
The Maverick

It's a sin to demean a woman. To think that kingdoms live and die while her country is still fighting against corruption. Mabel, however believes in overruling customs. She will defend her country, if that makes her a maverick so be it. Things, however, take an ugly turn when the very enemy starts to claw his way into her heart. 'From pretending to be a boy so I could attend school for the past seven years to working as a Euonian male servant in an Ataraxian household to earn money for my schooling, I had done everything for which my family could lose its standing in Euonia.' ... "If you for one moment believe that I'll beg for your mercy, death will bring great joy to my heart."

kookie1601_xo · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Prologue I

"She is a beautiful baby," exclaimed the plump nurse. "Congratulations." Altheda held her daughter with tears in her eyes. She knew what lay ahead of this newborn's life, a life as oppressed as hers, an insult upon seeing her brothers and control, a ton of it. Her baby girl looked at her, regarded her with warm brown eyes that seemed to say, 'I will always look up to you.' She didn't know if she was deserving of this faith, the faith that this girl would come to have on her in the future. Her own mother had always succumbed to her father's whims. The women in this country were used to being treated like a servant, they were all maids to someone, be it their family or the customs that still governed them.

The war had just begun when she was married at the young age of 21. The war which had now become as dangerous as a bomb; seconds ticking off slowly before the explosion left their country like all the others, as lifeless as a corpse. Eunoia was still struggling under the incessant rule of Ataraxia; the country ruling all but eight countries, countries which were falling gradually. Eunoia wasn't a weak country by any means, it's power had been diluted by the steady spreading corruption. She would be the one to know. After all, her family owned one of the major publishing companies in the country.

The jolly Ataraxian nurse returned with her husband, Ragnar Randiki. His expression, however was something so unexpected that a surge of hope ran through her heart. "Are you in pain?" he asked.... meekly. Ragnar was the not kind of man to show any vulnerability, he had been harsh with her more often than she'd like to admit. "Isn't she beautiful?" she asked instead and beckoned him to come closer. His eyes finally fell on the little girl who now seemed to be looking back and forth between the two of them. He looked up at Altheda and answered, "She's exquisite. Thank You." Something passed between them at the moment. Altheda had never expected Ragnar to be so accepting, she had seen the look on his face when the doctor had announced that she was to birth a girl. It had broken her heart but now standing in front of her, the look of awe on his face was suggesting something completely different. That's when their parents entered followed by the rest of the family. Ragnar's father took one look at the girl. "She will be called Drea Randiki," he stated and turned.

"NO, she won't." Breathing hitched and muscles tensed. Not once had anyone in the family dared disagree with Angosin Randiki, outright disobedience was incomprehensible. Altheda hadn't quite meant to sound as challenging but for some reason, her mouth didn't betray away her fear. Her father-in-law turned slowly. "Was that directed at me?" he asked, every word asking her to apologize. "I respect you father but I had something else in mind for my little girl," she spoke courageously. Before Angosin could say something, Ragnar interrupted him. "What do you have in mind?" he questioned making his mother gape at him; another unexpected reaction which made Altheda even more determined.



"It means beautiful," she elaborated.

Several moments passed before Ragnar spoke, "Mabel Audenzia Randiki. That will be her name." Altheda couldn't help herself a small smile of victory when the hospital door banged shut a few seconds later.

Audenzia, the one who dares and is fearless; she lent Altheda the strength to stand up to Angosin for the very first time in three years.