
The Magic of Sound

A centuries old war, one woman and her deadly warrior. Her king and husband. Together they will unite with there kind for an epic battle to save there land. But will they bring peace or destruction?

Eona_willow · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

In a land very different from ours where the sound of music drifts from, you hear it whisper to you at night and it caresses your skin in the day. But you hear it most in the sight of a moment. My story begins in the middle of a great war between two major kingdoms. The Kingdom of Cyria and the Kingdom of Thornton far to the south grew and became a great threat to the peaceful Kingdom of Cyria, demanding rightful claim of the Mother Song Maiden.

"Ethan come quickly Master Su Ling wishes to see us, he says that we will be granted Guardians today! Is it not wonderful?" Kisa said as she beckoned him from the other warriors he was standing within the school courtyard. Kisa is a young woman with a hunger for knowledge. She was about 5'6 and had pin straight hair that was an odd color of golden orange that fell just to her shoulders. Her eyes where the color of emeralds, a deep green; her slender form and the slight sway of her hips always enticed the young knights.

"Really? I would be pleased to meet the man who is to be your Guardian, tell him to treat you nice and all your little habits." Ethan teased her as he followed after her as she led the way to the gathering room.

"Ha, ha very funny Ethan you don't think that you would be anyone of our Guardian?" Hanna said stepping up next to them from overhearing their conversation in the outside hall. Hanna, Kisa's best friend was a year older than her and always corrected her, they were inseparable sisters. Hanna a good two inches taller than Kisa and had what she called average brown hair and eyes. She was not as slender as Kisa but was just that, average. Hanna was considerably jealous of Kisa being pretty and attracting so much attention.

"I would very much like to be the Guardian of both of you but fate has a very different path for me and I thank you both for helping me learn all I can from Song Maiden for you have shown me why we must cherish you. For you are the creators of emotion and hope. I will do everything to protect my Song Maiden that destiny has given me." Ethan said with mixed emotions as they stood in the doorway of the gathering room.

"Enter the three of you I have been waiting," Master Su Ling said waved them into the room where two other ruff looking knight stood. Both girls shared a glance at each other then to Ethan then back at everyone in the room waiting on them.

"You both have finished your training as a Song Maiden. Kisa please tell me what Song Maiden's are." Master asked.

"Song Maidens are chosen few females who are born to sing song magic to support, inspire, and create emotion bringing it to light and sound. Song Maidens are few and precious and must be guarded to which strong able guardians are assigned to travel the land to inspire hope and freedom among the people of Cyria by order of the Princess, The Mother Song Maiden herself Shira." Kisa said with passion.

"Well said Kisa your assigned guardian is Lucian he is already assigned a regime he will inform you with the details of your duty." He said as he pointed to the rugged warrior with blonde hair. He gave her a grin that gave her a chill down her spine and she shivered. Hanna rubbed her friends arm and gave a glance that she knew something was not right.

"Your guardian Hanna is Drake, you are both well over your time that regular Song Maidens normally get assigned a Guardian." He addressed the maidens as they took their place next to their assigned guardians.

"Unfortunately Ethan you are being summoned higher up. Apparently your Song Maiden is at the castle, and they request that you meet with Atsuo at the gate of the school he will lead you to the castle. He is waiting for you there." Master Sue Ling said and gestured towards the door they entered. Ethan turned to leave but then turned back to say his goodbyes to Hanna and Kisa but the look on their guardians faces made him think twice. Glancing at each of them he gave them a silently goodbye then turned and strode from the building.

"Father," Ethan called to the man waiting for him at the gate of the school. "Can I not escape from the crushing weight of the castle?" He asked running his fingers through his black hair staring up at the tall towers.

"Why such dreadful words of your destiny? If I remember correctly you use to love coming to the castle with your mother." Atsuo said placing his arm around his son. Atsuo, Ethan's father was slightly taller than Ethan. They had the same humbling presence demanding demeanor, and both had

"Mother is no longer in this world perhaps that is why I dread the journey to the castle so. I know that I could do nothing to stop it father but I wish I had the strength to." Ethan said bringing back not so fond memories.

"I know my son, I know. No one knew that the Thornton armies would launch a surprise attack on the capital of Cyria during daylight, but that sad day has passed us my boy and you must now use your new found strength to guard your Song Maiden." Atsuo spoke with sadness.

"If I only changed into my Aurick form I could have somehow saved her…I still dream about that day and all that blood. Why in all my rage how did I not turn?" Ethan asked his father as they shared their painful past.

