
The Male Lead Of The Novel I Trashed Online Is After Me(ON HOLD)

''Are you trying to take advantage of me?"Han Sichuan asked with a surprisingly calm face.After all,he has seen plenty of couples showing affection to themselves in public without care in this world so he too doesn't care anymore but he and Mina.. Mina's face slowly turned bright red after hearing Han Sichuan's words"Hell no.You pervert!"She replied blushing .. Days to Valentine,everything in Mina's life suddenly seems to go upside down.She caught her boyfriend of five years cheating,then later find out that her boyfriend's best friend and one of her close friend was the one who planned it Due to a rubbish plot and filled with anger,she trashed one of her favorite novels 'The man of her Heart!' Suddenly,a man appeared in her house the next day, dressed in Ancient clothes, looking so handsome and heroic, strangled her neck and almost killed her. He seems to want something from her which scares her because she found herself falling in love due to a strange familiarity between them. He wants to touch her,he wants her and needs her!He just knew her but there's a strange bond which he can't ignore between them. A certain system : I hope they don't mess it up this time This is an urban and historical novel This is my first time of writing this type of novel Sorry for any mistakes in advance cover picture not mine credits to the owner All rights reserved

Rosel_Ly · Histoire
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29 Chs

Chapter 24

It has never been heard in history that the powerful strange black object let someone control it but the strange black object has already fall in love with the pure and gentle aura it gets from Elder Meng so the strange black object decided to choose Elder Meng as its master.Besides when the others decided to ignore it,it's only Elder Meng that came to check it out.

Unfortunately,that evening when Elder Meng was fast asleep the two friends connived and tried to kill the elder.

The two Elders thought it would be an easy kill since Elder Meng was still the weakest among the two of them and since he just ascended to a new level it would be harder to control his power but unfortunately their plan failed and Elder Meng manages to escape while Elder Meng's colleagues were left with a very deep fatal wound that let their cultivation fall back rapidly

The two friends were annoyed at their failed project, cultivation level loss and their wounds so they immediately went back to town and revealed the strange black object to the masses but twisted the truth by saying anyone who touched it, will level up but will become a Demon!

All cultivators quickly gathered together by revealing a heroic feat of defending the world from demon but inwardly everyone wanted to get the strange black object for themselves

Not long after, Elder Meng was finally caught by the greedy cultivators and they threatened to kill Elder Meng if he didn't hand over the black object

Elder Meng was filled with anger and he asked the cultivators why they're doing what they're doing to him

The other two colleagues came out and claimed they're ridding the world of an evil monster and immediately stabbed Elder Meng in his core making the elder fell and died immediately

The two Elder smiled in joy at their success and they immediately removed the strange black object from the dead Elder Meng's hand and commanded the guards to rid Elder Meng's family and properties

Unknown to the cultivators,the black object was not from earth,neither was it a good thing but the calm and good aura the late elder gave to it was the only reason why it's calm but when the elder died,it began to cause chaos to the greedy human

The strange black object believed it was the reason why Elder Meng was killed

It believed that if it didn't fall into Elder Meng's hand, Elder Meng wouldn't be killed so the strange black object promised to revenge it's master death and his master family's death

Upon collecting the strange black object from Elder Meng's hand, each cultivator wanted to collect the black object for themselves so a debate began

Not long it turned into an argument because everyone wanted the strange black object then it later became a very fierce fight.

Each of the cultivators kept on fighting themselves because they wanted to get the strange black object for themselves.Blood and corpse slowly began to fell down the floor

The spiritual air around the strange black object began to go powerful and intense as the strange black object kept on swallowing the spiritual power,blood and core of the cultivators till it finally regained his appearance.

The strange black object turned out to be an otherworldly legendary nine head bird Jiutou Niao

Jiu Tou Niao is an animal that has never appeared in history book because it's not from the cultivation world

Jiu Tou Niao is an animal which has a steel like skin,with fire coursing through its body.It skin is said to be impenetrable

Jiu Tou Niao is a very intelligent bird that has the ability to make a person delusional and can pull someone into an illusion

Jiu Tou Niao is an extremely destructive animal

Falling from its world with an intense injury after a betrayal,the nine head bird promised to regain its power then go back to his world to revenge

Until when it was picked up by Elder Meng did Jiu Tou Niao realized that the man aura helped to relieve his pain and helped it recover his cultivation

Jiu Tou Niao pain was eased by the man's pure aura and the few days spent with Elder Niao made it let go of it evil plan

Jiu Tou Niao made a horrific laugh that sent shivers to the remaining cultivators.Unfortunately,his power hasn't recover finish so instead of it 9 head,it's only 5 head that appeared

"Fighting for something that doesn't belong to you.Humans are really greedy!"Jiu Tou Niao let out with anger

Without a break of sweat,a mouthful breath of fire descended on the earth which begin the chaos on earth as Jiutou Niao promised to end the world filled with greedy mortal to revenge his Master


Grandpa Lin's eyes were filled with rage as he heard the stories his grandson explained to him.

Grandpa Lin tried to suppress his rage but it failed woefully."Who are those despicable Elders?!"He asked with vivid anger

"Lotus River Valley!"Lin Ai commented

Grandpa Lin harrumphed angrily"Hmph!What Lotus River Valley!"Grandpa Lin snorted,"What's the situation outside?!"

"Han Sichuan is missing!"

"Han Sich..uan.??.!"

"You Wily Fox,Old Man never dies!"

Hi everyone,thanks for your support

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