
Giving Up A Note

A few hours earlier...

The glass window allowed the sun rays to flash past and hit the faces of Lisa and Sofia, who were both comfortably sleeping in their beds. The heat of the rays as well as the light got the two to awaken from their dreams. Sofia and Lisa hopped out of bed, took their towels, and got a bath.

Once they were done, they switched to their gowns. Lisa put on her usual black gown while Sofia put on her white gown. While Lisa's gown was particularly minimalistic, Sofia's gown was embedded with flowers, leaves, and other tiny details.

Lisa chose her black gown to match her black hair, while Sofia, for the first few months, wore a yellow gown because she liked the color. However, that changes today, when she decides to watch her ice-blond hair by wearing the white one. The rest of their characters were pretty much the same. They both had ice-blue eyes, round faces, and small noses.

With the two sisters were ready, they took their books and swiftly made it over to the classroom. Sofia wanted to come over later, but Lisa always forced her hand into making it there earlier than everyone. Once they pick their seat, they wait for the rest of the class, as well as the professor to come.

Once everyone arrived, the class finally began. As usual, Lisa was the one paying attention, while Sofia dozed off into her daydreams, despite possessing similar intellect. The classes featured history, foreign languages, and magic. Magic classes were usually separated into their types, kind of like how science is split into biology, chemistry, and physics. However, for their years, it was just magic for now.

They were currently in history class. Lisa stared at the board, which featured a drawing of the Aceaton continent, while Sofia had her head held up by her hands while sitting next to her sister as always.

"Now, students. Can you tell what the meaning of a conflict is?" the professor asked. Lisa immediately raised her hands.

"Lisa?" she stood up

"A conflict, in regards to the context of war, is a dispute among two or more leaders who desire to fulfill their interest by forcing it upon the losers."

"That is correct! Good job as always Lisa. Sit down." The professor starts dividing the parts of the continent into three separate groups.

"In the year 2042 I.C., a great war was fought along three different religious groups. These were the Angelisist, the winners of the war, the Palonites, the existing regime, and the Cantonese, which was a small group.

Now, this war lasted a few years till the Angelisists won. How they managed to win, we will get into those detail later. What I think you all should know for today... is the aftermath.

Just like every other major war before, the winners often executed the losers, being the elite of the defeated regime, and initiated a new world order of sorts. The world that arises afterward is similar but yet different from what it was before. This behavior has been seen to have happened a few times throughout millennia..."

The professor continued on with Once a class is over, they would usually get a break for a good period of time, before needing to go back to class again. Once they got their break, a strange man in janitorial peasant clothes, came up, gave them a letter, and told them to read it in secret in their rooms, now.

"Why? What for?"

"It's from your parents. That's why."

With that, the two siblings remained silent. They decided that their best course of action get back to their rooms. When they arrived, they saw a boy, with ice-blond hair, glistening ice-blue eyes, and a round face like theirs.

"Say, Edward. May I ask you what you are doing in our quarters?" Sofia asked.

"Same as you two. I got something from a janitor, who told me to come here," he replied. The two sighed.

"So, you got one too, huh?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, I did indeed."

"Well, if that is so, then I might have a suggestion."

"Go on Sofia."

"Say, shall we all read it together? Considering we found ourselves willingly confined to this room, we might as well "

"Um... sure. On the condition, Lisa accepts," Sofia said. The two waited for her response.

"Sure, brother," Lisa replied.

She took out the letter while the other two decided to gather around. According to the letter, they will need to pack their most important things, because a bunch of men will come to pick them up at dawn, to bring them over to the boat. Although the letter didn't state why the three children felt something fishy was going on."

"So... what should we do?" Lisa asked. The trio remained silent, not wanting to vocalize their thoughts. They first made sure that nobody was around there before they start to voice their opinions.

"Alright... since no one is roaming around the halls, please speak your minds."

"Hm... maybe a war?"

"A war?"

"Yes. We learned this in our history class today. Think about it. Our mother and the Queen here have not been on good terms, as far as I know."

"Dearest sister, don't you think it would be too extreme for the both of them to risk the lives of people for their petty quarrels?"

"This is not about them. It's about the angelisist church."

"What do you mean?" Edward questioned her, just as confused as much as Sofia was.

"I will keep it short. Last month, do you two remember what the queen told you about the church?"

"Yes, I remember it clearly." Sofia nodded with Edward on his statement. But then, a wave of horror goes across both their faces.

"That is right. A religious war. One that attempts to overthrow the current angelisist church, in favor of her own. Just like the past before us, there will be blood."

"So... what do we do?" Edward asked.

"Personally, I think we better hand the note to a trusted official or a teacher. Maybe the principal himself."

"What? Why?" Sofia asked in shock.

"Sister, did you not listen to what went on in history class?" Lisa questioned her sister in an annoyed tone.


"Once the war is over, the losing side will get eliminated in order to bring in a new order. That is how it always goes."

"So... why do you think they will win?"

"It's simple. They first have Queen Rose Valline herself, who is said to be a prodigy, even among the elites! Second of all, she has ensured the use of a new weapon to help her gain victory."

"You mean..."

"Yes. That. If we turn ourselves in, we may get to live. Maybe... even thrive?"

"But... but our mother? Our father? What about them?" Sofia said. The two girls looked down with their hands on their heads. Tears started to drop from the girl's eyes as the overbearing emotions went over the two as they realized the gravity of the situation. Edward, who did manage to hold his tears, was still in shock.

He sat on a chair and started thinking it all through. Despite everything, his parents still meant a lot to him. They have been there for him all his life, taking care of him, and loving him. He may have wanted the throne, but he still cared for his parents.

"We should do it," Edward said.

"What?" the two girls asked, with tears still pouring out. He gets up from the chair and started to explain his choice.

"Listen to me. Presumably, if she takes over the continent, that would mean she would need people to run the new territories right?"

"Well... yes."

"That is where we can come in. If we deflect, we might be able to convince her to keep our mother, father, and brother alive! How does that sound?" he asked. The two girls thought about it.

"...alright. I agree with you. And you, Sofia?"

Sofia was still in deep thought. She never expected a moment like this to actually come to fruition. She felt helpless, yet... she remembered someone. She remembered... him. Sofia took a deep breath, turned to her siblings, and replied.

"Alright... Let's do it."