
Chapter 1

Siana has been working on this project for a long time if she got this project she would be promoted as a new project manager so she has fully prepared for this project. Today is the day, that she is going to meet the clients of this project.She packed all the things that she needed in the morning, she checked in the time , all the members who has been working in the project has come on time and the team which was fixed to go to the City A with Siana has been ready.

"Siana, let's talk a bit.", Rachel who is also the leader of the project pulled Siana in the corner to talk, " what happened?" Siana asked worriedly.

"I think the project which we have been trying to convince for this project is just the subsidiary company and it's, it's main company is another", Rachel looked at Siana for her answer, Siana just rolled her eyes as if it isn't something big, she looked at Rachel and with a smile on her lips she asked, "So?, why are you worried, we have put so much effort on this project, even if this company doesn't like our idea, we still have our backup, don't we?" asked Siana.

"Yes, we still have plan B," Rachel took a deep breathe as she looked at Siana. They both are walking towards the other members when Siana asked, " What is the name of the main company?, walking in the same pace as Rachel. Rachel looked at Siana "It is an old company established in cityA I only heard this much from the boss",

"Oh", Siana then didn't think about that thing and focused on her project they all boarded on time and they reached the City A at 12 noon. If every thing went well according to their plan they will return by midnight.

Siana has lived in city A in her school days with her grandma, so she knows most of the places of City A. It has been almost 8 years since she left City A.

"Didn't you say you were from cityA" Rachel who is looking outside of the window asked the Siana who is busy in looking at her files in laptop,

"Umm" the other side replied without looking at her, seeing this Rachel just rolled her eyes, looking at the tress covered in snow, she sighed.

"You must have missed your home", Rachel said.

"Yes, maybe", Siana who has finally checked all the documents replied with a smile as she looked out of the window.

In a hall, there was all the attendees in the meeting and Rachel was presenting their work when the main door of the meeting room suddenly opened ajar and a man in black suit came into the light. Everyone in the meeting hall was surprised as there was a very serious talk was going, Rachel was slightly angry as she was presenting their hard work, "Excu.." when she was about to talk all the members of other party stand up and greet,..."CEO" . Everyone was shocked as it was a project that was going to handle by this subsidiary company and the CEO himself has come in this meeting, The eye of the man was not on either side of the shocked members nor on the presenter he was looking at all the faces very delicately as if he was searching for someone, soon gloom can be seen in his face as he couldn't find the person he was looking for.

At this point other people has also come after him,"CEO...." the other person who has come after him addressed him, He just raised his hand and walked away from the meeting room. All the person in the meeting room was shocked since nobody knew the reason for CEO'S presence in the meeting, It took them some time to continue the meeting at last they finished their meeting.

Rachel was kind of happy as she can see that the other party is quiet satisfied with their purposal but there was dilemma in their face.

"Ms.Rachel, we are quiet satisfied with your purposal we would like some time to give you our decision." Rachel was quiet for a moment,"Sure, you could take your time Mr.Jason." She smiled.

"I mean we need some days" Jason replied with some difficulties in his voice. "Sure" Rachel also find it difficult to answer him as their plan to stay in City A is just for a day.

She called to their office and their director, the director gave permission to stay but only 2 among them can stay and all the members should return.

Rachel was not expecting that but this project is very big so she also understood the director's choice.

Rachel and their team members decide that the Rachel and Siana will be staying in the CityA and all the members are going back.