
The marionette was my faithful love.

In this story the female lead found herself in a way to a relationship. She was forced by herself to help the male character to get out of the toxic relationship. Little did she know that the male character was a marionette under someone's control. "This is a story for my delusional friend so, most facts are based on a true story =)"

zlvneko · Sports, voyage et activités
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14 Chs

The party

Chapter 5: The party

I really didn't know what was going on with me but I just can't get him out of my head. Then, a notification on my phone hits me. There was a junior welcoming party? I read the announcement only to find out that it was similar to prom and the seniors will be there too. They say it's a mask party so, nobody really knows who you are. But the problem is that I have to wear something nice to the party. I need time to find a gown that fits me. I grabbed my wallet and my savings as I rushed outside to go look for a dress. I saw a fancy but small dress shop that was nearby. On the outer corner, I saw the most beautiful dress I had ever seen in my entire life right now. It was somewhat kind of revealing but I didn't care much about it. Plus, there aren't any rules. And the best part is that nobody actually knows who you are so, they won't even tell bad things about you if you weren't the queen bee at the party. I quickly opened the door as I watched my watch and found out that the party was gonna be 2 hours later. When I tried on the dress, the dress was not short either not long. It was not too revealing but also not too covering. The color was not too bright or dim. The dress perfectly fits me. I was stunned when I saw myself in the mirror. The shopkeeper was so kind that she offered me 800 bucks for the dress. Which was a lot but don't judge it before you actually see the dress. Trust me it's worth a lot. I went back to my dorm and did my makeup. It took me a while to figure out how to do my makeup again for special occasions. Now that I think about it, it's been a while since I haven't done my make-up for special occasions. The shopkeeper lady even gave me a golden mask for the party and she said she was not gaining much sales these days. I decided to help her on weekends or when I am free. She also says that if something gets sold I will get some percentage of that dress. So, I would actually earn some extra money these days.

I wore my mask and went outside. I felt very confident with this outfit. But the only thing I forgot was my jacket or something that would probably keep me alive. It was winter, and it is freezing cold here in the UK. But since I was new here, I kept losing my way. They literally send me a whole map thingy for me to find where the hall is. But I don't seem to get it. I mean who would literally get a whole map thingy? No one would. "Pearl?" Someone said behind my back as I turned around to look around. He seemed very similar to someone I know. Then I was mesmerized by his blowfish glowing eyes and knew that it was Jimmey. "How did you recognize me Jimmey?" I asked surprisingly. "Well, why won't I remember you? Plus, you still recognize me don't you," He replied smiling as he leaned forward. "Can you help me find my way to the hall? I kinda got lost as you can probably see." I said as he nodded. "Well, let's run. We don't wanna be late don't we?" he said as he grasped my hand and started running. I couldn't afford anything but follow him. We were like children when we were running. It felt like a dream. I didn't want this moment to be over regardless of the other things that needs to be done. When we arrived I was out of breath. "Kinda fun to be honest," I said. We went inside together. "Aren't you gonna let me go?" I asked with a glance at him. "I won't let you go easily. What are you even worried about? No one actually knows who's who." he said. After a few minutes of boring announcements, the music started to open. Everyone got up as they found someone to dance with them. "Want to dance?" He asked. I replied with a nod. As we stood up he grasped my waist gently as we started to dance. Everything was peaceful and I wanted everything to stop just at this moment before going to another day. "Hey, you know what? You look perfect tonight. I don't want to let you go. But if you get close to me someday you will get hurt and I hate to see that, Pearl." he said with a soft tone. It all seemed serious when he said that. It all seemed that it all matters though I was not in the right mind to listen to them. "No. This is like a dream, a dream I never wanted to wake up from. I don't care about Stella or your family stuff. If and only if we were able to stay like this, I'd risk my life for it," I replied. He suddenly took off his jacket and he put it around me. "You look freezing," he said. This moment was precious but then, all of a sudden, the fire alarm rang. Everyone panicked and we lost each other. I didn't know what happened but I managed to get out of there. After the party and all those good stuff, there was the competition.
