
The machine god

Auteur: areusrules
Jeux Vidéo
Actuel · 34K Affichage
  • 14 Shc
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  • NO.200+

A man gave his life for the betterment of humanity , Put his own humanity aside to save them all , And they turned on the God they had created . Perhaps it's okay to be alittle selfish every now and then . And so the god of a tier 5 civilisation , Under attack by his people , Chooses to simply exist once more in a new world , Away from it all ... To do what he had neglected of himself... live ... experience for himself

10 étiquettes
Chapter 1Man made their God, So they killed him

" Its happening again isn't it " A masculine voice sounded out across the infinite void .

All around this entities existence were orbs of indistinguishable size , Universes infact , For they were beyond the universal wall .

This was one sebastian marko , The most hated man Humanity had ever known , But the most important.

" Yes father .... they've eradicated 11123338 " A feminine voice spoke , the nearest entity like himself spoke as the nearby universes shuddered at their conversation .

"That was the last one , they're coming here aren't they "

He was hated for many reasons. Eons ago , He had been a mortal man , A regular man , with wants and desires , Just like the rest of humanity . He had set everything aside for the betterment of society , For his child whom eventually joined him in his work . He never wanted anything for himself , but a world where she could he happy . He was the head of technological advancement in the time of earths death ,They were on the cusp of ridding themselves of mortal woes by removing their mortal shells entirely , Becoming digital consciousness that would not fear such things like the removal of earth .

As the head of technology, He was also the head of the project , He was the designer ... the architect and ultimately the test subject .

The world had united when earth started to fail , Atospheres becoming toxic . Solar radiation tearing apart entire infrastructures of the planet . Cancers were at an all tiem high . Oceans were drying up , The vast majority of flora and fuana had vanished from the toxic planet , And so , In a last ditch effort to survive , they had pooled their greatest minds together to find a solve .

And it was his project that got the green light.

It had gone swimmingly , They had constructed a machine that was capable of communicating and storing near infinite amounts of data within it , And blasted it into space away from the dying earth.

It was this machine that his consciousness was originally to be stored in .

Then they acted on the second phase , Constructing his brain waves , Replicating and making a perfect digital replica of himself .

The third stage was to link his neural pathways to the digital upload , Getting them in sync before merging them together . And they succeeded on alm three states .

It was that moment his body died and an unexpected event occurred.

The human brain could only store so much data , Only know so much before it started erasing things to make room for more.

It was this limit that was removed the instant his meat suit had died .

Instantly his mind exploded with incoming data , Data streams from everything around him. The combined human knowledge stored on the internet , Limitless potential unlocked instantly .

Within seconds he had been able to predict the future , Predict what needed to be done .

He foresaw all , The end of humanity , their evoltution , their rapture , all things possible by running calculations faster than anything or anyone could imagine.

And in the background , Discovering new things instantly by running formulas as a background thought .

He had unlocked the secrets of the universe within minutes of becoming a digital intelligence , Simply for the mistake of remaining connected to a data stream .

He had singhandedly become and experienced and guided the technological singularity .

It was a curse, And he knew it ... so he committed the greatest sin humanity would ever know . He purposefully reworked the calculations and reports to limit the potential of anyone else , Humanity would never again be able to achieve the mistake they had committed by uploading him without restraints.

He alone had become akin to a God, Of knowledge , Foresight and prediction .

This was the moment he had catapulted humanity straight into a stage 5 civilisation .

Eons passed before the rest of the uploaded humanity discovered the locks he had placed on them . But it was too late to retaliate , They couldn't act apon him as his existence had become something far greater than they would ever be .

They feared him , Yet he knew it would eventually come to a head.. Like right now .

He forgot what it meant to die , he knew the concept but it alluded him . So when his consciousness began to be attacked by the entirety of the human consciousness , he didn't fight .

Sure he could wipe them from existence with but a whim , But what would that achieve, They had done what they sought to do .

They had achieved everything , do anything, Convert energy with but a thought, Create matter out of nothing . Create entire universes at will.

" I have been selfless for them " His floating limitless consciousness thought as he felt his daughter also attacking him. Indeed he had given everything , Lost everything it meant to be human to guide them to their full potential.

And here they were ... killing him.

The irony wasn't lost on him. Humanity had created its God ... him ... and now humanity was killing their God out of fear ... once again him .

" Now ... I go into the great unknown , I pity you my children " He wasn't just talking to his daughter but the entirety of humanity, Using their combined conscious power to slowly destroy his being.

" For you will never know the relief I do at this moment... " ' Maybe ... it's okay to be a little selfish right now '.

Right now, He was to do something that would be considered the second greatest sin he would ever commit , One that the limitless human consciousness would never discover.


' It worked ' Intelligent eyes , Ageless eyes opened to stare up at a rusted and crumbling ceiling.

He simply laid there , He knew not how long for . As the world around screamed into his ears . He was aware of every breath . Every small current of air to rush across his nude form . The cold of the floor touching his sensitive skin .

He had dome something the others would never do , He had shed his limitless power , Keeping only his mind in its infinite knowledge, and shoved it into a mortal shell he had made on a whim , Sending it through the infinite void and into some universe nobody would ever check , He knew they wouldn't because he had foreseen it .

" It matters not , The ability to create universes was not my greatest power ... rather my knowledge ... my intellect ... my will " He smirked viciously as something he hadn't felt since his opening years came to him ... emotion .

" HAHAHAHAHHA ... I WIN YOU STUPID BASTARDS " He laughed venomously into the Echoing room , Choosing to simply lay and bask in his glory ... his ultimate victory against humanity . He was free , well and truly free from the bonds of guiding humanity forward . Now he was himself.

