

The technique whose training he found quite interesting was that of the Fauna Flow technique. It required him to master non-verbal communication. It was like learning a new language, except it had universal rules that could be reverse-engineered and followed. What really helped about the language was that the Mind Palace technique could greatly aid in the learning of the technique.

Once Rui was done understanding the training procedures of each of the techniques, he immediately headed out to the training facilities for each technique.

"How many techniques is it this time?" Squire Dylon asked, before pausing. "No, wait, let me guess. Five? Six?"

"Six." Rui confirmed.

"Of course it's six." He snorted. "Well, what technique is it this time?"

"Reverberating Lance." Rui raised the scroll.

"Good pick." He admitted. "Good technique. Allows you to take down things far bigger and tougher than you. You've memorized the training regime, right?"
