
Chapter 2

she gripped her mom tightly "mommy,I missed you so much"she said with her mouth pressed to her mom's shoulder."you're tickling me Eliza". Eliza leaned back "mom, I hope this time you will stay for a longer period of time". "no" her mom replied."but why?", she asked."it's because you would be coming with me,you Stella and I are all traveling to North America,"seriously!!", Eliza exclaimed out of excitement holding her mother's hands tight ."I actually came to pick the both of you up, sorry that I didn't inform the both of you, Stella has already packed her things, so pack yours quickly". "okay Mom" she rushed towards her wardrobe, checking out her wears her phone began ringing, she took few steps to the window side and picked up her phone "hello". her smile quenched into a look of sadness.


Eliza's smile quenched the moment the caller said " Eliza, it's i Jennifer,your stepsister,Ana,she got into an accident". "what!!!". Eliza bolted out of the room and met her Mom at the stair case "mom,Ana got into an accident,I have to see her". her mom stopped "wait", she stopped "mom,I would be back as early as possible, I'd catch up with you both ", she took up her jacket from a coat hook beside a beautiful aquarium and scampered out of the house with worries that were visible in her eyes.


Ana reclined of the soft light blue hospital bed with her legs badly injured "seriously", she slidded pages down on her phone "they never minded to call me even if I didn't make it to the party".

Eliza opened the door to Ana's hospital room "Ana",she said in a very calm and sad manner,she nearly bursted into tears. "are you about to cry?",asked Ana."you should be the quiet one here Ana, what if something worse happens to you". she ambulated towards her expressing concern, sat beside her "please,don't go out at night for parties alright?", Ana looked pissed off "you know partying is my life". "Don't say that" Eliza advices, "please don't waste your smartness, kindness, and cleverness on partying, there are certain times for certain things". Eliza smiled at her Ana blabbed "do you know how I got those features you spoke about?". Eliza asked curiously"who,who's that lucky person you're so proud of?". Ana said out of pointless disappointment,"how is it possible for you not to know it's you who's that lucky person."me",Eliza asked,she added "I'm really lucky".

she placed Ana's head on her chest and gasped.

From outside the ward "where's my baby". Elena entered and got shocked seeing Eliza,"it's the witch",Ana whispered,Eliza murmured"stop that".

"what the hell are you doing with my daughter Eliza". "pardon?". Eliza stood up resting Ana's head properly "I came here to do....", Eliza thought to herself that if she speaks rude of Ana's mother Ana would feel bad," I came here to warm her up,she needed someone badly to speak to". Elena smirked and replied "well". "I'm here to fill up that space,thanks for poisoning her mind". Eliza tightened her fists keeping in her anger and then she strides out of the room.


Raven entered his father's home office "where did Ramon left to?". "he booked a flight, he's flying to North America today, I saw his Visa the day after brother Juelz died". "North America!",the old man exclaimed,"when he's supposed to learn...... to represent me,he's planning on traveling to North America!!". Raven stared at his father"should I try stopping him". Mr Crystalia McDonald swayed his head "let him be,he needs space to think as a man,you must know how Ramon behaves". Raven forced a smile on his face"I almost forgot father, there would be a ball two weeks from now and you were invited by Mr Issac, he said I should give you this," Raven walked to his father and handed him an invitation card that was milk in colour."you may got now". "yes Dad". Raven walked out and left the office silent,Mr McDonald slides out a picture of he and his first son Juelz,his eyes were filled with tears and so he rested his forehead on the table. Raven stood and watched his father from the slightly opened door. He too was in the same condition as his father, sad and heartbroken. He then walked away.


Ramon had already packed up his things and walking out of the hotel room he booked last night,"good morning sir". Ramon gazed at the receptionist with a cold look in his eyes which got her to stop her persuasive movement and lip biting. His phone began ringing as he ambulated towards the hotel exit "Ramon, I'm waiting for you at the airport,be quick about it". "yes". he replied lazily.


Eliza walked out of the hospital and stood hearing the ring of her phone,she took it out of her pocket and picked up " mom I'll be right there,I'm a bit close to the airport". she entered her car and held the steering meeting a young goatee beard guy "ahhh!!!".she nearly lost her breath "Micheal,you startled me". Micheal said "you're heading to the airport with your car,who will take it back home,you think rashly". she started up the car "I know you have a reason for wanting to help me", said Eliza. he nodded"yeah,of course,why not,who would use your car while you're gone if not me". she stayed quiet and drove faster,her mother called again,Michael picked the call and held the phone "Eliza,it's twenty six minutes left before plane departure. "ohh,my word". she drove a fast as she could.