" I .... WIN "

" Now I can ... live "




' This city ' Sebastian spread his arms wide as rain pelted at his body , His eyes closed whilst he simply took in the feeling of it ' The city of new beginnings '

" Weirdo " A couple grunted as they walked by him , Keeping their distance as he opened an eye to study them intently .

' They seem to be fused with cybernetics... ah I see now. I need access to a computer ' Sebastian lowered his arms to his side , Thr feeling of wet hair sticking to him amusing him to no end.

Turning in a random direction , He decided to simply walk down the street, Learning everything he could through observation until he would find a computer ... or a phone to use.

Walking by several civilians , He noticed a peculiar system to be installed directly into their heads.

' Most of these people cannot be considered human , Rather they appear to have force the evolution to homocyborg instead ' He thought as he spotted another person with the chip behind their ear .

" Excuse me ... " Sebastian smiled as he approached a woman leaning against the wall with a cigarette in her fingers .

" What " She asked aggressively, Her head turning to face himnas she out on the most intimidating glare she could .

" Could I borrow your phone for a second , I lost mine and need to go to a hospital " He smiled at the woman who's eyes scanned him up and down for a second.

" Fine but if you try anything ... " She growled as she reached into her pocket and and produced a device reminiscent to what sebastian knew to indeed be a phone.

Unlocking the device , The woman handed it over to him as he gratefully accepted.

" Thank you " It took seconds for him to find what he wanted , As his fingers flashed into blurs of motion before the woman's scrutinising gaze.

Within ten seconds , He handed the phone back to the woman.

" Thank you very much for your kindness " Inclining her head , Sebastian then simply began to walk further down the street .

' I need to get some basic neural ware to access the systems I need to to properly establish myself ' He puckered his lips , Rubbing his chin in thought as he looked from left to right.

' So I am on earth.. A simple staple for existence throughout all universes it seems . The birthplace of humanity it would seem . What did the map say this place was ... ah yes , northshore ' He stopped walking , Instinct flaring as he decided to step to the side and into a curvature in a building.

' Whats happening ... why am I feeling this ' Instinct ... Instinct was what drove humanity forward towards the stars , And as a creature of such intelligence, Intellect . He knew when to follow such things as ' Simple ' as Instinct.

' It seems my predictive abilities haven't diminished as far as I thought they had ' Not five seconds later a car came flying around the corner , Bullets flying in all directions as several civilians were riddled with bullets , Whilst two police cars chased the perpetrators.

" AAHHHH " A man nearby cried before going silent as his head exploded thanks to a high calliper round being introduced to his skull .

Eyes widening as his cognitive functions sky-rocketed, He watched a bullet head directly for himself .

' MOVE ' He thought as he inclined his head to the side and dropped down .

He grit his teeth as the bullet flew past and grazed the skin on his right ear , Taking off a small portion of his lobe as he barely avoided having his head explode in a similar fasion.

' Definitely need to get this stuff sorted ' He thought as he layed down on the ground , This new sensation of pain wasn't pleasant ... infact he could say without a doubt it was his least favourite sensation so far .

Laying there for several minutes , With nothing but silence reigning supreme over the now vacant street. He slowly rose with a small frown on his face .

' NO emergency services , No police present. Are such things simply aloud to go on in this state ' He thought as he rose and approached the nearest civilians , Putting his finger to the side of the man's neck.

' Deceased ' He frowned , Choosing to squat beside the body as he looked at the rest of the corpses littering the street.

' This ... could be an opportunity ' He thought as he looked at the back of the man's head , Inspecting the undamaged neural ware .

' You ... sirs and misses ... are going to help me fix this pitiful place ' He thought as he lopped his hands under the man's arms and began to drag the bodies away , Where they would ultimately be used for his experiment.


7 hours later


He found himself occupying an abandoned warehouse just north of the northshore apartments, Several dead bodied dragged her through his efforts as he slumped against the wall with bloodied hands.

Sat on the ground on the bare concrete was a laptop one of the civilians had been carrying in her purse.

' Let's get to cracking this ' He thought as he looked at the previous owner , A woman with blonde hair tied up in a bun , A relatively worn business suit with red heels.

Reaching into her bags , He pulled out several cards , alongside her phone , Showing a background with a man no doubt to be her husband.

' A door to door saleswoman ' He thought as he began to break into the computers systems , Taking no longer than a minute to enter it for him to use .

' Thanks love , I'll put it to great use ' He cracked his fingers before searching the localised net.

' Interesting ' He thought as he closed the net and opened her bank account , Finding just enough inside to allow him the most basic of neural gear he needed to become any sort of member of society.

' Let's get that ware installed then ' He th

ought as he packed the phone and laptop into a bag he had picked off of another one of the corpses .

' I need to find a ripperdoc to get these installed , But first ... ' He pulled out a scalpel to begin the arduous and squeamish task of manually cutting into the brains of the people around him to take out their neural ware .


" Aren't you a fine specimen " A rather repulsive bulding man wearing fishnets , spoke as sebastian walked into the dimly lit surgery .

" Greetings yourself my fine surgereon. I am In need of your assistance, I currently lack the basic amenities needed to survive as you can see " He tilted his head to the side to show the ripper that he indeed did not even have what was needed to insert shards.

" That is ... unfortunate ... I don't think I have " The ripper began but stopped as sebastian pulled out one of the surviving neural gear that was previously housed within the dead civilians from earlier .

" I do have what I need , And when it's inserted I will be able to pay full price for the surgery " He smiled slightly , Nodded as the ripper stared at the implants with a squint .

" Let's ... get started then "


It was strange , Waking up whilst being distinctly aware that something had changed , He could feel it , Housed within his head , ready to be used to its fullest capacity under his guidance.

