
The Lovers Ritual

A tale of enemies to lovers... Salem is a world filled with a plethora of creatures that call this plane home. Among them fairies, and demons hold significant influence. A truce was created between the kingdoms by the Demon King Ravelin and Elder Fairy Lysander. With their reign coming to an end, what will that mean for the world of Salem? Will the kingdoms rise, or will one perish? Prince Sirius has been the picture of virtue, and modesty for a hundred years. He has awaited the the initiation ritual for his soulmate and ritual. For ages he has imagined the beauty that awaits, will this fair maiden be whimsical, or will she be cold? Picturing his beloved his pale face becomes rosy red in an instant. Is the virgin prince ready to meet his beloved that has captured his soul with no face?

Raveceleste · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

The Blessing

"My Lord, tonight is the cleansing. Have you asked Elder Leonidas for his blessing?" Zebulon scolded me through slit eyes.

"Zebulon, won't you come ask for his blessing with me?" I pleaded. Zebulon is my second in command, he serves as my trusted guard and dearest companion.

"A blessing is meant to be bestowed without the help of others. I'll be waiting for you in the kingdom Prince Sirius." Zebulon allowed a light chuckle to slip before leaving my chamber. I expected such a response, however Elder Leonidas is not of light nature. Before meeting him perfection is key to his blessing. The day of the cleansing it is a tradition to gain the blessing from an Elder through dance. I have been training endlessly to memorize the steps my ancestors once graced.

"My son, follow me to the dressing parlor for a moment." My father asked.

nodded proceeding to follow him from my chamber. The kingdom of Landaus floats among the clouds, holding a dreamy allure. Earthly green flourishes throughout the palace, complimented by white and golden doors.

"Why are you in a daze my son? Are you feeling unwell?" My fathers words pierced through my ears.

"I'm okay father, thank you for asking. I just await the future." I gave a faint smile to ease his worries.

We stop in front of my fathers chambers, golden doors with shining silver handled always intimidated me. One day this room will be mine, and father will live in peace with the elders this door always reminded me of this fate. Father opened the door gently, guiding us past his luxurious bed we go to the back room to his dressing room.

"The elders before you have worn these earrings to receive their blessings, enchanted with luck and grace. I am honored to pass this heirloom down to you my son."

A bright smile appeared on my fathers face. A small resemblance of a tear fell from his cheek, and disappeared in the same instance.

"Thank you Father, i will cherish it until it is my time to bestow it upon my heir." Before I knew it I embraced him with a hug. My father has always been compassionate, never dismissing my feelings and showing unwavering love. I will make him proud.

The earrings were crescent moons, engraved with our family symbol on the back. The front held blue gems that dazzled without light. "Father I shall take my leave." I bowed to him, and left with determination.

Running to my chambers, I threw on my blessing outfit. A simple white robe was necessary to show the purity upon the one asking to receive the blessing. The elders had a small village where they retired from duties, it was twenty minutes from the kingdom. A transportation spell would be quicker, but the elders despise the use of magic for useless work. To show true desire, I must ride my dragon to make it in time before the cleansing has to be done.

"Cosmic come to the the front entrance of the kingdom." I summoned him through telepathy. In a matter of seconds he sat at the stairs of the entrance, his white skin could make snow envious from it's divine appeal.

"Master, where are we going?" He inquired as I jumped on his back.

"Take me to Ark Villa, the elders village." I said giving two small pats on his neck. Cosmic name is because a beauty mark covers the left eye to his ear with bits of white still appearing.

"Well done, thank you for taking me Cosmic." I gave him a piece of bread from the kitchen before walking to the elders cottage.

The elders village was filled with cottages that relied on trees for support. You can see various cottages hanging from the top of the trees to the bottom with rope bridges to connect them to each other. I have always fancied the lifestyles the elders lived, Elder

Leonidas lives on the ground level of the third tree in the village. His cottage had a red roof resembling a mushroom. I knocked on the small wooden door three times awaiting his answer.

"Who is it?" He yelled before opening the door to see the person disturbing his peace.

"Prince Sirius have you forgotten your morals? You appear the day of the cleansing for my blessing, are you under the impression because you are a prince I should jump at your beck and call?" He scoffed before turning around.

"I have come for your blessing today because of my endless practice, please allow me to receive a chance." I bowed my head and lowered to one knee hoping to receive his response.

Yet, before I knew it he slammed the door in my face. Father reminded me to go days earlier, but I wanted to wait until I was prepared mentally and physically for such a task.

I will not lose this moment now that I am prepared. Without hesitation I began to dance with the hope another elder would heed my call. With a soft somber tone i started to hum the blessing song, stepping lightly to the left allowing my hand to slowly follow. To the right I dipped to honor those around, and to the front I twirled focusing more on the dance with the rhythm of my hum the passion with my steps could not be mistaken. Yet, after I was done, silence overtook the village, i could feel my heart sink from disappointment.

"Elder Leonidas, please grace me with your presence i ask of you." My voice broke with every word.

I have not failed yet, but I am beginning to lose hope every second that passes. No answer ever came from anyone's cottage. I began once again, this time my hums were louder, and my footsteps anticipated a call with every step. My steps were lighter than before, but louder when they landed demanding attention. Upon the last step someone hummed the ending note before I could finish.

A fairy appeared in a translucent body,a raving smile shown upon her face. "You did amazing my young prince" she praised.

"I am Lana the fairy spirit of this tree, but I was once an elder. I still hold the capabilities of bestowing a blessing. I heard your call, and watched your enchanting dance. I wish to help you my dear prince." Her earnest words bloomed a spark within me. I have enough time to make it back to the kingdom before the cleansing commencement.

"I appreciate your kindness Lana." I bowed to show my gratefulness. She is capable of transportation magic, before we departed I gave an offering to the tree she protects reciting the hum of blessings.