
The Mage Who Regressed

Derrick Warren used to be a Demi-God rank mage. He was killed by the 7 gods who had banded together against him. Derrick used Creator’s artifact to send his present memories back to the past. Now, using the memories, Derrick will get stronger faster than last time with only one thing in his mind, Kill The Gods

Hiddenveil · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Are These Right ?

All the things written in " " are said and those in ' ' these are thought in mind


The boy in the bed suddenly woke up and murmured in a low voice "What is this, Mythical rank..Sienna…Gods. What the hell is this?"

The maid looked at him with a confused expression.

"Are you alright Young lord Warren?"

"Ah, Yes I am fine. Bring me a mirror."

The boy was Derrick back when he was 6 years old. Derrick used to belong to the Warren family which was a marquis in the Brixia kingdom. Although they were a marquis, their respect in the kingdom was no less than any Dukedom.

The Warren family was known for its swordsmanship and highly intelligent members. The current head, Derrick's father, was a Legendary Rank swordsman and was the second strongest in the kingdom after the King. Derrick's mother was a part of the Royal Family and indirectly, the King was Derrick's relative.

The Royal family was blessed for having a Legendary Rank Mage or Swordsman.

As Derrick was thinking about things, the maid had brought a mirror. Derrick looked at himself in the mirror.

He looked just like yesterday. Still, to clear his doubts about the memories that suddenly appeared, he decided to have his breakfast with his parents.

Derrick got out of his bed and washed up, changed his clothes and went out to the Dining room.

The easiest way to check whether the memories were correct or not was to see what clothes his parents were wearing today and match them with the memories.

Derrick soon got to the dining room. Unlike other families, the Warren family did not use the long and boring greetings between each other.

"Good Morning Mom. Good Morning Dad." Derrick greeted his parents while taking his seat

"Good Morning my Sweet pie. Did you have a good sleep?" Derrick's mom loved him a lot and used to call him different names every time and always with only one aim, to embarrass Derrick.

"I had a good sleep Mom." Derrick said while getting a little blush on his cheek.

"When will you start your sword training?" Derrick's Dad also loved him but he also had to let his younger child survive in this world. His older child, Derrick's older brother, was away in the academy right now. His brother was 10 years older than him.

Derrick started eating his food and took a glance at his parents' clothes.

It was the same as that in the memories. His father was wearing the uniform he wears to his office and his mother was wearing a green coloured dress.

'Could those memories be correct?' Although the clothes were the same, it could be a coincidence. To be completely sure, Derrick asked his Father

"Dad, what do you have to do today?"

Derrick's Dad, Adrich, glanced at Derrick after he asked his question.

Aldrich was confused. Derrick had never before shown any interest in his work or himself.

"I have to go and see the border territory and inspect the areas destroyed by the Demonic Beasts. Why do you ask?"

"Just like that, no reason" Derrick looked calm on the outside but inside, his heart was beating very fast.

'This means that all those memories are correct. The death of everyone close to me, not even one person left alive. The betrayal of snakes and the death of the love of my life. All because I was weak. Calm down. I first need to see what things were wrong in my previous life or the future as it may be…'

Derrick then looked at his parents. In his last life, he took their presence for granted and never spent time with them, always creating trouble for them. The fall of the Warren Family was also caused by him himself.

In his last life, he was made drunk by the Young Lady of Blade Dukedom and then he was put in bed with a princess from the Royal Family. Although she had lost her purity to another man before she met Derrick, he was blamed for it and asked to take responsibility.

The Warren family denied taking any responsibility and claimed that the Royal family was lying. In the end Derrick's mother and father were executed in the public for insulting the Royal family and defaming them. Derrick was stripped of his noble status and was exiled from Braxia. A few months later Derrick heard the news that his Brother was made a boy toy for the Young Lady of Blake Family.

Although Derrick came back for revenge and killed all the members of the Royal Family and Blake Family without caring about their gender, he could not find his brother and it did not quell his anger.

In the end, Derrick found his brother's body fallen in a place where even mice don't go.

Right now Derrick knows how everything happened and who was involved.

Derrick went back to his room to check what things he should have done to be stronger and able to defend everyone close to him.

After a few hours of going through memories, Derrick started thinking how to improve quickly, he did not have 200 years like last time.

'I should start with Swordsmanship. After reaching Rank 3, I'll be able to use aura and I will continuously collect mana too. If I merge them, what kind of energy will take form?'

As Derrick was thinking, he also had to make sure to spend more time with his parents now.

Derrick had a bad personality in his last life before his family fell, but right now he was just a 6-year-old kid who was cute and stubborn, even if he did something, everyone will ignore it as a child's prank.