
Problems & Solutions (1)

Kant was sitting on his swivel chair inside his office, just waiting around. He was seen wearing his long-sleeved white shirt, his black tie, black pants, and a pair of black leather shoes. He had his hair cut recently, with the left side of his hair combed down and a little back, while the right side of his hair combed back.*

He had his hand holding up his head, while his right hand rested on the desktop. His jet-black eyes were looking straight at the door, keeping a long face, just patiently waiting for the minister to arrive. As he waited, he thinks back to the decision he had made, and all the regrets he had made.

He starts to remember all the stupid things he had done, both in this world and in his past. These memories played back in his head, over and over again, just torturing him and reminding him of the unchangeable past that he had committed to. He cringed at all of it.

Knock. Knock. Knock.