

"You feeling better?" Rui asked.

Karura nodded as she finished consuming her rejuvenation potion. When she had collapsed, the match had ended and a team of paramedics had immediately rushed to the ring and had administered a healing potion to her.

"Glad to hear that." Rui replied.

He said as he extended an open hand out to her, which she promptly accepted, standing up. "Good fight, you're incredibly strong."

"You're quite good yourself." Rui replied.

"Hmph." She snorted mildly. "That's not very convincing coming from someone who defeated me with a single attack."

"I mean it." Rui scratched his cheek awkwardly. "I won because I exploited a weakness in your battle approach."

"Weakness?" She squinted her eyes with curiosity.

Rui nodded. "In exchange for being formidable at super-close-range combat, the natural and obvious weakness that your fighting style has is that you cannot fight well outside super-close-combat."