

Suddenly, I saw the most famous and notorious mafia gang leader of the Red Demons, a really frightening gang of the locality was interrupting my wedding. I actually wanted to thank him since that meant I didn't have to marry a cheater like Cecil, but Cecil had already dragged me away from the main hall of the church to the 2nd floor's changing room. He pushed me in one of the rooms, got in next, and locked the door and when I was about to yell at him, he just covered my mouth so all that came out from my mouth was a muffled 'mmpphhhh!!!'. He said ''sshhhh, if you want to talk, please just whisper and no screaming since I just saved your life'' and I was like, '' excuse me, I'd rather be happier if I'd died than marry a cheater like you, I mean seriously, you broke my heart and I had to suffer a heartbreak BEFORE I literally even got married to you!'' and Cecil was like, "look, I'm sorry but I did it since your mom threatened to kill you if I didn't kiss her. I tried to do that only for like, 2 seconds but she held on to me and forced me and your dad didn't even give me a chance to explain myself'' he said and when i asked him for proof, he showed me his phone where he recorded the conversation and he told me that he planned on telling the cops about her after we got married but I had already created a scene. "Oh, there's another thing I need to tell you'' he said soberly and when I asked him what it was, he went, "Do you know a gang by the name of Black Skulls?'' and I was like, "do you mean the very same mafia gang which the Red Skulls have a huge rivalry with? Yeah, why?'' and he continued, "well, I know this might come as a shock to you but I'm the mafia gang boss of the Black Skulls, but don't worry, we deal with the bad people and send them to jail. The cops trust us and I hope you know, that I'm so sorry that I bullied you when we were kids and I just wanted to say that you're a really amazing person. But too bad I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I only wanted to protect you from your psycho mom who was going to kill you. I still love you with all my heart and forever will, but I'm not worthy to be your husband'' he added sadly and I couldn't BELIEVE what I was hearing! Here we were, stuck in a changing room in a church and I got a sappy confession from my future husband!! I wept again, kissed him softly on the cheek and said, "I'm sorry, I should have asked you why you did that before I created such a scene'' and we hugged each other. Just then, I saw the door handle turn and when the door opened, I saw my mom and Anthony standing there with guns in their hands and I said, "mom, why are you doing this?!'' I asked her as I continued to cry and she just snarled at me and said, ''I've been wanting to kill your fiance but sadly, I fell in love with him and when I found out that he and his dad were the bosses of the Black Skulls, I told him to ditch you or else, I'd have both of you killed at the hands of my trusted friend here, Anthony'' and Anthony just waved the gun in the air and so did his 5 goons at the back. Cecil pressed his silver skull ring and my mom went on rambling, " I'm sorry Cecil darling, but it was I who killed your mom because I wanted to be closer to your dad and take him out and have you all to myself. I just asked one of my friends here, in the Red Demons gang to shoot your mom while she was driving and I must say that they have accomplished their task very well. Oh honey, don't look so surprised, in fact I AM the LEADER of the Red Demons'' and she laughed so evilly, that I took a step back. My dad and Cecil's dad came to rescue us but they were disarmed by the members of the Red Demons. Just then, Cecil pushed his long blonde hair from his eyes and muttered, ''I've had just about enough of this nonsense'' and dropped a pen on the floor and smoke filled the entire room as Cecil just grabbed my hand and my dad and my future dad-in-law were calling for reinforcements from their own gang as well. I was literally surprised that my dad and my future dad-in-law along with my future husband or fiance were in a GANG!! And Cecil and Henry were the BOSSES and LEADERS of the renowned mafia gang, the BLACK SKULLS!! It all felt like a dream to me and pretty soon my psycho mom and her so called 'friends' had caught up with us and formed a circle around us. Cecil pulled out a gun, stood in front of me and started firing as my dad and Henry were having a wrestling match with 3 people there. We were surrounded by more of them like there were about 15 people there and I had no idea how were going to make it out of here ALIVE but JUST THEN, in the nick of time, reinforcements arrived along with the police! The cops arrested all of the members from the Red Demons gang and even my mom, and when she started yelling, I just waved my hand in a 'bye bye' gesture.