
The Mage's Galaxy

What does being a mage best described? Could you call them weird and eccentric because of their reclusive nature? Or could you call them fanatics due to their obsession with magic? Does anyone know the purpose of their existence when no one even knows whether they existed to protect or to bring chaos around the world? This existential question remained unanswered until a certain mage had caused huge waves time and time again in the virtual reality game called [ Dystopia ]. He caused uproar wherever he goes, he violently broke through all of his obstacles until he was ultimately recognized by the world for his monstrous capability as a mage. That certain mage was known for his terrifying destructive abilities, it was also said that he had an unbreakable barrier that protects him from any attacks. Since then, the Mage class was finally recognized by the public because of that certain Mage's astonishing achievements. *** Chapter Releases: No Chapter Release (Indefinite Hiatus) (Rewriting chapters) *** Volumes: Volume 1: A New World ( Completed ) Volume 2: The Goblin Castle ( Ongoing ) Volume 3: City Tournament ( Upcoming ) *** Cover Credits: League of Legends ( Riot Inc. )

ldhoonie · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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187 Chs

Unlocking the Mana Affinity Talent, Undine's Precarious Situation

Words after words were being rapidly generated on the tree's surface, it seems to be some kind of runic texts that he didn't know about.

The texts were blood red in color, they were rapidly accumulating and in the blink of an eye, the once completely bare tree had suddenly become a tree full of etched runic texts.

He could not understand the words so he could just watch from the side with shock.

There were no more runic texts being generated but the tree had suddenly glowed a red glow, the light entirely bathed the tall tree.

He couldn't see what was happening to the tree but a computerized timer had manifested on the light-covered tree.

[ Estimated Time of Completion: 60 seconds ]

He did not plan to wait and see so he wanted to exit the strange space only to get a notification.

[ Unable to exit. ]

He felt helpless, he could only give up and wait for the tree to finish its 'evolution' albeit reluctantly.

60 seconds did not take too long and it had immediately passed.

The red light that covered the tree slowly subsided, he looked at it with surprise.

He was surprised because it did not change a thing at all, but you could not judge a book by its cover after all.

So he thought that there must be changes, and what he thought was indeed true as a panel had suddenly materialized in front of the tree.

The game panel of the game and the panel in front of the tree look exactly the same, but what was displayed in the tree panel were various categorized buttons.

He came closer to see it more clearly.

[ Class has been detected as a Spell Caster. ]

[ Talents have been filtered to show talents related to the player's class. ]

He swiped those notifications aside to see what were the talents that he could learn.

His face immediately showed an expression of shock.

The sheer number of talents displayed was unimaginable, it has to be known that the talents that were displayed in front of him right now were only related to his class.

He thought of the countless numbers of talents of the other classes and shuddered.

'How terrifying!'

He scrolled down continuously and saw that almost everything in his talent tree was greyed out, he could not see their details or names either.

He scrolled back up and clicked on the talent that was shining brightly, you could see that below this glowing talent was a thin blurry line that connected the countless locked talents below.

[ Mana Affinity I ] - CAN BE UNLOCKED FOR FREE

Seeing the name of the talent made him almost shed a tear, with this talent he wouldn't have to worry about his future anymore.

Mirage unceremoniously pressed the Learn button and almost passed out.

He was ejected out of the vast grassland and was now back in the temple.

He tightly hugged his head with his mouth wide open, he let out a painful scream.

He was currently suffering an unimaginable pain from learning the talent, though he had suffered from his genetic backlash for years, it no longer causes him any pain as his body was already numb to such pain.

But learning the [ Mana Affinity ] had caused him an unprecedented pain that he had not felt before.

Its as if his head was being repeatedly smashed by a giant hammer, it caused him an extreme headache, and almost passed out but he held on with gritted teeth and stubbornly endured the painful feeling that he felt.

He stopped screaming but he could not prevent his body from twitching occasionally, at this moment he looked like a mad mental patient that was drugged to calm down.

Mirage was feeling extremely aggrieved right now, he only wanted to feel the mana around him so why does he have to go through this sort of pain?


