
Alan Brings Some News!

16th of Procidens, 5018.

It was a bright, sunny morning. Kant was found in his office, with an open book on his desk, a sheet of paper on his table, and a pen in his hand. He was finally learning how to read and write in cursive. He had previously struggled and even refused to learn it.

He blamed the teacher, who his child self classified as to be the Devil incarnate, for wanting to torture him for fun, by punishing him for every tiny mistake he made. Even though they did get rid of her, he was traumatized by the experience. Now, he had moved on from that trauma and started to learn cursive once again.

As he was in the middle of his self-taught lessons, Kant hears a knock on his door. He puts down the book, paper, and pen before he allowed whoever is on the other side to enter. Alan enters the room and bowed down to greet Kant with a good morning.

"Good morning sir! I got some news for you!" Alan told Kant.