
The Loyalty of the Wolf

This Story is about a girl Alpha who tries her best to prove that women can lead. Even without the consent of her family, and pack. In doing so she accepts one plea for help against a pack of rabid wolves from the south. Alena and her pack set off on a journey to defend a place that they love. and will stop at nothing to protect. Will she be able to protect everyone she loves? Will they be Betrayed by a close friend? And will Alena be able to move on after the soon to come fight is over?

Feminiss9485 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
12 Chs

Chapter 12

For the first time since I bought the house, I was able to peacefully sit at the kitchen island, and enjoy a cup of coffee.

"Hey, beautiful," Scott said, wrapping his arms around me, from behind. His voice was groggy, hoarse, from sleep.

"Hey, handsome," I replied, sliding over a cup of coffee, for him.

Scott took the seat next to me, and sipped the delicious drink, I had prepared for him. A small genuine smile crept onto his face, as he took another sip.

"Better?" I asked, rubbing his back, between his shoulders.

He smiled warmly in my direction. "It's freezing in here." He said. " Is it always?"

"Pretty much. We live on a lake. It's gonna be cold in the morning. Especially when they're calling for rain the next day." I said. "Plus this is Canada. It mostly always cold in the morning."

"Hmm," Scott grumbled, as he took another sip. "Figures."

I chuckled lightly, as I watched him scrunch up his nose, before a peaceful look replaced it when ever he'd take a sip of coffee.

"So, when can I move in?" Scott asked, looking over at me, through half lidded eyes.

"When you're not tired," I said, simply. Trying not to laugh at the sarcastic look I was given, that only made him look cute, I nearly spit out the coffee in my mouth. "What? You don't like sarcasm? You do it to me every morning."

Scott opened his mouth to say something, but closed it.

"Hey," Thalia said, coming in the front door, instead of the porch door.

"Hi," I said, matching her happy tone. "How was your run this morning?"

"Uh, good. Until someone's mules decided to cut me off." Thalia said, filling a glass with peach juice from the fridge.

"Ah. I see. Anything else weird happen to you?" I asked, trying not laugh.

"No, and it's not funny!" Thalia said. "That thing had a big ass."

"T, it's a mule. Did you expect it to be small?" I asked, sarcastically.

"You know what, a bright eyed and bushy tailed you in the morning is really beginning to get on my sarcastic nerves." Thalia said. "I'm not sure you and Scott in the same bed is a good idea."

My eyes flung open wide at the realization that I wasn't exactly quiet last night. We did not have sex, but we did other stuff. Stuff that was just as pleasurable. And I don't recall being quiet about it. Hopefully it wasn't that bad.

"Relax, girlie. I slept like the dead, and Ren spent the night with Drew-" Thalia said, stopping herself. "I mean, well they did, but they didn't do anything…"

"Do you really think I care what they do? My mother was sixteen when she had my brother, and seventeen when she had me. If they aren't smart enough to use a condom, that's not my problem." I said. "If they aren't responsible enough to try to use protection, than they get what they get."

"Wow," Thalia said. "Who are you, and what have you done with Alena?"

"Nothing. I can't control what mates do. And unless Ren was my own child, why would I try to act like her mother, telling her who she can and can't sleep with?" I stated flatly. "I can't control what she does, anymore than I can control what you do."

"Uh, did you just hear yourself?" Thalia said.

"I mean with your mates," I said. "I know I can make you do stuff, but I wouldn't force you to do something. Or not do something. Unless it was an emergency…"

"I know. But anyway, yeah, I didn't hear you guys very long. I promise." Thalia said. That word, again!

I tried not to cringe at her use of words. It was my thing, I wasn't going to make them stop using that word. It wasn't like a certain villain in a wizard series.

"So, are we still taking Gena and her kids out for lunch, and tour of the town later?" Thalia asked. "I mean if it's supposed to rain, I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"If it rains it rains." I replied. "I mean I can't control mother nature. We'll just have lunch, and I don't know…go to the museum or something."

"An answer for everything," Thalia said, more to Scott than me.

"Yes, yes she does. A solution to everything to." Scott added.

"Why you two, I could just-" I started to say, before my expression changed, and I caught a whiff of something disgusting. "What the fuck is that god awful smell?"

"That would be the garbage truck," Thalia said, noticing the ugly vehicle taking our garbage. "They should give that thing a bath!"

"Ugh, no kidding!" I said, scrunching up my nose. "Wait where have Lena and Carrie been sleeping?"

"They've been sleeping with Miranda and Justin in one of the tents." Thalia said. "They moved their things out of the room they were staying in."

"And I just go ahead and put Donna in their room!" I said, freaking out.

"Chill, girlie. Dallas, and Jaxon are going trough Derek's things today. They said that Miranda and Justin could sleep in that room." Thalia said. "And there is a futon down there, where the girls can sleep. For now."

