
The Magus Games

Thousands of years ago, The Magus Games were founded, and every young magus from various academies was forced to participate in deadly battles, throwing them into the arena of slaughter. Two kingdoms that stood on a large and ancient continent, it is said that the Gropus Continent was a lost continent called the Blue Continent. But it disappeared without a trace, just a legend passed down from generation to generation. The Magus Games were born from the games of the past that continue to exist in the present and the future. I don't know who started it. Such a terrible game that throws the young Magus into the arena of slaughter. Survive while slaughtering each other and facing something terrible just to achieve victory. Morgan Agathias, could that be his name, or is there another name hidden behind a mystery? Morgan lives in a poor neighborhood in a disadvantaged area. Discrimination and injustice made Morgan want to become the strongest magus and turn his kingdom and birthplace into a peaceful place. Armed with a genius brain and boundless spirit magic power, but not enough to overcome his weaknesses. Just practicing is not enough, let alone facing the strongest enemies that await him in the future. No one knows what secrets lie within. Morgan will find out, and he will be caught in a vortex of vengeance that has existed for thousands of years.

Ayazia27 · Fantaisie
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153 Chs

Chapter 8 Boundless Spirit Magic

Helen swung her sword, the pale girl was very skilled with a sword. Professor Lupine will test the ability to use magic weapons, spirit magic powers. Running and swinging his sword. Professor Lupine deflected the sword with his curved sword covered in blue light from a magical aura.

Undaunted by her opponent, Helen dodged and avoided each attack. Professor Lupine used his aura-covered sword as a weapon, sending arcs of blue light through the air. Helen deflected the blue arc of light with her sword, which suddenly emitted a golden yellow aura.

I was speechless, as were several of the students watching on the field. I could feel the aura of spirit magic power, which was quite large, as well as the agility and aura of magic power resonating with each other.

"That girl is really great. At the beginning of the test, her spirit magic power appeared very quickly. It took me a long time myself," said a tall girl with a freckled face standing next to me.

David and his friends were no less surprised, their faces looking red and displeased. As if he had new competition.

Honestly, I'm just like them. There is envy and the rest is admiration. In the past academic entrance exams, there were only three students who were able to use spirit magic very quickly. David, Lyra, and of course me. It's just that my weakness back then, my spirit power, was very weak. I am proud that my magic power is the greatest, not comparable to my weak spirit power.

That's why I'm not good at cultivating spiritual energy, and when I fight, I'll quickly run out of energy. But because I'm a genius and I'm always searching my mind. I can overcome my shortcomings.

A small bang shocked me and the students watching, sparks of fire were clearly visible as the two swords clashed. Professor Lupine enveloped his sword with a spirit magic aura. The man cast magic, lightning balls appeared in the air and shot towards Helen.

Helen deflected each of the lightning balls with her sword. Professor Lupine seemed to be deliberately keeping his distance, creating lightning balls only to attack Helen from a distance.

Helen seemed to have difficulty dodging the attacks that kept appearing and attacking her. No longer attacking the lightning balls, Helen used another method to get close to Professor Lupine by avoiding the lightning balls.

She ran very fast, not to mention dodging. The girl was right in front of Professor Lupine, the sharp blade of her sword swinging to do as much damage as possible. The sound of swords clashing with magical aura.

Professor Lupine's curved sword is like steel that can't resist being hit by a sword, just like when I used to take exams and Professor Lupine was the examiner. The pale girl looked very tired, breathing heavily and sweating through her clothes.

But Helen never gave up. The desire of the pale girl, who really wanted to experience academic studies, training her spirit magic powers, was something fun that the girl had never had.

Helen returned to her stance, her eyes shining with determination. This time, the attack was very fast, Helen was able to master the sword easily in a short time. Not as difficult as at the beginning of the fight.

Professor Lupine cast a spell, the balls of blue lightning seemed to solidify and turn into crescents, chasing Helen. The pale girl dodged and slashed at the blue crescent, jumping and dodging.

The longer Helen dodged the blue crescent, the more the blue crescent chased after her, even after she fought back with her sword. Helen's teeth chattered, and the pale girl grew paler and paler.

"Isn't this an exaggeration? It wasn't this hard when I took the entrance exams." I told the truth because I was surprised. Why did Professor Lupine make it so difficult for Helen to write the exam?

Is it because of pressure from Klaus, who doesn't want Helen to pass the Academic Entrance Exam? Professor Lupine couldn't have deliberately made it difficult for Helen to pass the exam. Bad thoughts filled my head. But I'm sure Helen will pass the Academic Entrance Exam easily. The girl never gave up.

"Professor Lupine knows best." Lyra's words were very reassuring and calmed me down.

The most important thing right now is to encourage Helen and pay attention to her. The pale girl was still on the defensive, parrying every attack with her sword. Helen dodged the blue crescent that flew toward her and quickly drew her sword directly at the man.

Lyra and I were stunned by what we saw before our eyes. Helen's chance to defeat Professor Lupine had failed. The man swung his curved sword, a blue crescent moon floating behind him. Very fast, towards Helen.

The girl defended herself with her sword, protecting herself from the impact of the blue crescent. The impact caused a small bang, but it was enough to throw Helen two meters away. The pale girl fell to the ground.

"Oh no. This girl will end up here," David said with a grin, followed by his friends.

Lyra glared at David, the girl's hands clenched tightly. I patted Lyra's shoulder and calmed the girl. "It's okay. This is just a test, Helen will definitely pass." I convinced Lyra and myself.

The test is over. Professor Lupine raised his hand, indicating that the Academic Entrance Exam was over. Lyra approached Helen and helped the pale girl to her feet.

The pale girl's face looked sluggish and not at all enthusiastic. It was her first test, and Helen felt sad thinking about not being able to win the Academic Entrance Exam.

Klaus stood next to Professor Lupine, holding a crystal ball. The bespectacled man's gaze was still the same as before, looking down on his fighting ability.

"Your fighting style is quite good. Unfortunately, you couldn't defeat Professor Lupine in thirty minutes," Klaus said flatly.

"Defeating me in thirty minutes, even if it didn't work. I watched all your movements, your fighting style and your strength. Maybe I can think about it."

Professor Lupine asked Helen to approach the crystal ball in Klaus' hand. By touching his palm to the crystal ball, she tested how strong his mind magic was.

I did it once after the sparring test. The crystal ball glowed bright blue at the top, but the white light at the bottom was slightly dimmer. Distinguish between magic power and spiritual power. My magic power is the greatest, but my spiritual power is the weakest because it cannot shine brightly.

Lyra is head and shoulders above me with her bright blue light, and her bright white light is at the standard. Lyra has an intermediate level of Spirit Magic, but enough to start the foundation of Spirit Magic. It took me a long time to build the foundation of my spiritual power. Currently, my spiritual foundation is at the beginning stage.

Helen placed her palm on the crystal ball and concentrated, channeling the power of the Spirit Magic Aura. The top of the crystal ball glowed bright blue, very bright, just like me.

But what surprised her even more. The bright white light underneath the crystal ball emitted two sparkling blue and white lights. The other students stared in amazement, something very rare and the first time they had seen it, and so did I.

No one would have thought that the girl would have infinite great spirit magic power. When trained by someone who is skilled and dedicated to training, Helen will become the strongest magus.

"It is amazing and very rare for a magus to have two full powers. If trained and taught well..." Before Professor Lupine could finish, Klaus was interrupted.

"No way. This girl can't be accepted into the academy."