

Dominick's POV

"First of all, Marcelo, where is Luna?" I demanded, my patience wearing thin.

Marcelo sighed heavily, glancing at his men. "Where the fuck are Joel and Luna? Why are they taking so long?"

One of his men rushed in, almost out of breath. "What is it?" Marcelo asked sharply.

"She's gone... they're gone," the man replied, gasping for air.

"Who's gone?" I asked, already dreading his reply. "Where is Luna?"

"Joel ran away with her."

"What the fuck are you talking about? She was there in that room a few minutes ago," Marcelo said, his voice rising.

"I swear, sir, we saw him driving away on the CCTV footage."

"Enough!" I snapped, cocking my gun. "Where the fuck is Luna? Bring her out!"

"Dominick, calm down," Marcelo pleaded. "I'm as confused as you. I don't know why Joel did that."

"Who the hell is Joel?" my father asked, stepping forward with a fierce glare.