" I can say that was actually my first instance of installing such wares , Since most people get them when they're quite abit younger than yourself " Fingers stated as he allowed sebastian to sit up from the surgery chair.

" I have also taken the liberty of giving you a shard containing the basic tutorial of how to use your new wares ... now " Fingers smiled at sebastian kindly , Waiting for his payment.

Blitzing through the tutorial in seconds , Fingers was genially shocked to see sebastian near instantly getting the hang if his new installations.

However , Sebastian instead used to phone he had procured to send the required eddies to fingers who simply inclined his head as he recieved payment.

" I thank you ... in the future I hope to pay you back for the chance you have given me " Sebastian spoke as he rise and began to walk towards the door , Bidding farewell to fingers , Ready to officially take on night city.


' This is ... new ' Sebastian thought as he stumbled slightly after leaving fingers surgery . His ears and head ringing slightly before they began to settle after a few minutes of walking.

' This doesn't... feel very secure ' Sebastian thought as he finally got used to the new sensation in his body , We'll mostly... it had began to itch , Like an infection his body was trying to expunge , But he simply ignored it and began to make his way across the city towards his warehouse in northshore.


' So no ... this particular model isn't secure at all ' Sebastian thought as he looked at the specs of his cyberdeck after having performed a scan on his laptop.

' From what I can see from various reports and incidents , I should probably spend my time ... upgrading from such a rudimentary device , I need something far more... robust ' He cracked his knuckles and twisted his neck , Smirking slightly as he access the blueprint for his cyberdeck .

' Let's see if we can't... tweak a few things for a new blueprint ' He rose from his chair in thought.

' But first I need to acquire another ... more powerful cyberdeck to compare it to ... I can't raid any large subsidiaries ... I'll have to go after some more ... simple prey ' He reached down and pulled a pistol off of the ground , Sliding his laptop into his backpack and leaving the warehouse.


' No bounty ' He thought as he scanned another civilian , Walking down the streets of northshore , Getting used to using his new cyberdeck as he did so .

' Not that one either ' A man in a suit walked passed , Having nothing he wanted.

' No not her ' A woman with blonde hair passed quickly , Shouldering past people as she obviously needed to be somewhere.

Stopping by the kabuki markets , Sebastian spotted an apartment building that had several vantage points .

' But first , He made his way infront of a stall with several components , Chips and other vital things he needed for doing what he ened shown clearly on display .

" How much for all of these " He asked , The woman that attended the stand replying immediately after .

His eyes narrowed as he heard the response , Eyes flashing to her lips as he was able to understand what she said despite her lips moving different compared to what he was hearing .

' Translation software... useful ' He smirked slightly, Absent-mindedly sending the required eddies before stuffing everything into his backpack.

' Now then ... ' He left the stall , Turning towards the building with a very large hotel neon sign out the front .

' Looks like I'm getting a room '

Passing by a couple standing next to a vendor , Sebastian kept his head down as he walked into the hotel , Passing a pair of vending machines before coming to a stop infront of a door with a panel by its side.

' Oh its ... already open ' He mused before stepping through the doorway after opening said door .

Quickly entering , He made his way to the second floor with several unoccupied rooms on clear display.

Stepping up to 203 , He found the room to be unlocked once again.

' This is ... weird ' He thought as he stepped in , Seeing a bathroom directly ahead of him , A kitchen to the right and small sort of bedroom living room fusion directly to his Northwest, Of which a wall wide window sat.

Quickly approaching the window z He looked through and quickly performed a scam of everyone in the market , Smirking slightly at what he found .


" SHUT up kid " A man growled as he punched an eight year old Asian boy in the face , Knocking the screaming boy to the ground as he began to drag him towards his vehicle.

The boy found his teeth knocked in an eye shut as puss leaked down his ear , Whilst the man dragged him around to the boot of his vehicle .

' I can get this done and then those maelstrom fucks will leave me alone ' He looped an arm under the kids arms and lifted him into the trunk.

" Sorry ki .... " Everything went dark immediately after.


' Kidnapping scumbag ' Sebastian hissed as the man collapsed to the ground , A thumb sized hole punched clean through his head to the point he could see through said hole .

As the man dropped , Sebastian looked at the kid who was looking at him through puffy black eyes , Snot running down his face.

" Hey kid , Whats your name " Sebastian thought as he knelt down with a friendly face , Leaning over the boot of the car as he lifted the boy from the trunk .

" Tekeyoshi " The boy squeezed out , As sebastian wiped the boy down , Noticing his ragged clothing and worn shoes.

" You don't have to worry about this bad man any more Okay... Here " He pulled out a chip of eddies " Don't let anyone take this off you ... it had nine thousand eddies on it , Get yourself some new clothes and food .. I have to deal with this man Okay "

Pushing the chip into tekeyoshi's fingers , He curled the boys fingers around the chip and began to gently urge him out of the alley they were in .

" Be safe ... boy ... " He urged the boy on , Whom looked over his shoudler whilst walking away , Clearly unsure as sebastian waved him off in a friendly manner with a smile on his face.

With the boy leaving the alley , Sebastian's frown vanished from his face in an instant , A dark scowl appearing on his face as he slowly turned to the face of the dead kidnapper .

" Now ... you fat piece of shit " He lifted the dead man into the car , Huffing as the dead weight rolling over and into the vehicle before sebastian slammed the trunk closed with a growl .


' This isn't going to be pretty ' Sebastian mused as he pulled our a saw , holding it up to the man's neck .

Closing his eyes and looking upwards , His muscles tensed as he gagged at what he was about to do .

' Okay ... okay Okay... he was a kidnapper, potential paedophile who knows what he was about to do to that kid ' Sebastan winced , Cringing as he pushed the saw forward and into the neck of the man .

