
Chapter 37: Original Male Lead_1

"Mother, wait a moment, let me go and ask around," Wei Yichen replied, swiftly dismounting from his horse and merging with the crowd.

After a short while, Wei Yichen returned, visibly more excited than when he left.

"Mother, it's a newly opened shop holding a competition," he said.

"What shop? What competition?" Madame Yun asked, intrigued by her son's enthusiasm.

It was rare to see him this excited about anything.

"It's the Four Treasure House, they've opened a branch in Xingshan County, they're holding a contest for calligraphy and essays, and the winner will receive a prized piece of calligraphy from the Tibetan layman."

"The Four Treasure House? Didn't your father bring back some paper made by them last time?"

"Yes, it's the same Four Treasure House indeed!" Wei Yichen said, his expression filled with eagerness.