
The Love Triad

A Tale of Forbidden Desire In the depths of the ocean, a beautiful mermaid named Nita finds herself torn between two vampire brothers, Charis and Valentine. Charis, a ruthless and cunning prince, will stop at nothing to claim Nita as his own, while Valentine, a charming and mischievous lover, woos her with kindness and passion. As Nita navigates the world of vampire, she must choose between the two brothers who have captured her heart. But with Charis' brutal ambition and Valentine', Nita's love may become her greatest weakness... or her most powerful weapon. Will she succumb to Charis' darkness or find solace in Valentine's embrace? Or will she forge her own path, defying the odds to be with both brothers and risk everything for love?"

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Chapter 2: The Dark Past Revealed

Nita's curiosity about Charis's secrets grew, but she hesitated to press him further. Instead, she shared her own story, telling him about her father's kingdom, her aunt's betrayal, and her desperate escape.

Charis listened intently, his expression softening. When she finished, he rose and walked to the window, gazing out at the night sky.

"My past is darker than yours, Nita," he said, his voice low and haunted. "I was turned against my will, forced into this immortal life. I've lived for centuries, but the pain never fades."

Nita's heart went out to him, and she sensed the depth of his sorrow. "What happened?" she asked, her voice gentle.

Charis turned to face her, his eyes gleaming with a hint of tears. "My mother sold me to the vampires, Nita. She traded my life for gold and power."

Nita gasped, shocked by the revelation. "I'm so sorry, Charis," she said, her voice filled with empathy.

Charis's gaze locked onto hers, and for a moment, they shared a connection that went beyond words. Nita realized that their bond was stronger than she had imagined, and that their pasts were intertwined in ways she couldn't yet understand.

Nita's sympathy and kindness only seemed to harden Charis's resolve. He didn't want her pity or compassion. "Don't waste your tears on me, Nita," he said gruffly, turning away from her. "I am what I am. A monster."

Nita's eyes widened, hurt by his harsh words. But she refused to give up. "You're not a monster, Charis," she said softly. "You're wounded, that's all."

Charis snorted, his defenses rising. "You don't know anything about me, mermaid. Don't pretend to understand what you can't possibly know."

Nita's face fell, but she didn't back down. "I may not know your past, Charis, but I see the pain in your eyes. And I want to help."

Charis laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "You can't help me, Nita. No one can."

Their conversation ended with an uncomfortable silence, leaving Nita wondering if she had made a mistake by trying to reach out to him. Little did she know, Charis's walls were about to be tested in ways he never thought possible.

Days passed, and Nita struggled to adjust to her new surroundings. Charis kept his distance, only occasionally checking in on her. Despite his aloofness, Nita sensed a deep sadness in his eyes, a pain he couldn't conceal.

One evening, while exploring the castle, Nita stumbled upon a hidden garden. Amidst the beauty and tranquility, she found Charis sitting on a bench, his eyes closed. Without thinking, she approached him, her footsteps quiet on the grass.

Charis's eyes snapped open, and he glared at her. "What are you doing here?"

Nita hesitated, but something in his expression softened her resolve. "I saw you from afar. You looked...lost."

Charis snorted. "I am not lost. I am exactly where I want to be."

Nita sat beside him, her presence gentle. "Sometimes, we need someone to share our burdens. I'm here for you, Charis."

Their eyes met, and for an instant, his mask slipped. Nita saw the depth of his sorrow, the weight of his secrets. And in that moment, their bond was forged.