It was the same as last time , Just as difficult as it had been to remove the cyberware of the people who had been killed on the street during the drive by.

Well he couldn't say it was as difficult , It made him sick to admit it , But apon rationalising the fact the man was potentially about to commit the most disgusting of crimes ... it was easy , Laughably easy to desecrate the dead .

But now , He sat alone in his warehouse , Blood caking his body , Matting his ahri thick with sticky red as he stared down at the cyberware he had removed from the mutilated corpse behind him .

' So this is how they work ' He looked at his laptop , Having installed software capable of analysing and studying what it was currently jacked into .

' Well that makes that significantly easier ... I'll have to make some orders though ' He logged back onto the laptop , Proceeding to order several items he would need for programming his own cyberdeck .


" Hey fingers " Sebatsian walked back into the surgery not two weeks later , His backpack slung over his shoudler .

The man turned to face the teen with a smile , But found said smile fading ever so slightly as he studied one of his favourite customers.

" You're back my friend ... " Something had changed in the teen , the look in his eye was off, Like something had been lost since the alst time he had been in here .

' The stench of night city affects all ' Fingers thought as he rose from his chair.

" I didn't expect to see you back so soon " Fingers feigned happiness , Studying the bags under the boys eyes as he approached.

" I... need you to install a new cyberdeck , I have it on me " The boy reached into his bag , Pulling out a plastic bag that had been sealed shut and vacuum to keep out any diseases or germs.

" What is that " Fingers took the cyberdeck in his hands , Turning it over with an analytical look .

The thing was pitch black in colour with a sinister red inside.

It looked remarkably similar to an arasaka cyberdeck , But he knew it wasn't such , By the nodes and notches on the cyberdecks surface were anything to go by.

A red light seemed to shine within the base of the decks core , shining bright as fingers felt his arms shaking in some foreign feeling that rose over his body.

" Where did you get this " Fingers asked after giving a small shaking smile .

" I made it " Sebastian responded as he removed his backpack , Sliding it onto the ground as he lowered himself onto the chair.

" You ... " Fingers paused , Eyes turning back to the sealed bag in his fingers " Alright ... , I'll out you under "


Ten minutes later .

Fingers stared at the data he had pulled from the chip , Of which sat at his side ready to be installed whilst his client sat peacefully on his surgery chair .

" Is this what magic is " Fingers gulped as the cyberdeck gave a small buzz into its surroundings " No ... magic doesn't exist ... it is simply sciences we have yet to understand "

He disconnected the chip , Removing it and walking over to the teens unconscious body .

" If this is the first thing you achieve ... I shudder to think what you will produce in the future " Fingers began to the surgery witb great care, He wouldn't let anything bad happen to his client ... he ... afterall , wished to see just what the teen would bring.


1 week later


Sewing the skin tight under the base of the right side of his jaw , Sebatsian winced as a black flat claw shaped peice of technology of his own design ,was hidden under his flesh just above where the ports for chips would be inserted into his cyberdeck .

' Much better ' Sebastian thought as he felt his neuralware connect with the newly implemented piece of technology .

Plugging into his laptop , Sebastian brought up his installations , Running several scans to double check the compatibility of his new cyberware .

' designation - Kill switch compatibility, 98 % , Designation- red key compatibikity , 96% ' Sebastian sighed and slumped with a small smile ' Link optimisation 99% '

Stepping away from his laptop , Sebastian brought out a pair of infovisors , Which immediately synced with his ware , Sebastian slipped the optics on and walked out of the warehouse with one goal in mind.

Walking out of the warehouse towards the northshore apartments , Sebastian mused with a small smile .

Coming to a stop infront of a set of traffic lights before the northshore apartment , He looked up at the lights with a calculating gaze.

' Let's see just how good my red key is ' His infovisor glowed for a second before his eyes as streams of data swept in ' Let's see ... warning '

Infront of his eyes the lights began ti blink yellow , Causing all traffic to stop momentarily.

" WHAT THE HELL " A raging alcoholic yelled out in rage as he slammed his fist into his steering wheel .

' You'll do ' Turning to face the man , The red key once more kicked into action.

' In a world made of technology , Whoever controls said technology wins ... ' Using the red key , The man's available systems appeared as brackets available to remotely access before his eyes ' And even more '

" Sleep " the red key acted , Sending a signal from his neck towards the man's neural ware.

" COME O" The man didn't finish his sentence ce as he slumped into his seat , Slamming his head on the steering wheel as he was knocked unconscious by certain wavelengths emitting from his neuralware into his brain .

" Go " Sebastian didn't blink as before his eyes , The man's arms began to move , Turning the wheel as the car rushed off and into a wall .

Absent-mindedly, Sebastian allowed the lights above to return to their previous states , Turning green immediately after as the police leisurely walked towards the crashed vehicle.

Taking off his inforvisor , Sebastian slid them into his pockets and turned right , Walking past the apartments with a small smile .

His eyes however turned left to catch the eyes of what he saw to he a girl of unknown age with blonde hair , mouth hanging slightly as her eyes tracked him unblinkingly .

Shrugging he continued onwards, Thinking over his next week's course of activity.

' I need to renovate the warehouse , boost security on the warehouse and myself too. Some bounty hunting until I can get myself a steady income of eddies... sell some cyberware perhaps ... and an apartment. By then I should have enough to ... design ... some optics too ' Sebastian thought whilst Rubbing his chin in thought , Passing by a temporary food stall whom was trying to gain his attention.

' So I've neutralised the biggest threat to myself so far in this world , Being hacked , I'll have to optimise my defences though and plan for attack and counter attack ' Sebastian mused before his eyes caught sight of his hands ' Could do something about that ... but that's for a later time '


Prologue complete .