"Wait, that's today?" I asked. "Shit!"

"Dude, relax. What ever they don't want is going in boxes, and being put in the living room for you to go through." Thalia said.

"How is Dallas? I haven't had a time to talk to him, yet." I asked, knowing she'd hung out with the two males.

"He's better. Better enough to know that Derek's death was nothing he did wrong." Thalia said, taking a sip of her juice.

"But…" I said.

"But, he isn't one hundred percent ready. I think only you can make that pain go away. A talk from you always makes the pain go away."

"I'll talk to him. I gotta. But when is the question."


"Alena, I hear you once wanted to be an artist?" Gena asked.

"Once, yes," I said, as we sat in the local diner. Wendy was working, thank god, and had even taken our orders. She knew how to work her ass off.

"What happened, if you don't mind me asking?" Gena asked, again.

"My father, then finding a pack, now this business. I guess it just sorta fell through the cracks, a bit." I admitted. "It's hard to find decent inspiration when you're always doing something else."

"Destiny happens, I guess," Gena said. "But it must have been hard. To give up something you love?"

"No, only because I found out I liked being their alpha more. Watching them grow, and become the people they've always wanted to be." I said. "And now that I am a queen of Canada, I just feel like everyone that I've initiated into the country, I feel like my power has somehow grown. I feel stronger, knowing that so many people are behind me. I used to think it would be hard, but with so many people believing in me, and stuff, it just melts away the fear."

"Are you worried about how many packs will join Canada after you become it's queen?" Gena asked.

"No, why would I be worried about that?" I asked. "Wait, what do you mean?"

"There are so many packs out there, even on the other side of the world that have heard the stories about you. The smallest unheard of towns, have heard your story. And it's not by word of mouth. Your story comes from the Great One. The Moon Goddess herself. She gives us your tales through our dreams. She chooses who gets to know your story. She gives us hope through you." Gena said. "Eventually, I'm not sure there is gonna be many Coyote packs anywhere but here. She told us you were the Protector of the Weak, and Defender of All."

"So, you're telling us that the Moon Goddess sent you visions in your sleep, about Alena?" Thalia asked. "Girl, what does that woman have in store for you?"

"Huh?" I asked. "Why does it always have to mean I'm tied to some huge destiny?"

"Because, Ali," Ren said. "It's not normal for the Goddess to just send out visions to everyone about one person. Unless there's something extremely special about that one individual. And besides, name one other female Alpha, that's a wolf, or coyote. The Goddess doesn't do that to make someone's life miserable."

"Hey, my life is not miserable." I said. "I wouldn't call it normal."

"What we're trying to say is, she has to have something in store for you. Something only you may be able to fix. I mean, out of all the packs in Canada, you're the only one to have helped the weaker beings in this country. I think that stands for something." Thalia said. "Besides, name one time you did something normal wolves do…"

I sat there, trying to think of one thing I did, that most wolves do. Unable to come up with something.

"Wait, I formed a pack?" I said.

"Nice try, girlie. Most alpha's are born into their roles. Therefore they'd already have a pack." Thalia said.

"Okay, um, accept new members?"

"Uh, okay. But name something else. Like you don't train us like the other packs. You don't run your pack like the others, care for us like the others, or protect us like the others. You do things your own way. You stand up for those who are too afraid to stand up. You give all women hope, and reassurance in ourselves. You may stand alone against all the other big bad alpha males, but that's only because you have the courage to do so. And I think that's why the Goddess gave you the power. She knew who you'd be when you grew up. She put you in a position where you'd have to over come obstacles to become the person she knew you'd become." Thalia explained, with the best of her ability. "Everyone that has moved here, to the small province of Ontario is only the beginning of the followers that are actually out there."

"You said it so yourself. "Just because they're small, doesn't make them any less important. Just because they lack the muscle, doesn't make them any less a good fighter". You've always believed in the people. That we could become something better. Something greater than our ancestors. Ali, you believe in equality for all. And that is something the world sorely needs right now. Equality. But people are so stuck in their own ways, they're not willing to try. But maybe, you can get them going?" Ren assured. "You're stronger than you think. And you didn't get that from any Goddess. You got that from the situation she put you in, to become the person you are, so you could do what she can't."

"I agree," Gena said. "This world needs a woman's touch. A soft, yet, firm, woman's touch. Men give in way too easily to the people that don't know what they're talking about. Right now, the women in the States are fighting to have their bodies back. Down there, the government is going by what the church says. No more abortion. How fair is that? Considering most women don't agree with it. Most women anywhere don't agree with it."

"I know, I heard. It's not right that their bodies are owned by the State. That is just cruel!" I said. "Just wait until it's one of their daughters that gets pregnant at thirteen. Oh wait, they can't get an abortion, they ruled against it!"

