
The Love Triad

A Tale of Forbidden Desire In the depths of the ocean, a beautiful mermaid named Nita finds herself torn between two vampire brothers, Charis and Valentine. Charis, a ruthless and cunning prince, will stop at nothing to claim Nita as his own, while Valentine, a charming and mischievous lover, woos her with kindness and passion. As Nita navigates the world of vampire, she must choose between the two brothers who have captured her heart. But with Charis' brutal ambition and Valentine', Nita's love may become her greatest weakness... or her most powerful weapon. Will she succumb to Charis' darkness or find solace in Valentine's embrace? Or will she forge her own path, defying the odds to be with both brothers and risk everything for love?"

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11 Chs

Chapter 1:The wounded Mermaid

The sun was setting over the vast ocean, casting a warm orange glow over the waves. Nita, a beautiful mermaid with shimmering scales and long, flowing hair, swam through the water with a sense of urgency. She had been injured in a brutal attack by her aunt, who sought to overthrow her father and take the throne.

As Nita swam closer to the shore, her strength began to fade. She had lost a lot of blood and her vision was blurring. Just as she thought all was lost, she saw a figure standing on the beach. With a final burst of energy, she swam towards him, calling out for help.

Charis, a handsome vampire with piercing brown eyes, stood on the beach, gazing out at the sea. He had been living in his castle by the ocean for centuries, avoiding the world and its dangers. But something about Nita's desperate cry for help stirred him. He turned towards her, his eyes narrowing as he took in her wounded state.

"Please help me," Nita whispered, her voice barely audible.

Charis's expression softened, and he scooped Nita up in his arms, carrying her to his castle. Little did he know, this act of kindness would change his life forever.

Nita's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself in a grand, dimly lit chamber. She was lying on a plush bed, surrounded by velvet curtains and ornate furniture. Charis sat beside her, his eyes fixed on hers with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Where am I?" Nita asked, her voice weak but determined.

"You're in my castle," Charis replied, his deep voice low and soothing. "You were injured, and I brought you here to tend to your wounds."

Nita's gaze wandered around the room, taking in the opulent decorations and the eerie silence. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized she was in a vampire's lair.

Charis noticed her fear and offered a reassuring smile. "You're safe here, Nita. I promise no harm will come to you."

As he spoke, Elara, his loyal maid, entered the room with a tray of steaming tea and bandages. "Master Charis, I've brought the supplies you requested," she said, her eyes flicking towards Nita with a hint of curiosity.

Charis nodded, and Elara began to tend to Nita's wounds. As the maid worked, Nita couldn't help but steal glances at Charis, who watched her with an intensity that made her heart race.

As Elara finished dressing Nita's wounds, Charis rose from his seat and paced around the room, his eyes never leaving Nita's face. She felt a strange energy emanating from him, as if he was drawn to her in a way he couldn't explain.

"Who are you?" Nita asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Charis halted his pacing and turned to face her. "I am Charis, the master of this castle. And you, Nita, are a mermaid from the sea."

Nita's eyes widened as she realized he knew her identity. "How did you know?"

Charis smiled, his eyes glinting with mystery. "I have my ways. But tell me, Nita, what brings you to my shores?"

As they spoke, Nita felt an inexplicable connection to Charis, as if their hearts were bound by an unseen thread. She sensed secrets hidden behind his piercing eyes, secrets he was reluctant to reveal.