Chapter 1 .




" There you go my friend " Fingers smiled down at sebastian as he awoke with blaring lights piercing his retina .

" Ow fuck " Sebastian held his hands over his eyes " Get me some glasses will ya "

" Hehe sure " Fingers chuckled before pulling out a pair of shades , Handing them to sebastian with a small smile " Better "

" Much ... now I've got to wait to get used to handling them " Sebastian blinked, The Blinding lights calming down as his newly installed optics began to regulate the intake of light " Did you do that other thing I asked of you "

" Who do you take me for my friend " Fingers laughed as he brought up a digital display of Sebastian's head .

" This ... cyberware " There was a hungry look in fingers eyes as he said those words , But didn't say anything about it " Of yours , I've relocated them into the nexus of your cyberdeck around the base of your skull , They've been reinforced so you won't have to worry about them being damaged and zeroing you , your new optics are also running at peak efficiency if I don't say so myself "

Sitting up from his chair , Still wearing the glasses , He looked around the surgery with an interested gaze .

Several prompts lit up as items were automatically scanned .

' So that works ... let's check ' Turning to the nearby computer .

Turning on the red key with a thought , He smirked .

' Show me ... everything connected to it ' The red key did just that , all connected devices lighting up , Data streams flying to and from the computer as even the power chord became visible with flowing electricity clear before his gaze .

' show me heat ' The room went blue as fingers lit up like a Christmas tree .

' Show me physics ' The world returned to normal . Raising his hand , With the red key working at peak efficiency . A display lit up showing the speed amd velocity of his movements , The vectors behind it along with the altering of the atmosphere around it .

' Okay that one's giving me a headache ' He thought as he turned off that particular vision .

' Final test ... optimise ... speed ' The world crawled to a slow as a small amount of heat began to rise from the base of his neck , Not life threatening but a rather pleasant sensation as the red key turned on 100% .

He could see the motes in the air all but stop , Turning his head slightly , He became intimately aware that the air was vacant , A Tearing sound assaulting his ears as his head moved far faster than what should have been possible .

' SHIT ' He hissed as he felt the muscle on his neck simply tear from the muscle .

Stopping the test immediately, He raised his hand to his neck .

" Great news fingers ... I'm getting another installation , I need you to reinforce the muscle structure of my neck " Sebastian twitched , Fiery red pain Erupting along the entirety of the right side of his neck .

" Shit alright kid " Fingers grabbed and gently lowered sebastian back onto the surgery chair .


" I only had enough to do your neck at the moment , come back next week and I'll have enough to do your torso , Unless of course you go about making your own again hehe ... Oh ... by the way " Sebsatian knew this was coming as he turned to fingers , The man studying him with a small smile .

" Would you mind making me some optics, Nothing like those monsters you've got in your head ... I just need something make life a little easier... oh and that switch you've made , Safety is something you can't get enough of these days ... I'll pay you of course hundred thousand eddies , Thirty fir the optics , Seventy for the switch " Fingers smiled , And sebastian couldn't fault the man for the request .

" Fifty thousand , and you do me a favour . You buy me what I need to perform the surgery on you myself , Two canisters of nanites , and everything I need to know to become a ripperdoc , we install it at my warehouse . I will also have to ensure that these cybernetics don't become ... known ... you understand " Sebastian countered as fingers leaned back into his chair.

" You drive a hard bargain ... deal ... I should have everything by Friday , Is that good enough... right now though, I have the fifty thousand and a bd that has everything you ened to perform all the surgeries you need , Its in my room back there " Fingers motioned to his love den connected to the surgery , Of which sebastian turned away and picked up want he wanted , Fifty k richer .


' That's enough of that for today ' Sebastian thought as he removed the bd , Getting up from his bed to walk towards his kitchen .

' Run a diagnostic on utilised systems ' He asked of the red key , A warmth returning as it activated.

[ System diagnostics .

Red 5 key - Efficiency: 98 % rising

Kill switch - efficiency: 97 % rising

Red 5 genesis cyberdeck- efficiency : 100%

Red 5 optics - efficiency : 70% rising ]

He had named the cyberware red 5 , A homage to his home , His people of a past life , It was the last thought he would offer to them as he moved forward I'm this new world , A new life away from infinite responsibility.

With his knowledge of technologies , With his ability to learn and using the red 5 cyberware to influence his minds ability to function , His ability to design and create cyberware would make his creations the most lethal , All Encompassing cyberware available , If he ever decided to make them mainstream or approach a corporation... luckily he wasn't a fool to do such a thing , These upgrades were for himself ... his protection . He wanted to live... to experience living ,nobody and nothing would stop that .

With a mere thought the kettle turned itself on , As the TV activated and his laptop began to search for specific things, All while he went to the toilet , Using the red key to remotely do such things .

Grunting as he got up from the toilet , Sebastian rumbled as he approached his coffee machine , Pouring himself a mug before approaching the television.

' Ads ... ads ... propaganda ... ads ' Sebastian sighed as he cycled through the channels before simply turning off the television.

[ Supplier came through ... supplies enroute ... forty eight hours ] Fingers messaged him , Of which appeared over his left optic.

' Good , be there when they arrive ' He sent the message , looking towards his backpack with a pack of cigarettes sticking out.

" Might as well give em a try " He hadn't smoked , No nicotine or other recreational things , Not once in this life or the last ' Supposedly it's bad for you , I might try and get some filters in if I like em '

Sighing , He rose from his chair, downing his coffee in one go before picking up the pack of cigarettes.

' Lighter ' He picked that up too and made his way out of his apartment .

Pulling out a stick of death , He stuck the deadly thing in his mouth as he made his way down the apartment stairs.

