
The Lupin Case

An investigative journalist, Reyansh Joshi. After a six-month training period, he goes home and learns about Mary's unsolved death. Lupin, L. The task of solving Mary's secret falls to Rey. Can he unravel the mystery of this situation? Please share your comments. It helps me as a writer. Hope you enjoy:) [The story contains explict language. Suitable for adults only.]

ADDIE_DOT · Politique et sciences sociales
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28 Chs

Redlie Amines

'Good to see you, Mr. Joshi.' Said a man, standing infront of the entrance of the monastery, like a guide on a tour. I was dressed in a white shirt with a blue jeans and an eyeglass for the style. He ushered me inside and seated me in a waiting room. Things were quite systematic and seemengly punctual, despite being in a small town.

I spoke to that man on phone the previous day, and the moment I mentioned Mary's name, he immediately offered to arrange a meeting with a person who knew her well. Certainly, her name is quite efficient in opening closed doors that have secrets.

It began precipitating, lite showers that made the atmosphere dull. The man returned to the waiting room, looked at me and gestured 'He's coming'. Then there entered a tall man, clean shaven and short hairs, dressed like a priest. He walked towards me, keeping his eye contact stable until he reached a foot infront.

'Were you the person enquiring about Mary' He said in a stern tone.

'Yes, that's me.' I said trying to be informal

'Your good name?' He asked

'Reyansh Joshi.' I replied

Generally at this point people tend to ask further questions, but he stood there with his eyes wide open. It was as if he never expected me to turn up. But I did not expect that expression because it felt like he'd heard of me, or perhaps I was bad news.

'Excuse me,' he said as he coughed, 'I've heard of you, sir and I admire your work that you did to Mary.'

I did not know what he was talking about, was he refering to that interview years ago?

'Please come to my cabin. We can chat there.' He offered.

The new job a started few months ago. I had good experience to start with which added to my benifit. My new boss was adement, strengent and brutally bitter with people. I started digging deep into the 'New Report on Politics in Local Bangalore'. It was quite a boaring task.

Suresh came in to check on me, as a superior and trainer. He told me to go to boss's cabin. He was seated on his chair, mulling over something that bashed his face. I sat in anticipation of influx of work.

He asked me about my career plans in this job, which was already asked in the form and interview. I answerd as I had, but he was still mulling over it.

'Sir can I know what the matter is?' I asked

He replied with a nod, completely ignoring me. Then he looked at me.

'Do you know what drives this city's infrastructure?' he asked rhetorically, 'It's the people themselves representing through their politicians. You know, they're just like demons with hundred faces. I hate them, but it is what the reality is. Joshi, what I've called you here is that you need to do me a favor. Do an interview of this Mary. She's a local politican who has been asking for an interview and we have agreed to it.'

'With all due respect, I'm not the person for this. You can ask those who are good at it.' I said

'See, Joshi this is an offer of 'TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT' kind. So you don't really have an option. And rejecting has bad consequences that you do not want. What do you say?' He said

'I'd rather take the fall.' I replied

'You could have taken that offer.' Said Akeeb, a senior and well reputed journalist.

'He fucked up at something and wants me to clean it for him. My days aren't that bad that I clean his ass for job.' I said

'Hey, you don't know what's in store behind that offer. It could be of some good stuff.' He said

'You can take it if you want, but don't convince me into that.' I said rudely while packing my stuff angrily to depart. I'd already seen enough.

'See ya.' He said

I just walked away, not giving a damn about anybody. I was almost about to loose my temper at someone if he cut my path, because I expected a pink slip.

The cabin was like a suite. I sat on a chair while he was fetching water for me as the tredition says.

'I'm very pleased to meet you sir.' He said as he handed me the drink, 'Where are my manners. I'm Samuel. They call me Father Samuel. So what brings you here in the middle of this town?'

'I'm investigating into Mary's murder. The official conclusion of her investigation was least bit convincing and I took up the task of digging the reality.' I said and looked at him before I bring up the sad part, 'You must have heard of Father Richard's news, I'm sorry. I found out about this place in connection with her family and her life as well.'

He looked down and sniffed his nose, controlling his sentiments, then looked at me with his tear-filled eyes.

'He was like a brother to me.' He said in a mouenful tone, 'We grew up together in this monastery and his sudden death is staggering to me.'

I nodded in compliance with his feelings.

The man from before came into the room, asking for his presence for the ceremony for the visitors. He wiped his tears with his kerchief.

'Excuse me Mr. Joshi, but I have to attend to a lot of work today. I may not be available but I will arrange for another meeting tomorrow.' He said and departed.

I strolled around the place, visited places to spend the time. At sundown, I returned to my lodge, which was near the monastery not too far. That man had cautioned me about the petty little goons here who were quite troublesome. I'd asked Avani to meet me near the lodge, but she did not turn up.

After a while I returned to the lodge, sort of dissapointed. There were three people standing near my car, like they were waiting for me. I glared at them from afar. As I stepped closer to the stairs that led upstairs, to my room, one of them blocked my way. I gave him a stern glare and he just did not move. I turned around to the other two and walked a few steps, right into the center of those three who stood in a circle.

'Do you really wanna do this?' I said.

'You gonna get punched up real good, asshole.' Said one guy.

'You don't know what you are getting into. There is still time, You can walk away.' I said.

They looked at each other and laughed, like I'd cracked a joke.

'Let's show'em what we are.' He said.

One guy stepped forward and stood at close distance. I could see three different ways of killing him, but my intention was just to kick his ass.

He pushed me. I abacked. He came forward and attempted to push me harder. I held his right hand and pulled him towards me. Then I gave a hard blow to his stomach. He grunted and bent forward reflexly. Then I held his head in that position and finished him with a hard knee shot.

The remaining two charged towards me from two opposite sides together. I diverted the person infront of me by pushing him swiftly, then kicked the person behind in his face. He fell down screaming in pain. The last man threw a bitch-punch at me. I held his hand and twisted it just enough to dislocate his arm and then tossed him. All three were done in half a minute.

The person lying beside me, still suffering in pain, tried to stand up. I kicked him again in his face. He fell down breaking few more tooth. Then I stamped his fingers with my shoes. He screamed even louder in agony.

'Who do you work for?' I asked

'I don't know.' He shouted

I put even more weight on his fingures and twisted my feet, like putting out a lighted cigarette.

'WHO DO YOU WORK FOR' I shouted.

He shook his head with tears running down his eyes.

'I'll tell you.' Said the person that I beat first.

I freed his fingures and stepped close to him.

'No more games.' I warned him.

'Gururaj,' he said while gasping, 'he ownes a gang. He told us to do this, and...' He struttered.

'And what?' I asked

'He said he's got three of your people.'

Hey guys...please review the book and comment on the chapters. It helps me lot...:)