"Yeah, but it's no use," Wendy said, bringing our order. "The world of man does not listen to women."

"Well, too bad if all women go on strike and stop having children. I mean, without a woman that man would not exist. A man plays a tiny, microscopic, part in a child's birth. And generally it lasts for about a minute. That woman than has to carry said baby for nine god forsaken months! And if she's lucky she won't get divorced. Or really lucky if the fucker doesn't leave."

"I swear, if murder was legal like in the 1800's, I would kill every last one of those idiots." Thalia said. "Who are they to tell us what to do with our bodies?"

"Easy, Thalia, don't say that too loudly. You know you can't kill them. It's not right. You wouldn't be any better than them." I said. "Besides, it's better to win the smart way, than the hard way."

"What do you mean?" Ren asked.

"Well, if all the women gang together, and fight like mother fucking hell, against the churches and the government, majority would win. They shouldn't fuck with anyone's rights. Let alone a woman's. Especially when we just got rights, like fifty ish years ago. Give or take a decade." I said, taking a bite of my cheese burger.

"Wow, you've thought this through, haven't you?" Ren asked. "You're scary when you're pissed off!"

"Not yet. Just wait until they bring that Bullshit into Canada. I will come down so hard they'll think I was possessed by God himself!" I said. "No one will EVER take away my right to have an abortion. Now do I think it should be used as a type of birth control? No. But accidents happen. Some where if the mother has something she doesn't want to pass onto her child she should be able to abort the baby. That is called protecting your children!"

"I agree. Or if they're very young, they shouldn't have to carry that baby. Obviously men and the church don't get how scary it is to be pregnant. Ready for a baby, or not." Gena said. "I have three, and one on the way. I get scared every single time. Something bad could in fact happen. To me or the baby."

"That brings me to my next point about the subject. Too bad if the mom could die if she carries on with the pregnancy, right? "Ah well, we can't save your life, but at least we got the baby from you." Like that is such bullshit!"

"Could you keep it down, over there, we're trying to eat in peace!" A woman said crankily. I turned fast in my seat to see a woman in her PJ's, and crocks, talking to me as if I were the devil. Her hair was the only thing done up decently. I gave her the sharpest glare I could muster.

"Yeah, no problem." I said. "When you say please."

"Excuse me young lady, you can not talk to me that way!" the woman said.

"Why? Because you're part of the church?" I asked. "That don't mean shit to me honey. You're church is the reason Native people were torn from their families. And they didn't get so much as an apology from you!"

"Why you ought to be ashamed of yourself! God will damn you to hell!" the woman scolded.

"Oh I know. Because I don't go to church I'm an evil bitch, going to hell. But I'll share a secret with you, the devil don't want me, honey. I scare him. So I guess I'm living forever!" I said, with a devilish smile.

"Wendy!" the woman yelled.

"Miss, you are the only one disturbing my diner. Everyone else doesn't care that she was loud one time. You started with the yelling. And you should have said please. That's what nice people do. Now, Alena said she'd be quiet if you said please. You didn't so therefore I can't help you. And I won't." Wendy replied, shaking her head. Anger practically rolling off her in waves.

I turned back around to hear the woman huff, as she got up, and brought her food to the counter.

"I'm not paying for this, your service was crappy." The same woman said.

I nudged Thalia to stand by the door, so they wouldn't be able to leave.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but you ate most of it. I can't let you not pay." Wendy said, as Thalia secured the door, with her body. Despite being a woman, Thalia was stronger than Jaxon and Dallas when she fought. It often took both to hold her back.

"No, I'm not paying," the woman said, turning to leave, only to be met with a pair of cold eyes. Thalia stood fast, unmoving. Thalia's rest bitch face could scare the devil out of Georgia, and back to hell. "Move, young lady. Or I will move you."

"Now, now, that's not very lady like. At least that's what you're supposed to be," Thalia said. "Now stop being rude, and pay your bill, and I'll let you pass."

I wasn't being a bitch because I could. I was being a bitch because I was tired of ignorant people, trying to control other people. This Karen-or Amber, as Thalia likes to say, as a reference to Amber Heard and Johnny Depp's-trial was getting on my nerves something fierce.

It was then my wolf eyes caught something about the woman. She wasn't mortal. She wasn't human. Neither was her friend.

I glanced at Thalia, hand signing the words caution, and danger. It was something we'd learned to do, in times like this.

Thalia's posture didn't change, but she also didn't look as stiff. She looked more ready to pounce, and attack. Almost as if a switch turned inside her head.

"I said move!" the woman said. I looked around me to see two families moving their kids away from the lady.

"Gena," I whispered, taking out my phone and typing, 'take everyone out the back door. And tell them to get down' before showing it to her.