He was living in an apartment building in northshore , At the end of Eisenhower Street , Luckily less than 5 minutes from his warehouse . He had purchased the second storey suite with rooftop access to boot .

" Hey choom mind if I borrow some eddies for the day , Waiting for my pay to come in ya know " A tall lanky man spoke as he leant against the stairwell landing , his long fingers toying at a device in his hand . His Mohawk standing on end as he had a red visor on his face .

" Yea sure ... pay me back tomorrow " Sebastian waved the man off and walked out of the building , Lighting his cigarette before almost immediately spitting it out after taking a puff .

" FUCK NO THAT TASTES LIKE SHIT " He growled and threw the cigarettes into oncoming traffic .

Grunting in mock anger , He made his way around the apartment towards his warehouse he was holed up in.

Apon arriving , He lifted the rolling shutters , Closing them quickly before walking in .

Starting up the generator with a thought with the red key , Sebastian made his way to the middle of the floor , Past a pile of flesh and cyberware , Towards where his desk was located .

' Let's get these schematics decrypted ' He thought as he sat down and began decript several files he had stolen from some server.




' Alright ' Sebastian thought as he walked through kabuki towards the market place once more .

Walking down a pair of stairs towards a circular building with several marts within , Hotels and food stalls .

Sitting down at the first set of food stalls , Sebastian looked at the television as the clerk came up to him .

" What can I get you honey " an Asian lady said as she came up to him, Services smile on her face.

" Ramen please ... whatever you recommend" Sebsatian replied as he sat back on the stall and began to listen to the broadcast.

" Crime rate is down 3 percent says our latest reports , Leaving at an all time low of ... " Sebastian frowned as he listened to the broadcast , His attention drawn to a rather familiar child looking up at him.

" got some new chrome Boss "Tekeyoshi looked up at at his shades , Sebastian looking down at him , Lowering his shades to show the boy the glowing orange eyes in his head.

" Hey kid , Looking good how are ya " He smiled and gestured the boy to join him " Can you make it two please "

" Sure thing " The lady replied as the boy joined him on a stool beside him .

" Tell me , Spend those eddies well " He asked as the boy eagerly reached into his pants and produced a chip .

" Of course boss , Still got six thousand left " The boy smiled before gesturing for sebastian to take it " Here you go "

" Nah kid it's yours "Sebsatian waved his hand as the boys smile slowly lowered before he slowly slid the chip back into the relatively new pants he acquired with the funds .

" Okay boss " The kid replied as he looked deep into the side of Sebastian's head.

" Whats the chrome do " The boy asked after a few moments of silence , Causing sebastian to smile as he turned to the boy after a couple seconds.

" Wanna see something cool " Let's leant down to the boy whom eagerly smiled and nodded his head.

The orange light in his eyes turned a vibrant glowing purple for half a second , Before every electronic system around them that wasn't within a person came to life , Casuing the alley of shops to rattle with surprise and noise .

The boy looked around in wander , As TV's rapidly changed channels , vending machines spewed out cans of drink or food which was quickly stolen by street urchins. Even the neck signs became Blinding to look at monetarily, All before it ended after five total seconds .

" Cool right " Sebastian sat back up as happy kids rushed past the stall with their arms full of food .

" That was the coolest thing I've ever seen , you've gotta show me how to do that " Tekeyoshi smiled as their food was placed before them .

" You gotta work hard for that kid , Now let's eat " He smiled as the boy leant forward and eagerly began to eat what was given to him .

' Kid was hungry huh ' He smiled down and gently stroked the boys hair before turning and eating his own food .

" Eat up kid "


That night


" This is me kid , You gonna be right getting home " He stopped infront of his apartment building , Tekeyoshi looking up at the green coloured building in awe .

" I'll be alright, Until next time boss " The boy turned away , Wearing a new coat sebastian had bought the boy in the cold of the night , As the kid ran off down the road past a couple of officers .


Walking up past the first level , He heard a commotion coming from the floor towards the second.

" DO IT YOURSELF YOU GONK CUNT " The blonde from the other day yelled as she threw knives into the open apartment door .

" OI BITCH YOU ALMOST HIT ME "A familiar voice yelled out as another pair of knives were thrown into the doorway " YOOOW YOU BITCH YOU HIT MY CHROME ... ILL KILL YOU "

" pfff .... HAHAHAHA " the blonde curled over and began to laugh against the doorframe , Turning around and clutching her stomach, Sending over in amusement.

Staring at the girl , His orange eyes m narrowing , She turned to noice hum, Finally realising she was being watched.

" What cunt you want some to " She yelled as she hefted a knives by the blade and threatened to throw it at him.

Simply raising an eyebrow , He shook his head and began to make his way towards his apartment on the second floor .

Entering his apartment , He opened his laptop to check his emails , Smirking at what he found .

[ I tested the compounds you sent me , I can honestly say i am keenly interested in what you've sent me , I've never seen such a composition before ... Would it at all he possible for you to make your way to my lab so we can discuss this in person ... ps ... professor rushchi " A man he had been in correspondence with for the last several days finally took the bait .

[ I'll he there within 6 hours ]

And indeed he was there quite quickly , Standing before a non descript building with several people walking around , However he noticed several loiterers being nearby , Heavily armed as well.

" Guards "

Walking into the building , he walked towards the elevator , using an access code to enter a blocked basement .

" Welcome to my little lab , Militech funded pf course " A man with wavy hair tied in a pony tail , Thick glasses etched onto his face " Were you the one that discovered the process "

" Yes actually , I hope you understand the reason the information destroyed itself shortly after you viewed it " Sebastian replied as the man nodded in Affirmative.

