
chapter 2

Terran's pov(our male lead)

"ugh.....wait....what!? Im alive"I was lying down on my bed I looked at my surroundings surprised to see that i was in my room i was laying down in a very fluffy bed i got up hurriedly and looked at the mirror in aweit was me the younger me to be presise if i remember correctly this is how i looked like when i was 18

"Omg i did i really did get reborn oh wait is it reborn or went back in time....nah it doesn't matter NYAHAHAHHAH"

"um brother are you ok?

"Hmm?"i stop laughing and looked behind me and saw an innocent looking kid probably 15 and if I can remember correctly this innocent looking kid is my devilish younger brother..the very same brother who killed me in my past life


"Umm brother what's wrong?did you hit your head or something?your smile is scary stop it"


"Well i mean you just kept on smiling widely since you woke up"


"Anyway how do you feel? Are feeling uncomfortable? Brother did you know how scared i was when you fell in the water!?"

"Im ok don't worry"heh what a nice show your putting asking me if im fine when really your disappointed that i didn't die ha!

"Are you sure"

"Yeah dont worry you can go now"

"Umm ok call me if you need anything"

"Ok" hah acting so kind if this was in the past i would kneel in the temple to thank the god for giving me an angel like brother but now it just want to make me puke

"See you brother rest well"

"Yeah" ugh his face make me disgusted...hehe~ since im reborn i will take revenge of what you have done....you shouldn't have done those this since you don't really know me my dear brother hehe~ I'll make your life a living hell from now on

With those thought in my mind i once again smiled and went back to sleep since this was the time i 'fell' in the water...my body is still weak i will take revenge when i am well and after that last thought i fell asleep

Lisandro's pov(our male leads 'kind' brother)

"See you brother rest well"i said

"Yeah" he replied

'why is he so cold what happened ugh i wish he just died '

I went out and close the door and walk to the basement

"Help pls.....h-help me someone anyone"

As i entered the basement a soud of pleading was heard

"SHUT UP"i shouted

"Its your fault for saving him if you didn't save him i wouldn't have to see his face smiling just now ugh YOU SON OF A B*TCH"

"I-IM sorry but pls don't kill me"

"To bad i already decided on how"i took out a gun and directed it in his head

"Any last words...well you don't need one hehe~ say hi to the devil"

After saying those words I pulled the trigger

Bang bang

Sounds of gunshots was heard however those sounds wont be heard outside the basement since the walls are thick

I looked down at the bloody dead body and laughed

"Hahahaha i just said to him to say hi to the i clearly forgot im the devil HAHAHHAHAHAH"

"HA.....next time brother no one will save you AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA"


the chapter's will be written on povs from now

hi this is the character info's

male lead

name: terran lothare

current age:18

sibling: lisandro lothare


they died when he was 15 but he was favored so all the property were given to him(maybe thats the causo of the 'kind' ones jealousy)


name:Lisandro lothare

current age:15


sibling:terran lothare

others will be introduced throughout the novel

_maine_creators' thoughts