Aaron was surprised after he heard Mirage scream painfully, he was extremely happy, he thought that maybe something had gone wrong with his change class.

He was grinning from ear to ear, looking pleased and happy while he silently muttered in his breath.

"I don't know what had happened to him, but it must be a bad thing, for him to scream like that of a pig hehe, how interesting."

Qianna saw his vicious smile as well but she only directed her gaze away and instead focused her attention on Mirage who's body was twitching from time to time.

In the eyes of Aaron, he looked like a pig being butchered by a knife.

While in the eyes of Qianna, he looked like an old man on his deathbed.

The stark differences in their way of thinking were kind of appalling.

Meanwhile, outside the Water Spirit Temple.

The confrontation between Undine and the three girls was fast approaching the climax.

Undine raised her sword high and viciously slashed it towards the frightened White, she shouted loudly.


The other two girls reacted differently.

Yellow although she felt pained on abandoning White, she still focused her whole attention on the spell she was casting.

She closed her eyes and bit her lip tightly that it almost bled.

She hated herself, she hated her inability to protect her teammates.

She was trusted to protect and command her team and yet she could not even prevent a member from dying.

She could not abandon this spell or all of their efforts would come to naught, all of their sacrifices... Just kidding! How could she possibly care for someone else's death?

She loved chaos the most, she was even interested in making another Great War just to satisfy her desires.

She and White aren't even that close to begin, how could she possibly care about her death?

But she had to act like she was pained to abandon her or Green might snitch her for intentionally abandoning her teammates.

She was maniacally laughing inside while Green shouted towards Undine her voice full of rage.


Yellow heard this and silently thought to herself.

'Ahh~ What a delightful scream you have, Green!'

She almost failed to control her spell, it was a close call so she reluctantly stopped thinking of what was happening and focused her entire attention on finishing her spell.

Green threw dozens of explosive daggers towards Undine, but she just scoffed, ignored the daggers, and continued to slash down at White.

At this moment, White realized that she was indeed going to die right now, tears silently flowed down from her hopeless eyes, she bit her lip and thought to herself.

White closed her eyes and waited for her death with her face full of fear.

Earlier, she had clearly seen the reactions of her teammates.

She saw the chanting Yellow who closed her eyes in pain while she tightly bit her lip, it was as if she was unwilling to let her die but she was unable to help her because of her spell incantations.

White was gratified by Yellow's decisive actions, she immediately knew that her death would not be in vain.

She felt extremely proud and accomplished because of her heroic contribution towards her team, her tears flowed out even more.

White also saw the rage of Green who was usually naughty, it was her first time seeing her like this and she too was extremely grateful to Green for her attempt to stop Undine.

Meanwhile, Undine had also seen their various reactions and instantly knew that victory was at hand, so she smiled even more viciously and shouted.

"Now go to hell! You little-"

Before he could even finish her sentence, she froze, her sapphire blue eyes reflected the extreme terror that she was feeling right now.

In front of her, the crying White had suddenly smiled wickedly.

She instantly felt a bad feeling and planned to retreat, only to feel her feet unable to move.

White smiled even more wickedly after Undine had fallen for her trap.

As the team's healer, it was extremely natural for her to use various trap skills to prevent her enemies from getting near her.

The traps that she planted around her were all used to restrain any incoming enemy.

It's not like Undine hadn't thought of this possibility, it's just that she was extremely confident of her Spirit Transformation state that she intentionally ignored everything.

She thought that her racial talent would protect her until its duration was up, but who would've known that White was able to completely restrain her while she's still in her spirit state?

This did not add up, the situation was extremely strange for her but she was indeed unable to move right now.

She apprehensively looked at White and opened her mouth to ask.

"Y-you! What did you do?!"

Ever since she was born, she hadn't known what fear was, she was fearless and valiant in all of her life, and yet for the first time, she now came to know what fear felt like.

Her life at this moment is now in the hands of these three fearsome and deceiving girls.


"Kuk..ahahahaha! Did you really think that I am the easiest to deal with?"

Undine blanked out and did not answer White's mocking question.