
Strange Occurrence!

Facing the emerald snake, Kevin didn't dare no let his guard down. As of right now, he is facing an enemy who is stronger than him. Thinking for an answer to how he could defeat the snake as running is not possible because he still needs to take care of Charlotte and Tiido.


The emerald snake leaps to him with its jaw opened, anyone knew that snake's primary attack is to leap to their prey and it is the same for the emerald snake. Kevin dodge sideways after casting a buff skill on himself, buff magic doesn't need too much mana to cast and Kevin is reserving his mana for some unknown reason.


After dodging Kevin slash his stone dagger, of course, the stone dagger he is using right now is not the same stone dagger as he made before. Now that he recovered some of his mana he also enchanted his stone dagger with [Sharpness] and [Sturdiness] making the stone dagger a magic weapon from his 2nd world.


The emerald snake roared, as the emerald snake view itself a higher existence having a human wound him is like saying that the snake was an inferior being.



Kevin let out a painful moan as he was hit by the emerald snake's attack, he didn't see clearly what hit him but he was sure it was the snake's tail. He forgot that he was in Earth but not exactly the Earth he knew, all weird things are happening in this world and he mustn't underestimate all the creature in this planet.

"Sh*t! That hurts. This snake is now using its tail to attack."

Kevin thought was interrupted when the snake launch another attack, this time the snake's whole body was in the air forming a S shape which looks scary as its mouth was salivating. Its green saliva is dripping from its mouth while it launch its attack. Seeing the appearance of the emerald snake, kevin felt disgusted and when he look at the snake's mouth he was surprise as he saw a familiar dagger in one teeth of the snake.

It's not his nor Charlotte and Tiido, he forgot why they enter the forest as they are busy dealing with the pack of wolves and then this emerald snake in front of him appeared. That's right, the reason why they entered the forest is to look for Ba'al one of his subordinate and seeing Baal's dagger embedded to the snake teeth he can guess what happened.

He knew what happen and still ask the snake the question: "You snake, did you eat a human before you meet us?"

Charlotte and Tiido who were watching at the sideline heard Kevin's question and their expression become sour. Having known Kevin, they knew that the person they are looking for, Ba'al, was already dead. He was eaten by the emerald snake who is currently battling Kevin right now.

[Human? You mean the kid with the same appearance as you?] it asks. [If you are looking for him then you might want to go inside my stomach to meet him.] the emerald snake added.

Hearing its confirmation, the mana that Kevin was suppressing was now released, when he was fighting the snake all Kevin did use buff skill and enchanted magic on his stone dagger but right now Kevin's strength is in broad daylight. He didn't bother to hold back anymore, he didn't care whether the emerald snake has cards hidden. All he wants is to kill it.

As a leader and a scientist who failed two times in a row, he knew the importance of having a competent subordinate. During the two live times he had, he did all the difficult things just by himself, he didn't somebody nor he wants to trust anybody.

Now that he found a competent subordinate such as Ba'al he couldn't help but feel angry as he still didn't start his grand plans and some casualty has appeared already.

Sensing some strange energy gathering around Kevin the emerald snake felt a little bit scared as it knew that the human in front of it was not the same human as it ate nor it met before.

[What are you doing human?]

"Just go to hell."


Kevin cast a buff skill called [Accelerate], this buff skill can make his speed much faster as he knew that aside from having a strong attack the snake is pretty agile too. The two who were spectating the match was surprising as they didn't think that Kevin's speed matched the snake's speed. Kevin didn't have that kind of skill when they hunt or when he fights Charlotte so they were surprised when Kevin shows up that kind of speed.


The emerald snake was surprised witnessing Kevin's speed because he has the same speed as the emerald snake. Being shocked was one thing but one must not forget that the snake is now facing a mortal danger. Kevin releasing all his mana is the same as having him use all his trump cards.

'[Enchant! Flame!]




[Remote Activation]!'

Kevin casts one spell after another, but his continues cast of spell made his mama deplete at a faster rate. His mama can only be used for 3 buff spell.

"It's enough!" Kevin thought. He only has 3 spells and it's a buff kind when someone from his 2nd world experienced the same thing as Kevin's experienced then they will surely die but not in Kevin's case. Even though he only can cast 3 buff spell it was within his calculation.

Seeing that the human in front of looks exhausted the emerald snake started having a joyful expression. The feeling of Kevin gave before was now gone and only an exhausted human.


The emerald loudly said and then lung at Kevin, seeing the emerald snake lung at him Kevin suddenly smiled but didn't show it instead he shows the expression of fear. His fear expression was so realistic that even Charlotte and Tiido who was watching at the sideline felt pity for Kevin.

