
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantaisie
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77 Chs

I would do anything at all


Rose walked around the castle with Belle trailing behind her at a fair distance.She was looking for the princess and luckily she remembered the way to the Princess's chamber.She hurriedly walked to the Princess door and knocked two times on the door.

"Who's there?" Evie asked, banging at her own door like someone who had been locked in.

"It's Rose your Highness!" Rose said.

"Oh thank goodness Rose,I have been locked in, please I need your help,get me out of here!!" Evie said as she kept banging at the door.

"I...I don't have much time your Highness,I actually came to you for help, Athena's going to be beheaded and you are the only one who can save her." Rose said pulling at the door while Belle helped but it was no use,the door won't budge.

"I already tried Rose,I confronted His Majesty and he ordered his soldiers to lock me in here!!!"Evie said.

She's locked in,then there was nothing she could do to help,there was only one thing she could do and that was to plead to the King himself.She left Evie's door and walked hastily to the King's chamber which was on the left wing of the Castle,ignoring Athena's warning last night.

"Rose,you can't go there!" Belle said behind her as she walked to the King chamber.

"Stop following me!!" Rose replied,she got to the King chamber which was guarded by two bulky soldiers,they informed the King about her arrival and he ordered them to let her In.Belle was also about to go in when the Soldiers stopped her and told her to leave.Her insecurities grew for her friend,Knowing completely well how shameless the king was.He was a heartless bastard,so she ran as fast as her legs could carry her back outside the castle and snuck some things that could help open or break down the Princess's door.


What brings you here? King Epirius asked.

"Your Majesty,I know I am just a mere slave and nowhere near your grace,but please I beg of you...Pardon my sister,she's the only family I have left" Rose said as she fell to her knees, pleading with King Epirius.

"And why should I do that,She disrespected me!!" King Epirius said,yelling in anger causing Rose to jolt.

"For Eating a cookie?" Rose asked inwardly.

"For rejecting me!" Epirius answered as if he had read her thoughts.


"Please your majesty,My sister is the only family I have left,do not take her away from me...I would do anything at all.i promise." Rose said and the King halted and turned to her.

"Anything?" He said walking closer to her and holding her shoulders as he slowly and carefully lifted her up to her feet.She nodded with a nervous blush and Epirius gave a naughty smile.

He touched her bare skin trailing his fingers from her chin down to her chest and she jolted, stepping back.

"You promised to do anything." He whispered in her ear as he grabbed her shoulders firmly, Removing the straps of her dress forcefully as she struggled out of his grip.

She gave him a head bump on his head and ran to the door but he was quick to catch her, locking the door and gave her a very hard slap that sent her to the floor.

"You bitch,you want to act like your sister now don't you!" Epirius said with a maniacal laugh that sent shivers down her spines.He squat down and tore off her clothes.

"Ahhhh, Someone please help me... please!!" She screamed for help.

"No one is going to save you,not if they want to stay alive." He said with a smirk and held her face with his hand before kissing her against her will.

Rose bit his tongue and he winces,he angrily pushed her down on the floor and her head hit the floor causing some amounts of blood to trickle down her face.

Epirius ripped off her clothes as he found the opportunity while she was in pain and wouldn't fight him like she was before.He trailed kisses from her neck downwards as he undressed himself,playing with her plump breasts,her nails grit against the wooden floor as he thrust into her nonchalantly as tears rolled down her cheeks,pulling out and thrusting back in with force.taking her right there on the cold floor.