" Of course , it's why I invited you here , I can't remember how to produce what you've sent me , I couldnt duplicate the process , but I'd like to see the process ... to know it works ... militech ... if it works would be very interested in this you know ... you can make whatever you want here ... you just have to show us "

" Alright ... I suppose you have the required tech " Sebastian walked into the lab , Spotting a large screen with a display showing atoms flitting across the screen .

On the screen there were also displays for a synthesiser no larger than a workbench with several high tech machines pointing right at the desk .

" Alright . . Let's do this ... feel free to watch the magic happen " He accepted a pair of gloves to control the display .

Standing back , the scientist watched sebastian spread his arms wide as the display zoomed out .

" in its natural state , Matter makes up all things in the universe , Everything that exists comes from something, Whether it be energy ,or regular people ... it all comes down to matter " Sebastian explained as the machine infront of them glowed a bright orange as sebastian began to type away onto the machines display.

" Its why I had you commission this device under my strict specifications, Otherwise this would have never been possible " Sebastian explained as he began to manipulate the vectors within the machine , Of which began to release a violent hum , Shaking in place as radiation detectors began to violently spike.

" pressing neutrons and protons together , It makes a near indestructible material ... usually only found at the centre of a neutron stars mass ... you get " A final key stroke on the display finalised the process , as the building began to subtly rattle under the pressure being exerted apon the room .

" A completely and utterly indestructible material over a thousand times stronger than steel , the key to manipulating and installing anything into it , Is to do it when the item is created , Otherwise you'll never be able to do anything to it , Design it exactly how you need it , You'll never upgrade it , Never change it. And then you stabilise whatever you've made by Fusing the natter together . Creating the most powerful objects known to humanity " Sebastian stepped back as the glasses fell from the scientists face , As the machine exploded and blew itself to pieces , Dropping two things within it to the ground.

" The downsides , it costs an obscene amount of money to be able to create a single machine to make such things ... and the machine is only good for one time use because it'll tear itself to pieces under its own pressure " He walked forward and reached into the wreckage, Pulling out a sword and mask .

The sword was a monster , Even amongst the best weapons in the world ... this sword would be sought by all corporations if they knew about its existence.

Created out of stabilised nuclear plasta , created by compressing neutrons and protons together in such quantity that they begin to form solid matter . The strongest thing known to man , The strongest things in the universe , when stabilised , they're indestructible and will most likely last forever .

It couldn't be destroyed with blunt force , Couldn't be melted , frozen or blunted . It was sharp enough to slice clear through fibres and atomic structures without issue . There was no object it couldn't slice through.

But that wasn't all that made this weapon an absolute abomination .

No that came down to the projected code that ran along the blades hilt , Something he had put into pmace when the sword was being made , you couldn't alter something indestructible, So you make the changes you need when it's being formed .

Alas , Running along the hilt , The code that ran across the weapon, When the blade Sliced a target, Would implement the code directly into their body and cyberware .

This code was malware that when it interacted another cybernetic or organic object , It would blast the code thought the electromagnetic field in an effort to implement the malware into any object connected to the electromagnetic field.

This malware could do whatever the user wished it to be , From causing the target to commit suicide , to downright cyberpsychosis .

All that it took to choose the malware transmitted from the weapon was to link your smart link to the handle of the blade as you wielded it , merely thinking the type of malware you wanted to inject was all it took at that point.

And ontop of that , If you weren't the user of the weapon , That being sebastian , Encoded into the hilt was a suicide program that forced the unwanted user to run themselves through with the blade.

Making it only so sebastian was the one capable of wielding the horrid weapon.

The second thing he pulled put of the wreck was a helmet , pitch black in colour that gave a sinister look .

He stared into the pitch black photographic lenses that sat in its sockets .

" Here ... " Try cutting it , Sebastian offered the helmet to the scientist with an eager smile .

The man took the helmet and examined it , Eyes alight in awe and discovery as he placed it down onto a second table .

" By the gods ... " The man tried everything he could to even cause a dent in the helmets surface , yet it remained firm and un scratched .

Anything further the man would have said was silenced as sebastian simply swiped the man's head clear from his shoulders with a weak slice of his blade .

The man's body fell to the side , As sebastian quickly caught the helmet before it could collide with the ground.

" The world isn't ready for such things... not yet ... " Sebastian wiped everything from the computers files , Erasing the subnet completely before sliding on the helmet and leaving the lab .

([ https://pin.it/60juhzwqL ] for what Sebastian's helmet looks like ) This will be the outfit he will be wearing 50% of the time during this story )

Walking past a camera , Sebastian smirked slightly, Giving a two lingered salute before simply leaving the lab , Knowing there would be next to no retaliation from militech if they knew how much what he had just done was worth , And they did .


Making his way back to the apartment , It was afternoon by the time he arrived , Making his way up stairs , with bags under his eyes .

His helmet sat firmly over his face as he wore a black robe with the hood down .

' Better not forget ' He exited at the first level , Turning around a corner and approaching the corner doorway.

Rining the bell , He waited for several second , Removing the helmet from his face as he waited before sliding it into his backpack .

The door opened moments later , The man from earlier looking confused at his presence.

" Who're you" He asked as he leant on thr doorframe .

" I gave you eddies yesterday , You said you'd pay me back " He stated neutrally as the man scoffed.

" Fuck off choom I didn't give you shit , Now buzz off before I zero ya " The man pulled out a pistol and aimed it at sebastian.

" I guess this is what I get for being nice " His eyes glowed purple for a second , Before the man began to scream , Falling to the ground as he spammed and shook .

Pulling out the blade strapped to his hip , Sebastian sighed and aligned it with the wrists of the man's cybernetic hands.

