
The Marvel Experience.

Waking up in a school filled with mind-fuckers, kids with parental issues and the occasional school being destroyed was not something darius thought he'd wake up to but hey he signed up for this so he has to make it work. so with nothing holding him back he sets out to have as much fun as he can in this screwed up world. -Dark Themes. -Eventual evil mc. -A lot of Sex in later chapters. [so to put this out there I'll have a real chaotic update schedule as well, I'm broke as shit in a third rate country which is slowly drowning itself along with us so yeah...i might update every end of the week.] [anyway I have a patrèón account and I'd love it if you visited and support me if you can, i also have some dropped stories in there that I'll not put in the payed section so drop by and read some I guess] patre on.com/GodOfDepravity i have about +3 chapters ahead of this story so come by.

Faceless_Prick · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Chapter 7

Standing Infront of the professor's door I really don't want to sigh but somehow it ends up slipping anyways but kitty is way into her own mind to even care so I guess that's good.

"professor!, I brought him in" kitty said as she knocked on the door making me raise an eyebrow.

'bruh he's a damn telepath, of course he knows we're here' I really wanted to point that out but I just kept that in and brought in all my emotions making my expression immediately stop and dissapear.

[You've learnt Poker Face_Lv-1

The Ability to keep a calm, unfaltering and always mellow expression making it hard for people to read your face.

+1% chance of not being able to be read]

'…there's a skill for everything huh?' I thought with a shrugg as kitty after a moment entered so I followed in and inside I saw the whole X-Men inside making me raise a metaphorical eyebrow but outside I didn't express a single thing.

Making my way towards the table the bald one was sitting at I take the only seat available which was on the middle as the other people on the room were sitting by the walls making me frown internally.

' intimidation tactic maybe?, Meh let's just get this over with.' I thought as I thought of a plan and as I sat I looked at Jean and smiled making her smile back at me before looking away making me smile even further inside but that became harder to do as I felt Cyclops bore holes on the side of my face.

"uh darius, it's a pleasure to meet you again, I'm professor Xavier as you've already come to know and I'm the owner of this beautiful school but we're not here to talk about that today." the professor said with a smile but feeling a push into my nullification field on my head area made me frown inside but on the outside I merely just nodded prompting the professor to continue.

" now since you're new and all and we're here to discuss about what you'll do here or what you want to do following your recent coming to mutanthood." he continued again but again I nodded making Jean who was at eyesight frown a little at my behaviour.

" Now I've come to know that you hadn't finished school before coming here and so I was wonderi-" knowing where this was going I immediately spoke out.

"I apologize professor but I will not be playing student here" i said with the most bored smile as I could.

"oh really?, and why would you not want that?, you're pretty young and as such you'll need a formal education, you future may depend on it" The professor said once more and again I felt a push into my nullification field around me making me want to just pull out a knife as stab the fucker Infront of me there and then.

"i apologize but I feel like school will just be a waste of my time and such I'm just gonna stop, I already have plans for myself and what I want to do and as such I'll have to bother you with my stay here but I promise to pay for my stay of course, I wouldn't want to be a burden" I said making the professor frown.

"Mmmmm I see, well if that is what you want I cannot deny you of course, but instead of renting for your stay here I'd have to ask you for another favor." the professor said with a smile once more.

" that's fine, as long as it's reasonable" I said making Scott growl before he began talking.

"what the hell do you mean if it's reasonable!, the professor took you in and this is what you have to repay him?!?" Scott spoke all the while between clenched teeth.

"Scott!" The woman I knew was Ororo Munroe spoke while frowning making him grumble before leaning back on the wall staring at me as if I was chopped liver but I did not comment.

"No Mr Sinclair I don't believe it's that unreasonable, all I ask of you is to allow us to test out your Ability so we could study it and see if we could understand it more" he said with a smile.

" Fine, it's a deal" I said with my own smile 'its not that bad of a deal actually, just no intrusive tests like blood tests and we're good' I thought before the professor and everyone began walking out prompting for me to walk out along with them in silence.

We walked for a while before reaching a dead end and as I was about to use soul sonar to scan the place the wall began moving apart revealing a hidden allevator allowing for all of us to enter and during this Jean came by my side and nodded to me with a smile making me also nod making the young Scott besides the professor starinh daggers at me frown intensify.

We made it towards our destination on a expanded underground with training equipment on the side and some computers and analysis equipment on the other with The Beast working on it along with a blue skinned woman besides him.

'damn….that's hot' I thought looking at her but immediately took my eyes off her as everyone was looking at me making me slightly frown but I pushed it down as I stared at everyone in there.

Jean, Kitty, Rogue, Scott, Curt, Mystique, Beast, the professor, Ororo who looked hot as fuck now that I concentrated on her and the wolverine Logan.

'well they are all here, most of them atleast….I wonder what universe I'm in now…please don't be a dark one…I jinxed myself didn't I?' I thought with a scowl as the professor looked at beast working on the big ass computer.

"Now then, shall we begin?" the professor spoke as beast nodded and then Jean started walking towards me.

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+4 extra Chapters on there, also get an early sneak peak on my new Fanfic [Marvel: God Game's]

also if this fic gets 100 stones I'll upload and extra chapter as soon as it does.