"Do not speak of your true from in public you know as well as I we are feared. Auricks have vanished from the public eye because humans fear our strength they believe all have fled the capital they are unaware that we are able to take their form." Atsuo scolded his son as they made their way through several passages that were far from the main road to the castle.

"You were a small child then and the only true way that an Aurickan can channel his rage is through the passionate music of his Song Maiden. Your mother was not your Song Maiden she was mine and mine alone to protect, remember that boy… But today you will know the power of your Song Maiden and she will awake in you your true Aurick strength and together you will both change the world as we know it. For it has been spoken by the greatest of prophets that human, Song Maidens, and Auricks will live together in a peace so sound that the land itself will hum with a soft sound of pleasure." Atsuo said leading Ethan through the large gates and doors. As father and son reconnecting again with pride he led his son to his destiny.

"Your Majesty, I strongly recommend that you disagree to these claims and choose me. I have served you well these past years when we knew not the whereabouts of your Guardian. Why do you insist on this Binding?" Dedrick stated as he followed her from one room to the next. She stopped turned on her heals and faced him, he fell silent as she placed her hands on either side of his head and spoke with a soft voice as their eyes met.

"Dedrick, you know that you are not my Guardian we do not have the essential link the binds a Guardian with a Song Maiden. You are my dear friend and I thank you for being there for me, and I pray to the Goddess's every day for finding you. But the Seers are the only ones who are ordained to assign a Song Maiden to a Guardian no other. What you speak of is heresy as well as a death warrant to a Song Maiden. Do you want me so much you wish me cold and lifeless? What then will become of this land you claim to love so much when their Mother Song Maiden is dead?" The princess spoke with cold truth. A small tear formed at the corner of his eye then he embraced her.

"Forgive me, My Lady Shira," he spoke softly in her ear. "You always bring to light what I do not think about if you believe this Ethan is your Guardian then I shall follow you…always." Dedrick gently squeezed her then was gone headed down the hall, but before he could hide it from her she had seen his tears. She would have to wait on mending her dear friend's feelings she had to bond with Ethan before the Mages came after them for the last seer to speak the name of a Guardian was silenced with death twenty years ago. That was the Guardian her elder sister was to receive his name was Dedrick. He had the hidden power of an Aurickan but he would never be able to transform because her sister had drifted off into the Mist. It was an assassination by a member of the Mages society they silenced the Seer that spoke the name as well as the princess. They thought that she was the one spoken about in the prophecy, she was the one that excelled in all of the duties, she was the one most spoken about, but now they only had her, Shira Mother Song Maiden.

The Mages Society was a dark cloud that spread its sickness across her kingdom; little did they know they silenced the wrong sister. What they also didn't know was the Seer that spoke her sisters Guardians name was old and was to retire after she had the pleasure of announce the name of a true blooded Aurickan Guardian that would protect a princess. The young Leora was secretly found and was to take her new role as the Seer. But what no one knew at all was that Shira had already known who her Guardian was before his name was spoken to her, she knew Ethan well as a child. His parents were friends of the royal family and they played together as children. Shira wondered if he remembered her from when they were children as she stood in her waiting room, as Leora entered.

"Do not look so sorrowful on your day of happiness Mistress, the Goddess's grants each of us our other half." Leora said with a smile to cheer her up. Some thought Leora blind but she could see much more then anyone could, she was small in stature with white eyes and white blonde hair that fell just past the middle of her shoulders. She wore a special hat that covered her eyes most of the time, she didn't need them. Her third eye worked better then the eyes of mortal flesh her soul harbored.

"And what of Dedrick?" Shira asked, turning her sad eyes on the Seer's white ones.

"Yes, the sadness that he holds. Unable to let it pour from him like a cup being turned, and yet he knows not why he has such sorrow trapped, locked away in his heart. Hardly ever is there another for a Guardian that has already been given a Song Maiden that never was. A tragic fate, Mistress I wish too that I could give Dedrick purpose in his life. He feels the tie you and your sister had that is why he stays by your side and denies your true Guardian. He believes that connection is the bond of a Guardian to a Song Maiden; he knows not that you hold him close because he was denied his maiden, your sister." Leora said what Shira knew in her heart and she was left with the only thing to do, she must tell Dedrick.

"I will show him the way from here Atsuo." Dedrick said waiting for them just before the royal chambers.

"Are you sure that is wise?" Atsuo asked knowing the bond between Shira and Dedrick silently warning him with his eyes. Dedrick nodded to Atsuo aware that they Atsuo and Ethan were family.

