build the necessary components. They have been informed that they have been completed just 2 days ago, and were sent to the office yesterday. Today, they will test the components they have designed, to see if they hold up. 

The two enter the testing field, which was a new building constructed by the palace, specifically for testing these things. It was a large compound made of bricks, sealed away by a large wall. They walked up to the gate and presented the passcode to enter.