
The Master's Pet (GirlxGirl) canceled

A new world has begun where humans were no longer at the top. The vampires have taken over and have put everyone else at the bottom. Hatspehut and her older brother Odin end up being captured and sold into slavery as body guards for the vampires. Hatspehut quickly decides that she will not be anyone's slave and plots to escape. Will her plans go up in flames when she meets her new master, or will her wolf sprit tell her to run? First written in the summer of 2013. A tip from me: Don't read a book just for the sake of reading it. Read to understand why it was written and reflect on what and who the characters are. Note: There are many stories like this out there on the web, but this one is mine. If you see similarities then you see them. It is not necessary for you to say it in the comments because I already know. We all take inspiration from somewhere. Just because two genius writers have the same idea does not mean that one copied from the other or vise versa. It just means we are geniuses. Be mindful and respectful of writers because we all put in our best efforts to give you amazing stories. These are our creations and we adore them. Please keep that in mind. -------- story by Luna

random_person11 · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Chapter 41


Mercy had fallen asleep after a while. Saryia and my Hatspehut were still... I can't even say it, it makes me cringe to say that when it comes to the two of them. I still can't believe that I actually said that I didn't love my girl anymore. That was the biggest lie I have ever told. I almost jumped up that night to express my love to my dear Hatspehut.

Damn Saryia! She has brainwashed Hatspehut. She has turned herself into a drug to Hatspehut. I just feel like storming into the room and beat Saryia senseless. I believe this party just to be some huge spell to make my love hers forever. I must save Hatspehut, but what more can I do? I have tried to make love to her so she would remember. I admit that I slipped a tonic into her tea to help break Saryia's spell. There is one more thing, but... no! I couldn't bring myself to doing that to my precious girl, yet it might be the only way.

I get out the bed, not making a sound so I don't wake Mercy. I look at the sleeping girl in my bed. Her long red hair covers half of her face. My heart slowed down. I am disgusted with myself, I can't believe that I have to sleep with this treacherous snake! What other choice do I have she will kill my love if I don't. I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower.

I put on my black business suit, I have some of my own stuff to handle today. Saryia and I are business partners. She handles most of the stuff, but I also take care of some things. Today I have to meet with some of our department heads and supervisors. Pretty boring, but I have to do it since Saryia doesn't know how to talk to people without threatening them.

I put my hair back into a ponytail, but keep some of my bangs out. I sigh and fix my jacket. Why must I have to do this so early in the morning. I didn't get any rest because of Saryia putting more of her spells on my dear sweet girl.

"Don't you look delicious." I slowly turn around and see Mercy sitting up in the bed. I groan, then lean back on the wall. Mercy chuckles and gets out the bed. I keep my eyes on her hers cause I already know she is naked. She walks up to me, her breast lightly touching me.

"What was up with the groan?" She looks me up and down. Her emerald eyes burn with lust. She wraps her arms around me, pulling herself into my chest. I felt compelled to put my arms around her in the most loving way I could.

"Would you do anything for me Jamie?" I look at her for a second then lie.

"Ask for the moon and I will pull it from the heavens. I will always do what is best for you." She snuggles into my chest more. I didn't lie about the second part. I have come to the truth that I still do love Mercy, and I will do what is best for her in the end, no matter the consequences. She makes me look down at her.

"I love you Jamie." She kisses my lips and a wave of dizziness hits me. I don't know what it is about her kisses, they always get me weak in the knees. Mercy looks in my eyes after she breaks off the kiss. She grins at me then kisses me again.

"And I you my sweet." I gently push her away and put on my pocket watch. I look at the time and kiss her goodbye before I make my way to the kitchen. The cooks bow to me then continue with breakfast. I make my self cereal and have some of my drink. I don't really have a name for it, but Mercy calls it Wiccan juice so I guess that will do. I finish drinking it then make my way it the conference room.

I like being early, I think early is on time and on time is late. As I sit at the head of the long black table that can fit thirty my mind goes back to Hatspehut. I miss her touch and everything about her. She doesn't even look at me the same. She looks so scared, I would be too. She must have a little part of her still there. She does, I can see it. Her eyes beg me to save her from Saryia's spell.

I don't want to think about my only option that I have left to help my sweet girl. I really don't want to do it, but if it saves her then I'll have to. She won't like it and I certainly will not like it but I don't think I have any other choices. She is the love of my life and I will do what is best for her.

"My lady?" I snap my head up. Marie is standing at the door. I beckon her forward. She comes towards me then she drops her gaze.

"Look at me Marie." Her green eyes stare into mine with fear ringing through them. She still is scared about what Mercy did to her that night. Mercy really did have no right to harm the girl like she did. I gently grab her chin and tilt her head to the side. The bite mark is gone but a faint scar still remains. I brush her vibrant red hair to the side.

"What was it my dear?" I turn her back to face me. She stops her trembling and regains her composure.

"There are some vampires here to see you." I nod and stroke her cheek.

"Send them in please." She bows her head then scampers out of the room. She returns minutes later and the department heads are behind her. They all sit down and one hisses at Marie. She quivers. I glare at the vampire and she sits down. I nod and tell Marie to leave.