"It is completely safe; I just want to give a few words to Ethan before. You have nothing to be frightened of I won't scare him away," Dedrick said with a smile and showed Ethan the rest of the way and stopped just before the sitting room door.

"I would have you know that I do not approve of you being My Lady's Guardian. She is persistent on you being bonded to her and I can do nothing. A word of warning I will be there no matter if you will not, for I have stood as her Guardian before you were announced to her. We have a connection that you would not understand." Dedrick stated with absolute resolve. An unknown pang of jealousy rose up in Ethan and he knew not why this emotion came to him for he knew not who his Song Maiden was or why she had to be guarded so fiercely.

"I thank you, Dedrick for showing great loyalty to my Song Maiden and it pleases me to hear that you would also protect her, I am glad to have meet you and hope we will have a chance once again to speak. It is good to know that a brother Aurickan has your back." Ethan said placing his hand on Dedrick's shoulder, entering the sitting room leaving him out in the hall shocked and confused.

Ethan entered a lavish sitting room covered with royal blue fabrics. He took in the room then his gaze finally landed on the only beautiful thing that occupied it. She was small in stature and was only as tall as his chin, a slender waist and the blackest of night crowned her head of tresses with the deepest blue eyes he distantly remembered seeing before. Have they met before? They stood to greet him. He bowed formally and introduced himself.

Shira's eyes were given a sparkle when he walked into the room. He was even more handsome than she remembered. Tall, dark hair, and his gentle gray eyes. He gave her his devilish handsome smile and introduced himself and she knew that he must not remember her, she held out her hand and when his touched hers the power rippled through them and outward. Anyone with the sensitivity of magical power could feel the balance shift at that single moment as the held each others hand and gazed into one another's eyes every Song Maiden and every Aurickan Guardian knew that the Mother Song Maiden had been at last united with her Guardian. Leora the Seer placed both of her hands around there joined ones and spoke an ancient language.

"Soul of Maiden, Soul of Guardian merge as one. Balance each other with song and strength. Comfort one another's sorrow and prolong each others happiness. Be as night Guardian, be as day Maiden." Leora's power drifted from her and into their joined hands and unseen magical threads tightened around their souls and before they realized they where in each others arms. Leora silently took her leave she glanced back at them with her Seer third eye and saw great strength and power, perfectly made for each other like two puzzle pieces. She smiled and then was gone.

"Do you not remember me Ethan?" Shira ask looking up at him. "We use to play as children in the gardens on the grounds, we were young but surely you would remember your maiden?" She said pulling away from him to stand near the window.

"I remember my mother bringing me here often she was a lady in waiting for the queen and my father worked here as well but I haven't seen you since…" Ethan fell silent at remembering the past once again.

Young Ethan laughed as he chased her, the pretty girl with black hair and blue eyes, she was laughing too as she danced away from him in her pale pink dress. She ran around several large hedges then all he could hear was the curdling sound of her scream. A light breeze came from her direction and he picked up the scent of Scavenger, Nasty dark beasts that appeared to be shadows that had glowing red eyes and the horrible scent of rotting flesh. They were from Ground Caverns and rarely came above unless summoned. Ethan knew in the time of a heartbeat she was in danger. Unaware of his transformation he was instantly standing between them, his shirt torn from the black raven like wings that rupture from his back. His skin darkened from its pale flesh color to that of the night sky a blackish blue, and his fingers changed to claws, quickly glancing behind him she saw his black eyes that showed no emotion as he went for the kill.

Mere moments and the act was done Ethan had killed the threat that intended to harm her, he moved away from the beast and stared down at his blood stained claws and began to weep. The adults who heard the commotion could only stare in horror as an Aurickans transformation so young in front of his young song maiden, but there horror soon turned to shock as she went over to him unafraid and sang to him.

♪"Ethan… these tears you shed are not necessary, you protected that which is yours.

Do you weep because you are strong or because you thought I would be frightened of you?" Shira asked continuing in a soft calming voice as she held his head making him meet her gaze.

"I am not fearful of you no matter your form Human or Aurickan;

I draw strength from you,

For your heart is pure and untainted my Guardian."♪ Shira placed a soft kiss on his cheek and he slowly changed back, his skin paled and his wing merged into his back where they came from.

Ethan fell forward and rested his head in her lap; her hands fell and caressed the hair off his brow as she continued to hum to him the sweet tune she created just for him.

The adults could only stare in astonishment at the hearts the children so plainly wore on there shoulders to show the world. The words that Shira spoke she knew nothing of the meaning that they carried but they were spoken from her heart. They were pulled from each others arms that day so long ago.