Ramon drove really slow staring at the beautiful trees he came across, his pain got lightened making him almost forgot he had to reach the airport.his phone rang.

"Ramon,it's twenty minutes left before the plan flies away and besides I have alot to do at work". Ramon declined the call and took a turn by his left.

Eliza also drove very fast,Ramon was coming from the left side while Eliza drove from the right with their intentions of reaching the air port road in time, impatience and hastiness made the do the wrong turn "Eliza watch out!!". Micheal yelled. It was too late for her dudge Ramon's car "ahhhhhhhhh".

The both cars made collision and their beauties were is dislocated. Eliza was short of words the moment her car got hit. Ramon got enraged that he held the steering tighter than he did. "who's that reckless driver",she insulted, she hit the steering out of annoyance and dropped out of the car, Micheal complained "she has started he short temper act". Raven dropped out of his car taking a good look at his offender "what's wrong with you!", she booked."excuse me?"Ramon said out of shock thinking she was the reckless one."were you drunk, what's wrong with you". Ramon explained"you hit my car and now you're asking such questions?,who are you to ask me such questions". she looked into his eyes that expressed no feelings."I don't care who you are crazy, I hope you don't get yourself into an accident that will finally end you".she boomed once again and returned back to her car. Ramon was speechless as he gazed at her with anger. she entered her car, took a reverse, and drove away.

Ramon's phone began ringing"Ramon, fifteen minutes left!". Ramon swept away the anger and rushed into his car . Meanwhile Micheal said to Eliza"what went over you". she had a venomous look in her light green eyes "that guy is unbelievable," she whispered. "unbelievable?,you both drove fast,you both drove recklessly". Eliza stayed quiet,the moment she look at the side mirror, she saw Ramon's car behind her,"we have reached the airport" said Micheal she stopped the car as Mrs Stephanie and Stella approached her, she dropped out of the car "Eliza quick!". Stella took few seconds to stare at Eliza's damaged car. She finally turned around and ran away towards her mom and sister,Ramon also arrived and left his car with his friends whom was waiting for his arrival at the airport "save journey bro",he tapped Ramon's shoulder, Ramon walked as fast as he could as Eliza ,Mrs Stephanie and Stella also I walked as fast as possible.

as Eliza walked fast, her purse fell off "you guys go ahead"she informed. Immediately she turned around, she could hold on to her stamina that she hit the person behind her to the floor with her hands placed on the person's chest and her knees locking the person to the ground, she got startled seeing that the person was Ramon "what the....".she whispered, took up her purse and stood up. "what's this?". Ramon stood up, Eliza took a look at his whole body and defended "keep what ever in your mind to yourself". she turned around and bolted towards her fellows. Almost every one stared at Ramon that he up on his spectacle and proceeded.


few minutes later after the whole act between Eliza Rodriguez and Ramon McDonald Crystalia. Eliza and her fellows entered the plane unknown to her that Ramon was also getting into the same plane. He gazed at her with disgust think of how to bear not giving her a fitting slap on the face. finally, all passengers were ready for flight,Eliza held her sister's hand and complained "it has been long since I took a flight".

Stella asked "were you scared that the McDonald Crystalias would blow up the plane?". Eliza murmured "stop your nonsense girl ". they both giggled seeing their mother fast asleep.

Ramon operated his phone filled with angry thoughts of Eliza,he thought to himself "who's that lady to speak to me in such manner". he would stare at her and look away. Eliza stood up "I'm heading to the rest room". she stood up and ambulated to the rest room. Ramon took note of her and also stood up to teach her a lesson. Eliza hummed as she walked. The moment she was about opening the door to the rest room,Ramon grabbed her by her wrist towards him and pressed her to the wall by her arms ,she felt her chest getting even hotter and her heart beating faster as she felt pain all over her hands because the firmness of the grip stopped passage of blood through the veins of her hands , he looked into her eyes monstrously that she couldn't bear the frightening look in his brown eyes but look away,he walked closer to her and whispered into her ear "the next time you see me. Say your last prayer". he finally released her and walked away. She finally retrieved her breath and gasped placing her palm on her chest out of fear and shock.