The meeting went on boring as ever. I tuned out most of it, nothing really important went on. I would look like I was listening but I was too busy thinking about ways besides the one I was thinking about to help Hatspehut. I decided that I would use the one that I really didn't want to do as a last resort. A knock on the door brings me out of my deep thoughts..

"Enter!" I said sternly. The door opens and Saryia appears with my love behind her. The vampires get up and bow their heads to them. One male vampire hisses at Hatspehut, Saryia quickly grabs him by the throat and picks him up easily.

"You will not hiss at her, or I will tear your throat out!" He nods and Saryia lets him go. Hatspehut smiles and walks next to Saryia. I stand up and grab my love's hand. I bow my head before kissing her hand. She gives me a slight nod then Saryia gets chairs for herself and Hatspehut.

"Please continue." The vampire that was talking went on about the stock market. I could not stand not to look at Hatspehut. I look out the corner of my eye to get glimpses of my beautiful girl. She is wearing a white polo and black jeans. I must have forgotten myself cause Saryia leans over to whisper in my ear.

"Now Jamie, we mustn't look at what is not ours." I look at Saryia. Her evil light blue eyes hit me hard. I hiss loud enough for the both of us to hear. I guess Hatspehut heard it too cause she looks over at us. Saryia whispers something in her ear then she nods.

The meeting continues and thank god it ended. The vampires bow their heads before they leave. The vampire that hissed at Hatspehut stays behind. He gets at a comfortable distance from her then gets on one knee bowing his head, his fist over his heart.

"Forgive me my lady, I was wrong to address you in such a disrespectful manner. Please accept my apology." Hatspehut looks at Saryia and I. Saryia arches her eyebrow then my love nods. She turns back to the vampire and picks him up by the throat. He struggles in her grip, but cannot escape.

"Next time you show an ounce of disrespect to me, I will not hesitate to rip you to pieces." She throws him to the door. He keeps his head down and leaves in a hurry. Saryia comes behind her, putting arms around her waist. I hiss in my head. I have figured it out that everytime that damn devil woman I call best friend touches her she sends another spell on my sweet girl.

"That is how you gain respect, well done my love." Your love?! No, she is mine, and she will be free of you soon Saryia! Saryia kisses Hatspehut's neck before turning her around.

"You may go baby girl. I will clear up any questions you have about the meeting later." Saryia leans in to kiss my girl. She quickly pecks her on the lips then Hatspehut leaves. I went to follow her but Saryia cut me off.

"You were so lying through your sharp little teeth that night weren't you?" Saryia crosses her arms with a confident smirk on her face. It didn't click what she was talking about, and I was very frustrated already.

"Speak plainly you serpent of hell!" Saryia's eyes turn white and her fangs pop out.

"Don't you act dumb with me! You said you didn't love Haty anymore, but you still do don't you?!" I took a few steps away from her then turn my head. I take in a deep breath. I see that the door is still open so I use my speed to lock it. I turn my head back to Saryia.

"Yes, I am. And because of my unconditional love for her I will not let you put anymore spells on her, you harlot of the devil!" Saryia chuckles then slaps me across the face.

"You can stop with the psycho routine Jamie dear, it's getting old." My eyes burn with hatred and fury. I grab Saryia by the throat and shove her into the wall.

"It is no act you daughter of darkness! I know that you are casting spells on her eveytime you touch her! I will not let you harm her any longer!" Saryia laughs and easily takes my hand away from her throat. In I quick flash I am the one that is against the wall.

"You know Jamie dear, I really think you need therapy about the whole Salem thing. Their craziness is getting to your head. Your a Wiccan and you could scene how many witches were in Salem. You know there was only two witches."

"Yes, but that does not mean you didn't pick up a few tricks!" Saryia laughs then lets me go. Her eyes change and she helps me to my feet. She strokes me cheek then hugs me tight. We haven't done this in a while. She gently rubs my back.

"Jamie I am saying this as your bestest friend in the world. Clinging on to Haty is driving you insane. I know it was not your fault that night happened, but perhaps it was meant to be. If you truly love her, you must let her go." I sob into Saryia's shoulder. She is right I have to let Hatspehut go, but that is going to hurt even more. I have been denied Hatspehut and I went to means of kidnapping and drugging her trying to get her back. Saryia holds me tighter whispering soothingly in my ear.

"I think I know what I have to do to let go of what I love more than my life... it is necessary, I see that now." Saryia nods then lets me go. She is kindly smiling at me. I haven't seen that smile in centuries, Hatspehut must be changing her heart. Saryia smiles wider and holds out her fist.

"Best friends?" I smile and touch her fist with mine.

"Until the end." I say back. We hug again holding eachother tight. I still have one thing to say.

"I must make one request Saryia." She sighs and looks at me. I smirk and punch her arm.

"Can the two of you, for the love of god, keep it down at night time!" Saryia laughs and punches my arm.

"I'll do my best. See you around Jamie dear." She walks over to the door and leaves. I sigh and look out the window. I must do what is right for the my love, no matter how much it hurts I must do it. I walk around the mansion staying clear of the ball room. I have my dress ready, I will give Hatspehut on last chance to run away with me, if she does not... I know what to do, no matter how much it will hurt her, I must do what is right for her...