They shared the memory together in each others minds felt each ones sorrow that brought Shira to tears. Ethan went to her side and whipped them away.

"No more tears, my Shira the past is behind us. We have the future before us now. Look here," Ethan said as he felt the pain of past within her he gestured to a brooch that held his cloak.

"I have kept it with me always; it gave me strength when I was in despair." He whispered and she gave him a small smile.

"I had no ideal that you were a princess, why did you not tell me?" He asked still holding her in his arms.

"Probably for the same reason you never returned to my side after that beautiful day when you saved my life." She replied as she went to move away from him but he caught her gently on the chin to hold her gaze of her beautiful blue eyes that he remembered.

"They would not let me return to you after that day. I tried, you were guarded even more after that I couldn't even catch a glimpse of your beautiful face or hear your sweet voice. My father then came to me and gave me reasons of why they tore us apart, he told me that Aurickans have never changed that young and that it was a miracle that I did, because it saved you. I was young and I believed I had turned into a monster so when you approached me with no fear I could do nothing but weep for joy for accepting me no matter the form. He told me that you were my Song Maiden and that I had to train hard and grow strong because you would someday come to call on it. So I started to learn everything I needed to know about being a Guardian and Song Maidens but one thing puzzles me who was the lady that was here with us, did she do the Binding?" He spoke remembering those long years ago.

"That was Leora the Seer; only a seer can properly match a Song Maiden with her Guardian and Bind them. I thought you said you had learned everything about being a Guardian and Song Maidens? This is the basic foundation if a Song Maiden is not properly match with her true Guardian it can only be a death warrant for her." Shira explained to him as she watched as her words begin to disturbed him.

"I have to get back to the school; Hanna and Kisa are in trouble. I knew something was not right." He said as he started for the door.

"Who are Hanna and Kisa?" Shira asked following after him.

"They are Song Maidens and my friends before I left they were given Guardians but they were no Seers or a Binding." He said leaving the room finding that Dedrick was waiting.

"There are Song Maidens being born in the city? I thought we were a dying breed." She asked finding Dedrick in the hall as well.

"Dietrich Von Larin, Ethan La Turs is my Second in Command and his word is mine please see to it that his orders are followed." She addressed him formally issued an order.

"Yes, My Lady. My Lord your word?" Dedrick asked as he bowed somewhat mockingly.

"I want to arrest all the head officials at the School of Guards and find every last Song Maiden they would also be known as Mantras brought here for proper binding to their true Guardians. I want the officials questioned to see if they knew and if they did why." He said with anger.

"Dedrick forgive Ethan's anger it is not you that is its target. He is starting to feel the links of his position as Father Aurickan I would like to have a word with you when you are done issuing the orders to the royal guards." Shira stated as Ethan went back into the sitting room.

"I understand My Lady; I will be back as soon as the orders are issued." Dedrick said with a bow. As Ethan waited in the sitting room for them to finish he thought about there relationship and he found the emotions come readily to him like they were his own such sorrow. Shira felt the questioning pull from him in her mind; she knew that it strengthened their bond. She gave him the answers as she stood out in the hall wanting him to figure out how he knew such things he could not have. Stillness came from his mind and it shifted to rage Shira gasped as the air was stolen from her lungs, she doubled over trying to put precious air back into her body as he ran out into the hall with her. Through her watered eyes she finally saw him at the other end of the hall stood a mage, Ethan trying not to shift because they knew it was not time to let the world know that he was an Aurickan.

"You have gotten rusty Song Mistress. You should have sensed my presence before I had the pleasure of your beauty, Pity I am to wallow in your blood and not in your flesh." He gave an evil laugh that made her skin crawl. Every muscle in Ethan screamed to turn as he stood between them.

"You Mages will have an even harder time now that I am bonded with my Guardian. This is Ethan La Turs fear him because he will be the last that your eyes see as you travel to the Mist." She said trying to block her mind from the swirling chaos of his rage, breathing deep life's air.

"This recruit?... Don't make me laugh again. I have a spell just for him." The mage said with laughter in his voice as he opened a small book placed his fingers on it like he was pulling something out then tossed it in the direction of Ethan. As the spell left the Mages fingers it turned red and ignited, Wizards fire. Ethan laughed to himself is this the best they could do, with lightning speed he countered the fire before it took full form and had the mage by his throat against the wall his legs dangling.

"I promise all of you that if you make another attempt on my Song Maidens life I will hunt each and every one of you down and slowly kill you because a quick death would not justify the actions of this betrayal." Ethan whispered in the Mage's ear speaking to all of them. Dedrick returned to find Shira on the floor and Ethan farther down the hall with a mage in his hands.