She nodded, before looking to the other people, motioning to them with her eyes, to go out the other door. Everyone new what I was, I never hid that from them at all. Ever. They all knew if I told them to get out, they knew I was I trying to protect their lives. And this was one of those times. I got out of my seat, glancing at Ren.

"Make sure they get out okay," I whispered. "Then come right back."

I turned back to meet the two women. They almost looked feral.

"Bitch! I said move!" the lady said, going for Thalia's throat. As swift as Thalia was, she grabbed the woman's wrist, twisting it powerfully, with one hand until she heard it snap, then swung her around so she'd hit the table across from her.

As the other lady went to take a punch at her, I got down on the floor, sweeping her legs out form under her, before jumping back up to both feet.

Their scent finally clicking in the back of my head. They were ghouls. Rabid ghouls, that had most likely been kicked out of their colony. The scent of their rotting flesh filled my nose, as I practically gagged. I looked over at Thalia who had turned green from the same reason, trying to hold her breath.

Ren had come flying back into the room.

"Ren go protect them, they're ghouls. I don't know how many there are." I said. "Hurry, don't leave them alone!"

Ren took off back out the way she came. A panicked expression on her face, as she hurried off to protect the others.

"There has to be a way to call for back up." Thalia said. "But what's to say they get here in time?"

"Howl?" I said. "Scott would know what it means. So would Dallas and Jaxon."

Thalia looked almost surprised at my words.

"I can't shelter him forever, T. And he can't either." I said. "He's gotta get back in the game at some point. And I'd rather sooner than later."

"Wait, what about mind linking?" Thalia asked. "It's not that far. And you said you felt a stronger connection."

I nodded, before closing my eyes and trying to focus on Scott, Jaxon, and Dallas. 'Boy's, help. Ghouls are in the diner. I don't know how many there are. Hurry!' my body jolted to the floor, as I was tackled.

I didn't know if the message went through, or not.

My head cracked off the tile flooring, leaving me slightly dizzy for a brief moment. I swung my arm up, clipping the woman in the side of the face.

I could hear Thalia struggling to fend off the other woman, as she too was flung to the floor, across the room.

The woman tried to bite down on my skin, before I clocked her upside the head with my fist. On the ground, I would lose, but if I could some how get up, I would be able to win. Ghouls were technically dead creatures. Barely alive. They were like zombies. They preyed on the dead and innocent people.

I quickly rolled away from her, slamming my foot into the side of her face. I stood to my feet, as one came busting through the window, landing on me, knocking me back down onto the ground.

How did they get through the defenses? Or were they already here?

I grabbed a fork that was on the ground, stabbing it into the man's face, as hard as I could. I could feel my nails extend into claws, as I felt my teeth extend into fangs. I tore at the mans face, trying to get him off me. I continued to slash my way over to Thalia, who had been pinned onto the floor. But as more and more came into the diner, I was being weighed down.

I gave a threatening alpha roar in their direction. Quickly followed by a howl back from outside. In wolf form came Scott, tearing trough the window the others had just come through. Behind him were Dallas and Jaxon. They began to tear at the ghouls that had piled into the diner. Now able to get to Thalia, I stabbed my claws through the woman's chest, taking her heart in my hand, and ripping it out, throwing it onto the ground.

Out back I could hear Ren growling, as Drew and Brian were now with her, as well as, Justin?

I looked around to see Daniel in his Fox form tearing at the ankles of one of the ghouls.

Levy was also now in the diner, biting and tearing at the ghouls that had dared to kill their alpha, and pack member.

I turned to see Miranda in Coyote form, baring her teeth, and tearing at the ghouls as well, until one hit her across the face, sending her flying back wards. And as I went to help her, I stopped. As if it didn't phase her, she stood to her feet and leapt onto the man, forcing him on the ground, where she literally bit his head off, spitting it out across the floor.

She looked up at me with a slight bow to her head.

I glanced around the room. It hadn't taken long for them to kill the ghouls that had attempted to kill us. I felt something wet touch the palm of my hand.

I looked down to see Scott rubbing his head over my hand, as if to get attention, like a regular house dog. I scratched his ears.

"Alena!" Wendy called from the kitchen. "How bad is it?"

"Um, I'd close for the day, Wendy. It's pretty bad in here." I replied. I could see Wendy peek her head out, looking around.

"Uh, sweetie, that ain't that bad. A little mopping, and-who the heck done that to my window!" Wendy said, going from calm to furious.

"That would have been Scott. I promise he will pay for it, and put it in." I said, looking down at him, as he grumbled. "Well, maybe you should have thought of that before you came crashing through it!"

Scott grumbled, before walking off, jumping back out the window he came through. His red fur shining in the sun as he trotted down the road.