"Rachel!? "I nearly scream.
"What are you doing here!? "I question in undiluted disbelief.
"Look sis, there's no way something this big would be happening and I won't get wind of it.
I tagged along for days while Hidding. Don't blame me, I'm only human and I wish to escape too.
I also know a way we could escape without having to return to the tunnel grounds. "She says and her last words hold my ears captive
"Keep talking. "Ekene says with keen interest.
"We just have to keep heading South and there's an opening there close to a waterfall where we could escape through. "She says.
"There's no exit there! "
"There are no waterfalls here" Eken and Desmond say respectively at the same time.
"You have to trust me. Tori and I found it together sometime back. "She says.
"What were you both doing all the way down here.... And how did you even find it? "Ekene questions.
"Better still, why didn't you guys use the escape route once you found it?"Desmond questions.