
chapter 1: Four leaf clover

This world is known as 'globe' people here have mana once they're born, everything in this world works with mana it's as important as air and all races use mana in many ways such as alchemy, blacksmithing and battling, that's why all races created schools for those

*In the 'School of human scholars'*

Once upon a time there's a war created by the 'Ruler of Paradise' She's a dangerous girl that did atrocious things because it's fun and her legion of false human.

"False humans huh, is that another word for cyborgs? Hmmmm maybe not since cyborgs are also humans mixed with technological materials" This is Carl just your average human with black hair, average face and 186cm in height

"Hey! What are you doing, we're in the middle of a raid and you're reading books!" Annie their party leader said

"Oh sorry, but you can kill that 'crystalised wolf' without my buffs

Annie "Shut up! this is a test of teamwork so we need the cooperation of everyone, and you're the only one that's not cooperating!"

"Fine fine [blessing of the Blue Golem] [whisper of Sylph]" He casted those spells to his party members and pulled a mana infused chalk then "time to draw" he created a summoning magic circle "Summon [tree of the sadistic demon]

Annie "nice now order it to kill that wolf!"

"Alright! Go kill that wolf but wait let me cast this, AOE [Field of the feiry spirit] it can boost our attack by +15 now go!"

The tree moved it's vines and whipped the wolf at an incredible speed till it's dead

[Congratulations! you defeated the practiced monster "crystalised wolf"]

A mature and loud voice suddenly spoke "Congratulations everyone, you all did it!" It's professor Max the professor of class 1 "but I don't like what you did at the beginning Carl, why are you reading a book in the middle of a battle!?"

"Ah I'm sorry I'm just curious, that's all"


"I-i know that but it's just a test so..."


"Y-yes sir!"

*At his office*

Professor Max "Now Carl I know it's a test but it's to help you in the future!"


Professor Max "No buts, you have good grades but you will fail if you keep doing those things!"

"Y-yes sir I will keep that in mind!"

Professor Max "glad you understand now go home, it's already 6oclock"


*After Carl exited the school*

"Hmm~ hmm~ time to find something new toda- ack!, Hey watch where you're going!"

"Oh I'm so sorry little man" a man in a black robe said

"It's okay since you apologised"

The man in black robe "ho ho you have something unique inside you I see, my name's Mathew, what's yours?"

"My name's Carl, and I'm gonna go now, bye!"

Mathew "Wait, let me give you something as an apology"

"Huh? You already apologised but if it's free then why not"

Mathew handed Carl a flower with only 4 petals in it

Mathew "eat it and you will have a fulfil life" after he said that he disintegrated into nothingness

"D-did I just witnessed a death!? Well it's daily occurrence so it's fine but that man wants me to eat this? Raw? Bad guys are not popular anymore so I'm gonna trust him"

After he ate the flower

"Ugh w-what's happening to me!? I-im about to puke but I can't!?"

[You consumed the unique flower 'four leaf clover' re-adjusting your stats

Attack: 30

Defence: 25

Mana: 50

Luck: Infinite]

"What the"