But for the snake, the fear in Kevin's face is the proof that he was already exhausted and can't move anymore. So the snake hurriedly lung its huge body to Kevin. Suddenly a bright light gathers to Kevin's body, he is casting a buff to himself.

[Defense Up]

[Vitality Up]

When he cast the spell the emerald snake was already in front of him and it was ready to bite him to death but Kevin threw the dagger which is full of enchantment spell to the emerald snake's mouth. He immediately activates the spell even Kevin was so close to the emerald snake.


A loud boom sounded throughout the surrounding, as creatures tend to be afraid of those stronger than them. Now that an explosion happened all of them cowered in fear, they fear that the creature who cause the explosion will hunt them and so they lay low to their territory.

A smoke form in the middle of forest even Charlotte and Tiido who were watching at the sideline was affected by the explosion and blown off. They didn't blow too far away as they are watching the fight from afar, but even that's the case the explosion still reached them.

"Where's Kevin?" Charlotte asks worriedly and she's ready to charge herself from where Kevin and the emerald snake fought. But she was held by Tiido, just by looking he was warning her not to do anything.

There's a possibility that the snake is still alive and suggest that don't approach it yet. They waited until the smokes clear up, after 20 minutes of waiting the smokes still didn't clear up. This shows how serious the explosion was, but after 30 minutes the smokes were slowly clearing up. They saw Kevin lying in the ground with a bloody body, all part of his body is full of blood. There is no place that is uninjured.

""Kevin!"" Both Charlotte and Tiido shout together and run to where Kevin is. They carefully help Kevin's body to lie down properly. But they notice that the emerald snake is still alive but it is weakly crawling on the ground.

They didn't dare to attack as they knew that even though the emerald snake is weakened it is still strong. They can notice it as the aura the emerald snake release is different. Suddenly the emerald snake stop moving as its stomach area was convulsing, it is moving in an irregular manner.

"PUUAAH! I finally get out of the snake's stomach!"

Right, a person tears the emerald snake's stomach, and the person who tears it is familiar to them. It was Ba'al the missing person who they search for is apparently inside the snake's stomach! The most shocking thing is it seems he was inside of the snake's stomach for a long time already!

"BA*AL!?" Tiido and Charlotte were shocked by the scene they saw.

Kevin who is weakly lying in the ground regain his consciousness and use the last spell he can manage.


[Recovery] is a buff skill that slowly recovers one's health, of course, it also heals injuries. His injury is a lot better now as he cast [Defense Up] and [Vitality Up] before he activated all the spells he stacks in his stone dagger. He looks at Ba'al who came out from the emerald snake's stomach.

"So what happens to you?" Kevin asks. He too also thought that Ba'al died as he his dagger in the snake's mouth, it is only logical because there is no way a human can survive being eaten by a snake as the snake's stomach has a strong acid to easily dissolve what it eats. But the person Kevin's looking right now survive despite he was inside the snake's stomach for a long time.

"Well, how can I explain this?" When Ba'al was thinking on how he can explain this Kevin's voice resounded again,

"Start on why did you enter the forest even though I warned you do not enter it!"

Hearing what Kevin said Ba'al was sweating like hell as he remembered that he broke a rule Kevin set.

"I enter the forest because I heard a loud roar coming inside and then I decided to check what's going on but on my way, I was chased by a lot of wolves so I ran in the direction I don't know until I reached this place! Seeing as no weird creature are coming here I decided to rest here and look for my way after the wolves leave so I look around and the tree their!" Ba'al quickly said without breathing. He was scared as he doesn't know what will Kevin do as he broke his rule.

"And?" Kevin coldly ask. "You still didn't answer on how the heck you survive inside the snake's stomach," he added.

"Oh, that? I don't maybe because I ate one of that red thing?" Ba'al said as he pointed the red fruit in the top of the tree.

Looking at the place Ba'al was pointing, indeed there is a tree there and a red fruit on top of it. Kevin felt weird as he remembered that he and the emerald snake fight a tough battle and blew away the trees nearby but the nearest tree when they fight was the tree that Ba'al was pointing. That tree was not blown one a bit, it still stands there as nothing happen.

"Help me walk to there." Kevin said and look at Tiido.

Tiido hurriedly helps Kevin supporting his right hand, Charlotte seeing this voluntarily step up and support his left side. They reach there shortly Charlotte and Tiido released Kevin's arm. Upon reaching the tree Kevin look at it and the red fruit on top of it and then stretches his hand to hold the tree.


An unbelievable scene occurred even for Kevin who experienced two lifetimes and live in the world where magic exists, witnessing what is happening right in front of his eyes can't still can't believe it.


GoldenSlimecreators' thoughts