

The Beggar's Sect was clearly eager to get him to work because he got the information that he sought immediately. Rui narrowed his eyes as he scanned through the various Martial Seniors present in the Shadow Isles. 

The number had gone up in the time that he had been training, increasing the difficulty of wiping them all out.

"Can you get access to their assassination commissions?" Rui wondered.

"Of course." The professor snorted. "That's trivial."

That was good news. It meant that he could target them while they were outside the Shadow Isles. He had been concerned about trying to assassinate Martial Seniors in a place infested with Martial Artists, it seemed extremely difficult to actually accomplish.

But, if he knew what their assassination commissions were in the Derschek Region, then he could target them while they were operating in the Derschek region which was much larger and less densely packed with fellow assassins.