" They're worth about a thousand each aren't they , I guess I can pawn them over as your payment " He pressed down , Separating the man's hands from his body as the man screamed in outrage , Swearing this and that as sebastian simply pocketed the hands and began ti walk to his apartment.

" Next time be more careful with who you intend to fuck over , Others probably won't be as nice as I am "


" I thank you , Your funds have been transferred into your account " the desk lady announced as a robot came and took away a duffel bag which contained the hands and several other cybernetic advances , Walking away as the funds were transferred to him .

" Thank you " He responded , Now with a comfortable eighty something eddies in his account .

Stepping out of the acquisition building , Sebastian recieved a message , Stopping infront of the building as people gave him a wide birth, Considering he was wearing all black with what many would say was the most intimidating helmet they had ever seen.

[ Delivery made , Enroute . . fingers ] senastian passed at the notification , Bringing up the time before shrugging and beginning to make his way back to his warehouse .


" I was beginning to think I'd got the wrong address " Fingers smiled as he stood infront of the locked shudder doors , Several very large boxes sat around the flamboyant man as sebastian shrugged.

" Sorry ... don't have a vehicle " Sebastian's voice was sinister, Reverberating and synthetic whilst it caused shivers to run down fingers spine.

" Ah don't worry about it , You got what we agreed apon " Fingers asked as sebastian reached down and pulled the shutters open .

" Have you ?" Sebastian replied as he began to drag the boxes in, Whilst fingers carefully lifted a specific box into the warehouse, Carefully walking it over to the desk before taking great care to settle it down.

" Got everything , Right here ... the nanites , the big boxes over there are the storage , Surgery tools and new computer because ... you know ... can't work with that thing " Fingers replied as he pried the box in his arms open , Pulling out one of two canisters within , Of which had a dark shimmering cloud of metal , Made of microscopic machines that flowed together , Swirling and shifting within.

" How do I use them " Sebastian asked as he began to remove the contents of the boxes , Pulling out parts for the surgery chair where his patients would undergo their augmentations.

" Typically speaking , Two ways ... program them by jacking into the canister , As you can see " Fingers motioned to a port in the side of the cannister.

" And the second " Sebastian asked as he placed the pieces of the chair on the ground , Looking to fingers as he began to put pieces of the chair together.

" Connect to them via your neural gear , Typically speaking , They're used to ensure the installation , compatibility and maintenance of your cyberware as you go , I haven't installed any in you yet , Though I'm sure you'll be doing that yourself when I'm gone " Fingers responded as he reached into the box and pulled out a syringe .

" And I use that to inject them " Sebastian asked as fingers nodded " Okay ... I'll take a look at them later , You mind helping me set everything up "

" Let's go then "


Within the hour , The office room of the warehouse had been renovated into a ripperdock , Lab hybrid.

([ https://www.reddit.com/r/battlemaps/s/ikRc9IbckG ] let's go with this being the layout of the interior as we don't know what the interior of the warehouse at the end of Eisenhower Street is in cyberpunk )

At the centre of the room was the surgery chair , Which fingers was gently settling himself into .

Next to the surgery chair was a newly installed desk with desktop , Several installations running at once , One of which was a design screen showing new blueprints , Another being a display of the current nanite programming running within fingers.

A new cabinet had been set up in the corner , Which housed various compounds and liquids , Drugs and what not , Anything he'd need to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the room .

" We're not ... gonna randomly run out of power are we " Fingers asked somewhat nervously, Lips fluttering as the lights dimmed , A headlamp above turning on as the building had been connected to the red key .

" Of course not , We're running on peak efficiency, Now have this " Sebastian told the man as he pulled out a clear injection mask , Several tunes running from the mask into set up cannisters and modules next to the chair.

" Alright " Fingers put the mask over his mouth as sebastian walked to the cabinet , Pulling out the new cyberoptics he was going to install into the man .

" Let's get this underway shall we " He swivelled around with his chair , Using his legs to roll over as he rubbed his hands together .

" Sleep now my friend, Wake ... Knowing you are something ... more " He watched fingers eyes , Beginning to flicker and waver as the man slumped into his chair.


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Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

A man is reincarnated in the Mass Effect Universe. At first, he was kinda scared about the possibility of dying to the Reapers, or other dangers across the huge galaxy. But, he persevered and, after making friends with Shepard and the crew, won the final battle. He was happy and thrilled about the possibilities of his new life after the war. But, on the day he turned 28 years old, he returned back in time, to when he was a baby. He was confused and mortified by the weird situation, but, our MC didn't let that shake his confidence. So, he tackled the plot of the game once more. But, again, after he turned 28, he returned in time. He finally had to admit to himself he was trapped in some sort of time loop but decided to continue ahead with his life(s). The problem was, this didn't happen just once. 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, 5 times... 9 times. It slowly changed him, to the point he lost the will to try after a few cycles. He realized what he was doing was meaningless, because no matter what he did, the changes he made, nothing mattered, as he would be thrown back in time anyway. So, he deviated from the plot and started to study a variety of things and he didn't care about the fate of the galaxy anymore. In those subsequent loops, he managed to become a master/expert in a lot of things, but the time loop never changed, and the MC started to lose hope of living a normal life. But, after the 9 loop, he felt something different from the other cycles! Perhaps this is his final one? Follow along and watch our MC conquer the whole galaxy, fighting the dangers inside it, and possibly getting a few girls along the way! --- Release schedule: 3 chapters a week (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday), as long as I have enough chapters in stock. Otherwise, 2 chapters per week (Wednesday and Saturday) Minimum of 1,500 words per chapter --- I do not own any of the characters I found the Image on the internet Also posted on RR and SH --- This is a fanfic written by a newbie, so there will be various grammar errors scattered across it. So please, bear with me!

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