
The Mafia Don’s New Object of Interest

Macy Donald is a typical FBI agent who gets her blood pumping with a good old mission. Due to being a child prodigy as a field agent at only 18, her reputation in terms of her seductive ability, disguising skill, high IQ and ability to strategize and fight in combat have made her well known. With that in mind after successfully infiltrating a recent drug ring she comes home only to find her younger brother whom she cares for is missing. She rushes to find him only to find out that coincidentally her next mission at finding the villainous Don Luciano is related with the disappearance of her brother. As her and a couple of colleagues manage to infiltrate the mafia ring, her efforts are placed in vain once he finds out. And contrary to the rumors Don Luciano is a dashing, young, clever man whose silver tongue and harsh cruel way have made him infamous in the underworld. As Macy is caught she is given the choice to live under the condition she work as a double agent. Macy uses this as a chance to find her brother and take revenge on Don Luciano. All while she cleverly refuses to betray her country and instead feeds him false evidence as she stays true to her employer. Will Don Luciano find out and kill her or will Macy escape with her brother in her clutches first? -credits to the artist-

SelaraChan · Urbain
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Under The Predatory Gaze of His Gray Eyes

I spit out blood as another blow came to my ribs. I coughed out once more as I felt the small bones in my chest shatter as if they were made of glass. My sides shook after the constant pummeling. My swollen eyes resting on my colleagues who looked at me with blank expressions as they bled onto the Persian rug near me. My throat burning as my hoarse voice tried to mutter.

"You….will never get away…with this…"

A familiar chuckle rang in my ears as I felt the Angel of death knock on my window. A familiar strong smell of lavender filled my bleeding nostrils as I yelped. My hair pulled back as I looked at the face of a doll. His long eyelashes framing his grayish eyes as his light hair shone. The beautiful porcelain skin of his screaming "ethereal" as his smile exposed his pearly white teeth. Despite his appearance of an Angel he was anything but. I felt a voice tickle my ears which pounded with the sound of my blood boiling.

"My dear I will give you one choice. And one choice alone."

He then leaned in closer as I felt myself shiver as he planted a light kiss at the top of my neck. The spot left a fire in my soul as I wanted to beat this man to death.

"That choice is to stay alive, unlike those stupid coworkers of yours, but with a condition."

I felt my vision blur as I felt the red hot tears drip down my bloody cheeks. My teeth screamed in pain as their jagged edges were filed down by my struggle of cutting the chains which held my hands. I felt hands encircle my waist as I was carried up. I shook in the hands of the devil as I tried to jump off. The ground below me feeling like oceans away despite simply being a couple of feet away. I felt nauseous when he suddenly set me down on his lap. All of the blood rushing down from my head causing my chest to heave and my spirit to cry out in pain. Men in black suits and fedoras surrounded the room as my crumpled black suit paled in comparison. The voice called out to me once more.

"Come on Macy my dear. As you know I have no patience. It is a simple condition after all!"

I spit out a tooth which had corroded as I yelled.


The beautiful man in front of me laughed as he cradled me in his arms as if I were a child. He hummed a little lullaby as he placed his head on my beating heart. His gray eyes alight with interest like a child gazing at a new exotic pet he brought him. His check grazing my chest as he placed his slender hand on my heart. My heartbeat quickened as the metallic smell of blood continued to fill my broken nose.

"My dear, stop all of your bullshit and just agree already. It's not that dramatic of a proposition! All I'm asking you to do is to return the favor. If the FBI made you spy on me, then it is only rational to do the same to them, don't you think? After all compared to your weak coworkers over there I actually granted you a chance at living. Why are you so cautious of me to accept such an advantageous plan?"

I quickly slid out a knife from my wristwatch and held it against the man's jugular. I felt my voice grow cold despite the fact that I was sweating buckets.

The man roared in laughter as he looked at my eyes. His melodic laughter reverberating and entering my soul as I cringed. The man pulled me closer to him causing me to yell out in pain as I felt my ribs be reduced to ash. The sweet smell of luxurious cologne mingled in with tobacco entered my mouth. I raised my hands to push away the man but to no avail. His soft lips left a trail of flames all up my neck and resting on my nose. I watched him lick his lips as he looked at me. His skin slightly blushed as I felt something harden under me.

"Come on Miss FBI. I will even give you the honor of letting you become my woman if you agree! You had captured my interest after all. And just so you know, not many things do so after all."

I felt the world around me tip to the side as my head fell. Another cough of blood brought crimson on the man's white suit. Tainting it as much as he had tainted me. Pain continued to take over my senses as the scene around me continued to blur. Goddamn my stupidity. Goddamn the distrust my coworkers had in me. Goddamn this target named Don Luciano. And Goddamn me for getting myself in such a position.

I have messed up really bad. Never in my four years as an FBI agent have I ever made such a petty mistake. I have been on missions which were with higher stakes than this. My calculations and strategies are always spot-on until now. My biggest miscalculation was that I had not expected the Don to be this young, experienced in fighting, and this clever. He had seen past our disguises way faster than any of my previous targets. It was ridiculous. The rumors surrounding him always portrayed him as an idiot and old man who knew nothing about the world but everything about money.

I felt several tears escape my eyes as I looked at my coworkers. I clenched my fists as I looked up at Don Luciano. He smiled as he hugged me close.

"Come on my dear, what do you say? Yay or nay?"

I grit my teeth as I smiled softly and nodded.

"I agree Don Luciano."

His smile extended from one ear to another resembling a Cheshire Cat. His slender index finger tracing my face and down my neck as he stopped at my cleavage. His eyes sparkling and gleaming as he traced his finger over my clothes down my navel. It stopped right at the bottom of my stomach causing me to burn on the inside as I stopped myself from lashing out and cutting of his hand with my small knife. I smiled softly and nodded as he picked me up and spun me around like a little kid. He resembled a proud father as he smiled and sung a weird tone.

As he did that I kept tabs on what I could see in the room. My dizziness from the blood loss and battering up increasing. I was not sure of my future with this man. But there is one thing that I am sure of. No way was I going to do things his way, and no way in hell would I not execute my revenge. After all the whole operation was revenge, and to top it off this is the only way that I could find my missing brother. As the man who was spinning me despite his good looks was the leader of the biggest underworld industry and that is human trafficking. I shook all over as he set me softly on a bed in the room. He smiled as he patted my hair back and pulled the cover over my bloody body. His eyes sparkling as he placed a kiss on my lips and he winked as his melodic voice sang.

"Sweet dreams my dear. You don't know how happy I am to hear that you've accepted my proposal! Get a good night's sleep after all we have a lot of errands to do tomorrow!"

A lot to do tomorrow my ass. I felt my eyelids flutter as the lull of sleep overtook me. Little did I know that the things he wanted to do were not as simple as errands. After all, how could I expect that he was anything but normal from the start.


Thank you for reaching my luvs! Have a nice day and stay safe😷