
The Male god and I; Fated to a god

In "The Male God and I," we are narrating a journey through time and destiny as we follow the extraordinary life of Megami, a modern-day woman with an ancient connection to a powerful deity. Born into a world where gods and mortals coexist, but in secret and tales. Megami discovers that her fate is intertwined with that of the mythical male god called Yuuma, a figure shrouded in mystery and legend. Megami is 21 years old, and she is haunted by dreams and visions of a distant past, a time when she lived as a humble peasant in the tumultuous 13th century. Little does she know that these dreams hold the key to her true identity and the role she is destined to play in the divine order of the universe. As she navigates the complexities of her present-day life, Megami finds herself drawn into a web of ancient prophecies and a celestial being. When the male god unexpectedly reappears in her life, claiming her as his bride. Megami is thrust into a world of danger and intrigue beyond her wildest imagination. Megami and the Male God face formidable foes who want to discover the secret of their own fate, tormented by recollections of their common history and united by an unbreakable tie. Together, they embark on a perilous quest to uncover the truth behind their connection and fulfil their intertwined destinies. After Falling in love with him, she found out he was the cause of her death in the past. "The Male God and I" is a spellbinding tale of love, sacrifice, and destiny, weaving together elements of romance, fantasy, and mythology in a gripping narrative that will leave readers captivated until the very end.

AuthoressMimi · Fantaisie
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27 Chs


The wind stopped blowing, and everything stood still. Yuuma was confused by the sudden change of the atmosphere, everywhere was pitch black like a heavy storm without a wind was coming. Darkness took over the human world, time stopped ticking nothing was moving, and everything hung in the air. The water Mr. Ruyoski was pouring into the cup hung in the air. Aruko and Neon stood still without making a move and because their bodies were that of humans, they stood still only their souls separated from their host. The soul separated from their bodies.

"My lord, what is happening," Aruko asked.

Yuuma ignored them and walked outside, he came out of the ward. Everything out stood still, the nurses and doctors standing motionless. Patients sitting down, with a little kid playing with a ball hanging in the air. Yuuma walked around confused by this sudden change, Neon and Aruko followed suit.

"My lord, I think we should take Megami and leave this place. What if something bad is about to come? Let us leave here with her." Aruko asked and Neon nodded.

"Not yet, nothing bad will happen as long as I am here." He said reassuring them. They walked back to Megami's room and lit a candle because everywhere was dark. Only the part they walked lightened up. 

"My lord this has happened before, I read it in one of the god's diaries. A time that rain and sun seized for a year. Time also stopped at that time, but it was rumored someone from the other side, came into the human world. The person was never seen or heard of, the guards of the alternate universe are still searching for him. If someone enters this human world that means they will have lots of work. I am sure they would have noticed the time stopping." Aruko said.


*King Haro's palace in the Alternate Universe.

King Haro sitting on his throne and lost in thought. He has been feeling uneasy since Yuuma left, he felt like something bad would happen. When Megami got lost in the Death Realm, he begged the Supreme Being to stop it from happening. But his plea was declined because it was needed to test Yuuma's Loyalty to his job. Now the Supreme being is angry about the fact that Yuuma could ignore his job because of a mere possessed woman.

'What will I do if the Supreme Being decides to end my relationship with Yuuma? But Yuuma has done a lot for this Universe. I can persuade him, after all, Yuuma has been obedient' King Haro thought.

An angel flew in immediately and nearly fell while landing. She stood up nervously looking at the king sitting, King Haro looked at her with disdain and shook his head.

"It's been 100 years since you became an angel, you still can't fly? If we are attacked right now, you can't even fly to save yourself, talkless of saving your King?" King Haro said with disdain.

"I'm sorry My lord, I have an Urgent news for you. Angel of Time Management said that the time in the Human world has stopped." The angel said kneeling.

"What!!! What do you mean? Repeat it?" The king stood up immediately and said in an angry voice.

"Myyy.. Lorddddd… Thee.. tiiimmmee hasss.." The angel stuttered and shook like a leaf that experienced a windy storm. Thunder and lightning striking in the sky, because of the anger in King Haro's voice. He has the power of thunder which explodes whenever he is angry.

"Why are you stuttering? What do you mean by time has stopped? Why should time stop?" Haro said angrily.

"I dontttt knowww… whyyyyy but time in the human world has stopped…" The angel said nervously.

"How dare they interfere with time? How dare these people interfered with the order of the world. Entering this world for the second time? Should I really let this pass? Master of the other side is really climbing on my neck. He wants to know what I can do right? He wants to know!! He wants to know who is greater. He doesn't know a single hair he can grow a year, I can grow 100000 of that hair a day," He said, angrily.

"My Lord, the time stopped for 10 minutes." the angel said and stood up. He grabbed the ancient coat, and Haro threw it away in anger.

"Right now!! Mobilizes the angels, they should challenge each other. the wisest and the strongest will be sent to the human world. We must find the first one that passed and also the second one today," King Haro ordered.

"They all think I am weak because I ignored lots of their deeds. They even chased angels of death Realm doing their duty, they chased them!!!. They defied the rules and orders placed for ages, they interfered with the heavenly gate rules. Their Master should be ready for my wrath."

He stormed out in anger, and the angel followed suit. King Haro kicked everything in his way as he walked, the angel had to pick them up and follow him. King Haro is a kind and wise king, but whenever he is angry nobody wishes to go closer to him. Only Yuuma can never be afraid of him when he is angry. Yuuma can confront him whenever he is angry, which no one dares to do.


*Megami's ward in the Human Realm.

"My Lord, we just need to find whosoever interfered with the time," Neon said.

"Especially…," Neon was cut short when the time suddenly came back. The wind returned, the trees dancing to the wind again, and everyone that stood still was released. Aruko and Neon immediately possessed the body of their host.

"As I was saying, I met Megami's mother in my dream last night, she said our daughter will die if I continue keeping her here." Mr Ruyoski said, and everyone sat back listening to him like nothing had happened.

"Sir, why do you want to do as the dream said?' Aruko asked.

"Megami hasn't seen her Mum for a long time, her showing up in my dream means she misses her. I just want them to be closer to each other," Mr Ruyoski said.

"So Megami must live so she can see her mother again"

Yuuma and his guardian angels stared at each other because they knew Megami's mother had remarried a long time ago.

"Do you really trust your dreams?" Yuuma asked.

"Yes I do, Megami once waved me goodbye in my dreams, hugged me, and said she was going. That was my dream back then when she had an accident that nearly took her life, two strangers helped us back then who knows what would have happened," he said smiling at them.

"There is something that bothers me," 

"What?" Aruko asked.

"You and this lady seem very familiar to me, I think I have met you before," Mr. Ruyoski said as they stared at each other.

"No sir, you don't know us, I just came to Japan this year," Aruko said.

"I was born in China, the first time coming to Japan," Neon said smiling nervously.

"Ohh Really!!! The more I look at you I feel like, we have met years back." Mr Ruyoski said.

"No sir!! we were born in China," They lied in unison.

"People used to tell me I look like someone they know. When I was coming here, up to three people said the same thing," Aruko said, smiling sheepishly.

"We have this common face," Aruko said pointing at him and Neon.

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