

As he had predicted, the impact that his feat had was not low. The most immediate of which he could see the moment he returned.

"As expected!" Senior Ceeran grinned excitedly. "You were able to pull it off! I did not doubt you for a second!"

It was true, Senior Ceeran was one of the few people who expressed his full-fledged support for Rui's plan after he had brought it up and proposed it.

The Senior had long known and had directly witnessed Rui's spectacular long-range accuracy, he had even begun training in the technique after Rui sold the technique to the Martial Union. His support for Rui came from solid foundations as opposed to blind faith.

However, it had become clear to Rui that of all of the Martial Artists of the Longranger Sect that had been deployed to the Vilun Sect, none of them had any knowledge regarding the Pathfinder technique at all.