
the first important event (3/4): the end of the first act

The raid in search of saving some civilians captured by a gang, about seven heroes were selected to save the civilians, this raid would first be carried out by the heroes and then the police would arrive.

Snipe was currently in a different building than where he was before to prevent the villains from escaping, while this was happening the pussycats had to act ahead of time to save the civilians and capture the villains all because of the explosion that caused the sphere. of energy from a mysterious boy who had just appeared, Aizawa and Mirko would confront him to knock him out and then come to help.

Enough type had actually passed to have two active quirks. He had come down from the building and where he was in order to plan the situation, in the building there was something that interests me a person which I was going to use for later.

I went in through a window on the first floor, the building was in poor condition, it looked over the years, at the entrance I could see a small fight two of the pussycats were facing a few villains, I was watching from a room next door that it had a little hole.

After observing for a few seconds, I moved towards a nearby staircase being careful not to be seen, when I went up to the second floor I could see the same scene so I decided to suddenly go to the third floor.

A floor where you could see a group of civilians was being guarded by 2 villains, I positioned myself behind one, when I was ready I came out of my hiding place, a chain came out of my back that captured the villain by rolling it up and squeezing it tightly.

The other villain saw his partner being captured by a chain, a purple-haired boy came out of the darkness with a strange suit and a chain that reached to capture his partner.

"A brat pretending to be a hero, boy I think you made a big mistake when you entered here I will teach you what the real world is like" the villain said with pride and contempt, he said so that a little fire would start to come out of his hand "I will teach you the pain".

All the hostages looked at the child sadly thinking that he would suffer, but on the other hand the child looked at this with disinterest, the chain began to press with more force causing the bones to begin to creak.

"You know pain is a very broad concept" the sounds of the bones began to sound so hard that everyone could hear them, they made them see the child with a surprised face "people die every day, but everyone feels different types of pain in life ".

A chain with a sharp point came out of my back "some of those pains are caused by people like you" the chain moved at an incredible speed, it went through the shoulder of the villain who shouted with a giant pain running through his body "because I don't do you feel that pain "

People looked at this in horror, the chain moved through the side of the villain "damn" said the villain to see his torturer, "the heroes must be close I will hurry"

I moved in the direction of a hostage, a girl with white hair and black eyes, my chains returned to me, the villain who was captured fell dead to the ground, the pressure had destroyed all his internal organs and the other was writhing in pain. A pool of his own blood, the chains disappeared on the boy's back, a very macabre scene made only by a boy.

The people who saw him approaching them began to squirm in fear, when the boy stopped in front of a girl she was trembling with fear, watching the boy with scared eyes his mouth could not release a single word.

I bent down to see the girl face to face, she lowered her head and began to shed tears "please don't do anything to me" she said in almost a whisper, I put my hand on her chin and made her see my face "my latest addition"

A cloud of smoke came out, the girl could no longer be seen, only a doll was seen in the boy's hand, a doll a girl with white hair, black hair and a school uniform, "I'll develop you later" I said to move to the center of the room and I took out my book, the two bookmarks disappeared and I opened it to a page with a teleportation quirk.

I disappeared from the scene before everyone's gaze of astonishment and fear.