

Mr.J was scrolling Facebook and he saw a meme that make his name and culture as funny. Jey was so irritating so he wanted to take revenge. At the same evening he bought the Facebook app for 35 million dollars. Mr. J is new CEO 👨🏻‍💼 of Facebook and Mark Zukernberg have got 30% share on it. Although there was two of them the more power takes more abilities so Mr. J deleted the meme account from Facebook and make a extreme funny meme on the account ID. This issue spread all over world until it reached Elon Musk who is ready up for way to Mars.

Elon Musk like Mr.J attitude so he request him to join the journey to the Mars. He agreed and they ready up.

POV: News Reader

- The world first billionaire Mr.J and the world second billionaire Mr. Elon are going to Mars to head up human beings to Mars. The gonna check up that is it suitable to human live in Mars. This is the breaking news see on next news....