
Chapter 3: BALLS FOR TWO

Sir, we need your signature for check in " the audible female voice called out behind the door

"Tomorrow, it's late" he said to the lady at the other side of the door. He didn't need any company at this point, all he needed was peace, quiet and a warm bath. At least he was away from Sophia he could have a good night rest

"Top of the morning Jude" the soft baritone voice of Francis called out with sleepy eyes

"Morning sir " he replied with a bit excitement in his voice

"What's My schedule for today" sitting up in the beautiful masters bed, he rubbed his eyes with the back of his palm nicely

"You have a flight to catch by 3 sir"

"A flight?" A bit confused on where he was going

"Yes sir, you and your wife have a flight by 3 today "

"Sophia and I" Francis scoffed a little, he wasn't sure when he made plans to travel much more with Sophia

"Your father, sir Timothy paid for a four weeks honey moon vacation for your blissful Union" with light sarcasm in Jude's voice, Francis was in total disbelief

"I don't have time for jokes Jude, what's my schedule for today" the stern seriousness in his voice was audible

"I'm serious sir, we have informed your wife's assistant Lilian to relay the message to your wife "

"You got to be kidding me, I have a meeting with the Singapore group tomorrow, I can't be going on a vacation Jude"

"All your meetings for the coming weeks have been rescheduled for after the vacation, the Singapore teams President sends him warm regards and congratulations " his father was definitely a pin in the ass for doing this



"Call Josephine Father's PA and schedule a call with him this moment " there was a loud continuous bang on the door. He took in a deep breath closing his eyes a bit, how the hell did she find his room

"Duke" she yelled at the other end of the door

Opening the door, he was welcomed to a furious Sophia, hair wrapped in a messy bun, her face with a bit puff and eyes swollen from a good night rest

"What do you mean a four weeks vacation, Francis Duke" she was shocked to her bone when she received a call from Lilian as early as 7am that she was scheduled for a flight

"Good morning Sophia" he greeted her walking toward his bed as he sat looking at her

"Keep your greetings to yourself Mr Duke, what do you mean by a four weeks honey moon vacation" she tried her hardest to talk nicely but her demeanor showed she was far from happy

"It's a vacation gift from my father "

"I don't care if it's a gift from heaven at this point, I have work to do Mr Duke, for crying out loud I have a meeting with the prime minister of England today "her voice slowly raised as she spoke.

She had called the reception immediately she heard got the news of her supposed vacation for the whereabouts of her husband, and he was just a few rooms away from her

"It took us 7 whole months to schedule a meeting and it was rescheduled because of a vacation, do you know what that means Mr Duke" pacing around the room a bit as she spoke

" I don't have the time, the leisure,the patience, the strength to travel across the country, basking under the sun sipping cocktails in an island I know nothing about" she was raged and angry, placing her fingers on her temples trying to calm her nerves but she was far from being calm

"Do something about this Duke and I mean every single word I say " she paused a bit at the realization of how dumb the idea was

"Who on earth goes on a four weeks vacation Duke" she paused looking at him as he watched her like a little child ranting. She definitely didn't believe it was Sir Timothy's idea

"I do" he finally said

"And I think you need it Sophia, you're full of anger and rage. It will really help you calm your nerves "he absolutely loved seeing her worked up and angry

"Now listen to me Mr Fabulous " she walked close to him invading his personal space a bit calling out a spiteful nickname

"If you go around partying and drinking in Miami because you have daddy's money, I don't . I work hard and very hard to keep the legacy my late father built, so you'll have the decency to cancel this clown show of a vacation you're talking about "

"I'll do no such thing" a soft smirk drew on his lips as he spoke

"Then I will" she pulled away from him a bit looking at him with so much authority

He felt the hair at the nape of his neck tingle a bit

She walked out of the room. Annoyed to her bone, what did he mean by she needed it. Rolling her eyes as she poured a cold glass of wine from the bottle she ordered last night

"Good morning sir Timothy" she adjusted nicely as she spoke over the phone with a bright voice

"Good morning Sophia " the warm voice of the elderly man spoke over the phone calmly

"My husband and I are really happy about the surprise honey moon vacation you planned for us, that was so thoughtful of you " speaking nicely

"That's not a problem Sophia, there are definitely more gifts to come"

"And more deals and contract don't you think"they bother Laughed lightly at their business jokes.

Sophia was thinking business deals and signing contracts at the back end of her marriage with Sir Timothy's son.

It was going to definitely draw a lot of foreign investors that partnered with his company to hers

"But four weeks sir Timothy, I'll definitely be coming back with a baby" he laughed loudly at her jokes. Babies weren't even the closest to the list or possibility with Mr Duke

"Oh Sophia, you've made my morning already"

"I'm glad I did" the obvious smile in her voice as she was happy to soften his mood

"My husband and I planned on taking just one week from the four weeks vacation and spreading the rest of the three weeks through the whole year, what do you think about that sir Timothy" she asked politely.

One thing Sophia knew was how to convince anyone and everyone to do what she wants. Either by gentle persuasion or by force

"Anyone is fine, I'll just let the resort know both of you are staying for just a week"

"Oh thank you so much sir Timothy, that's so kind of you" she placed her palm on her chest as she spoke dramatically over the phone

"Anything for both of you " she ended the call as soon as he was done speaking

 Francis walked into her room uninvited as she sipped the cold glass of wine

"Isn't it to early to be drinking" he asked standing at the door . She rolled her eyes at him and said nothing

"You sure have some balls" he complimented her, his father had called to tell him how proud he was about him getting married and his agreement to rescheduling their vacation

"At least I have for both of us" she sipped her wine ,legs crossed on the seat in the living area of her room

"You wish" he scoffed at her and walked out of her room

"The flight leaves by 3, we need to get to the airport as soon as possible" she said nothing in response to him. She got what she wanted and that was the most important thing