"My Lady, Are you well?" Dedrick asked extending his arm to help her up then placed himself in front of her. Shira instantly felt his jealousy but then was gone. Two quick snaps and a painful scream were heard as he pushed the mage on the floor in front of them. He handed the books he carried to Shira.

"Dedrick please take this scum down to the dungeon and see that he is painfully questioned about every waking moment of his life. He is disarmed; I broke his arms so he is unable to cast any spells. I apologize for giving you another task since you have just arrived but you are the only one I trust as of now." Ethan stated in a calm tone complementing Dedrick he glared down at the mage he watched the light leave his eyes and knew that the other mages that were tapping into watch through this mages eyes left his mind.

"I will see to it that your word is carried out. This is the first Mage that we have actually been able to capture alive, every one usually ends up killing themselves before we could question him. I will explain to the dungeon keep that he is to make sure he tells us everything." Dedrick bowed to his new lord with more of an understanding and enlightenment as to why Ethan La Turs came to be his Mistresses Guardian.

"You Madam must rest." Ethan said as he gathered her in his arms and found his way to her sleeping chamber. Dedrick could only stifle his laughter as he carried her away.

"I am not a frail flower that needs to be handled delicately!" She said as he placed her on the mattress and sat down beside her. The room was quite spacious and the same color scheme as the sitting room, at the far end of the bedroom where a set of doors probably going to a dressing area. The bed sat in the middle of the room a few closets and dressing tables around along with two wingback chairs that sat before the hearth.

"How is it that I know so much about Dedrick when I have just met the man?" Ethan asked glancing away from her; she felt the jealousy well up in him again.

"You Aurickans are so possessive; you freely have the knowledge available to you. Are you so unsure that you need me to voice what you already know?" She replied to him telepathically through the bond that linked them as one. He looked back at her with sorrow in his eyes pulled her close and tasted the sweetness of her lips.

"It pains me more than you, to know his fate. My Shira I feel such a huge injustice to my kind. Why have we been so blind to the ancient ways? When did we just decide to look the other way? Well I won't stand for it, I will set things right and make it safe for you." Ethan said with passion from his pure heart. Shira listened to him speak what she had already known they would change the world.

"My Love, it has been such a long time since our kind have been born to this world, why keep a tradition that none are born to? We will right the wrongs and be the light against the shadows, together." Shira said catching the single tear that fell from his eye. She was the one who needed the taste of his lips; joining there swirling emotions their passions swelled and they drank of each other.

Nothing was around them as their sense overrode their mind and were caught in the endless sensual pleasure. Ethan's hand found the buttons at the back of her dress and began to undo them one by one. Shira pulled at his clothing needing the feel of his hot skin. Uncontrollable passion welled up in both of them and they were both unaware of his transformation. His skin darkened and his fingers turned to claws as he tore the rest of her dress revealing her glistening skin from the glow of the fire. Exposing her flesh to his eyes and mouth as he tasted other parts of her sweet body laying soft petal kisses on her sensitive skin. Ethan listened to the sweetest of sounds he had ever heard, the sighs and moans that he created within her. He smiled that it pleased her, so he continued to taste her with his lips and tongue moving faster as her soft sounds became louder.

He place himself between her and thrusted, Shira made a small protest as he let out a painful howl. Through the clouded pleasure she looked up at him with passionate eyes in his full Aurickan form, Black raven like wing emerged from his back, his dark skin, and black eyes. His true form, Ethan stretched his wings and pulled her up into his lap still connected as one she straddle him. He wrapped his arms around her, enveloped her with his soft wings. He showed her how to move on him and she mimicked the motion that pleased them both making her hot and wet with a feeling that tightened up inside of her. Shira clung to him the rock in the deep dark sensual ocean, running her hands down the middle of his back between the muscles that stretched out into his wings. Ethan groaned with sweet pleasure at the feel of her soft skin on a sensitive part if his body, clawing lightly at each other as their passion built.

"Release me my love of this sweet torture my body burns," Shira said between her sighs still clinging to him. Ethan quickened the pace burying himself deep inside her, she cried out as the pleasure that they built up within her was released at last in uncontrollable spasms that went to every part of her body. Ethan felt her pleasure consume her body and he spilled himself into her. Still holding her in his arms both were glowing with the heat of their lovemaking and shaking uncontrollably. Falling to soft bed their bodies still entwined he felt the cool night air drift from the open window as the canopy around the large bed swayed, Ethan covered her with his wing and they both fell into the welcoming peaceful slumber.