
The Mafia's Daughter (Part 1 & 2)

aac_tda · Urbain
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22 Chs

Part 1: Chapter 10

A week later,

I let Crystal chill in my office chair while I did business. I said before I left "You are not to talk to any of my guards. You are not to touch anything"

"Okay. Wait Wil."


"Come here" I came up to her and said "what's up?" She put her hand on my cheek and gave me a kiss on the lips. I smiled "I'll see you soon baby girl" I said pulling away.

"Same" She smiled before I left the room and to the van. When I got to the car Ricky opened the for me and I got in. As we drove to the place I picked up the math order, we got stuck in traffic. While we were waiting, Demi had called me and said "Can I go get myself something to eat?"

"Send John to go for you"


"How are you?"

"Good just bored"

"I'll be home around 10 tonight we can go wherever you want to"


"Alright I'ma have to let you go I'm kinda stuck in traffic"

"Alright bye babe"


When we finally get to the place the scorpions hijacked me. I said "And what the hell are you doing with my order. I don't like my shit touched."

"It's mine he's my guy"

"Not even get away from my shit and I don't have to cap ya ass"

"You can't do shit"

"You're right. But ma boys can" with that said they pulled out their guns and he chuckled saying "Have you forgot who I am." his guys came out the car with their guns pointed. "Now let's see who's the alpha now" I just chuckled and said "Omegas." that's the go signal for my boys. When I got back to the office I said "Come on Crystal, we're going home"

"Okay. Oh my gosh what happened to you?!"

"A deal went wrong today"

"Your bleeding through your jacket it wasn't just that. Can I please help" she said coming up to me trying to see the source of the bleeding.

"I'm fine Cris" he exclaimed.

"No let me see" I removed my hand from my side and she lifted my t-shirt to see the gunshot wound on my right ribcage. She gasped and said "William we have to get you to a hospital now!"

"No, we don't I'm fine"

"No, we have to go"

"No can't you understand that the police are after me too!"

"I-I'm sorry I didn't-"

"Its fine"

"Do you have a first aid kit?"

"Yeah. It's in the car come on"

"Okay" so we went to the car. She stitched me up in our way home. When we got home she guided me upstairs to my room and put me on the bed. I said "Thanks for helping me. I owe you"

"No its fine it's the least I can do considering the fact you let me stay in your house."

"Look...I'm sorry I yelled at you. That's not all the reason I don't want the cops to see me."

"What is it?" she asked as she crawled next to me kicking off her heels.

"If um...If they find me I will be deported back to Cuba"

"You're illegal?"

"Yes....I never told anyone this"

"Your secret is safe with me. I promise."

"Thank you...my mom and dad were born in Venezuela and my dad snuck me into America so he can raise me"

"And your mom?"

"She died of cancer"

"I'm sorry to hear"

"It's okay...I know I only really known you for a little bit but can you do one favor for me.... will you...will you marry me?"

"Um.... I don't know what to say..."

"It's for legal purposes so I can get help for this would. I will be an American citizen and I can get help since you are an American citizen"

"Oh.... I understand...but.... I want to marry you...for love not legal"

"We...we can do that too"

"I'm sorry it's just that....I never really-i need to go" she said gathering her stuff of the floor.

"No please don't Crystal I didn't mean to scare you"

"It's not you I'm worried about it's my heart"

"Crystal, I love you" she stop collecting her stuff and slowly looked up at me

"You what? she said with a blush on her cheeks.

"I love you Crystal, I really honestly do. It's okay if you don't feel the same way but I just want you to know that....I have feelings for you" she didn't say anything she got on the bed and cupped my cheeks into her palms and kissed me. I pulled her closer tangling my fingers into her hair. I smiled within the kiss because I had this nice feeling in my stomach. Something I haven't felt in forever.