
Cracking Attacks

Try as he might, Master Gerlin could not move.

His Body was fine.

Yet his mind…

"Rgh…!" He gritted his teeth as his expression crumpled with strain.

The sheer amount of information that Rui projected was so great that the Martial Artist couldn't process all of it!

Because his mind could never process all of it before more entered, it couldn't so much as make a coherent decision or even focus on Rui.

This was what was known as incapacitation.

Sage Lemolen heaved a sigh. "Winner by incapacitation, Master Rui Quarrier Silas Kandria."

Rui immediately turned his Heart and Mind off, allowing the man to breathe.


He fell to his knees, panting for air.

"For what it's worth," Rui calmly addressed him. "I am sorry."

Unfortunately for Rui, he wasn't even listening to him.

He was still processing the fact that he lost to Rui's Martial Embodiment before Rui even used his Martial Art.