
The love package; My Darling wife and baby girl

Eric Crown rushed into the hospital, carrying the injured woman mindful of the fact that she is heavily pregnant. He left his assistant Andrew behind, who was trying to catch up with him. Andrew had tried to carry the woman from Eric but he refused to allow him or even allowed his driver touch her. ""Somebody help me" Eric immediately alarmed the hospital nurse at the reception immediately he entered with the injured woman. The emergency staff and nurses ran to him immediately seeing the injured woman in Eric's arms. Doctor what can be done for her Eric asked she is so seriously injured. We have to get the baby out of her first, the doctor replied assessing her injuries. We will try to save her life, I hope the baby is still alive the doctor added. What! Eric exclaimed shock. Take her to the operating theatre the doctor instructedthe emergency personnel there. The nurses and emergency staff put her on a hospital stretcher, and started wheeling her to the operation theatre. A nurse came with some papers for Eric to sign, he didn't even look at them he just signed. Dr. Robert, the medical director of the hospital was already informed of Eric's coiming. He just got to Eric at this time and asked who the woman involved in the accident was? Eric, still in shock with blood all over his shirt and trousers turned to Dr. Robert puzzled. What does that have to do with anything ? Dr. Robert was surprised by Eric's answer. Mr. Crown, I wanted to know if she was a family member he explained. No, I don't know her. She was hit by my car and we just rushed her here. Dr. Robert has known Eric for a long time, well known for his compassion and charity work but he never get emotionally involved. From the look on Eric's face, Dr. Robert felt there can only be one explanation then asked "were you driving" ? No, my driver was Eric answered. I see, you don't need to wait. Be rest assured we will take good care of her, it's just that from what I have seen she is in a critical condition. How critical Eric asked Dr. Robert. She might not survive Dr.Robert answered heavily, we were all quiet until a nurse came and told Dr. Robert they were ready for him at the operating theatre, he left with the nurse. She can't die, she cannot die Eric told himself. He felt this strong sense of attachment to her. Why is he feeling like this? As if, as if we have met before he thought. Sir, sir. sir? Andrew called out, touching Eric's shoulder lightly. Eric don't know how long he stood there but he suddenly realized Andrew was calling out to him. Sir, you need to change, there is a rest room over there Andrew said holding a change of clothes for him and pointing toward the restroom. Eric just continued to sit there, dazed! The incident playing over and over again in his mind. How come she was on the road at this time of the night? He wondered. She is heavily pregnant, why would any man allow his wife to move around at this time of the night?, and she was alone. Come to think about it, Eric didn't notice any wedding ring on her he thought, probably he didn't look properly. Mr. Crown, a nurse called out . Eric Crown looked up at her wondering when he sat down. Andrew immediately asked her what she wanted We need to know her name for our records she said We don't know Andrew answered.. But... It's an emergency, we had to rush her here, she was already unconscious Andrew explained. Then Dr. Robert suddenly came out of the Operating theatre, pulling off his face mask. We stood up as he walked toward us, eager for news . You have a baby girl Dr. Robert said smiling Me ? Eric asked surprised!

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You Need To Be Tutored On How To Take Care Of A Woman

I stared back at her wondering how to answer that question, she just woke up and Eric Crown didn't want to unsettle her.

Eric was still thinking of how to answer her...when his mother

suddenly walked into the room, she looked at Eric, walked pass him to the where the bed and took the woman's hand and held it.

Katie Goris looked at my mother's hand on hers, and then she noticed how the elderly woman was looking at her gently. Where am I she asked again.

You were in an accident, my dear. Do you remember Madam Crown asked her

Eric noticed how his mother wisely avoided answering her question.

I was ... Katie asked, looking at both of them. I don't remember I, I ....I feel strange and she started crying.

Eric was lost for words. He just stood there, not knowing what to do. Madam Crown pushed him aside, giving him an angry glare, and sat on the bed trying to console Katie. Madam Crown beckoned to her son to get the medical staff, and Eric pressed the bell by Katie's bedside.

The doctor and nurse came over immediately. They expressed surprise and joy that the patient was finally awake. They checked her and asked her if she was in pain. She has injuries all over, so it's understandable if she was.

Katie answered yes. She was disorientated now and was crying louder. Eric felt helpless. She looked so sweet. Why would anyone want to harm her.

Eric Crown noticed she was given an injection, and he guessed they had to put her to sleep.

She is still weak and disorientated from the coma, it will take her a few days to adjust...also she might be feeling empty since she just gave birth but her brain, mind and memories are not connecting the doctor explained.

IpEric nodded in understanding, walking out of the room with his mother. All his hope of talking with her vanquished.

You just stood there Eric when she was crying. Madam Crown scolded

But Mother, I didn't know what to do. Eric answered hopelessly.

What do you do when baby Sunshine cries, Madam Crown asked

Oh ..oh, but Sunshine is a baby. Eric answered, confused.

Madam Crown looked at her son and shook her head in a pitiful way ...and right now she is what she asked Eric? Next time, don't just stand there. Try to console her. She is like a baby now, Madam Crown told him.

You need to stop being stiff and show some emotion. No wonder all the dates I set up for you failed. How can you see a woman crying and you just stood there ! You need to be tutored on how to take care of a woman, Madam Crown concluded. Where is my phone? I'm calling someone...

Eric Crown stood there speechless. Is his mother really calling someone for that?

Ah! You men can be so insensitive Madam Crown said, walking away.

Honestly, he has never been in any lasting relationship that made any sense in all his 28 years of life. It's was school, his family, making money and making money, when you're wealthy you will not be short of women's attention they will be everywhere around you. Your money is like like a magnet that draws them to you, but you should be wise about who you associate with. If not, it will become a potential lawsuit.

All those dates his mother set up, he goes and takes a look, but he has not found any that interest him enough to take a chance on.


Eric Crown found myself in Katie Goris's room again after some time, wondering if she was awake.

He met the nurse, who was checking on her drips and inserting a syringe into one of her drips.

What's that you are giving her Eric asked the nurse.

Its morphine she replied, for the pains.

After some time, the nurse left, and Eric was left alone with Katie. She slept peacefully, and to his surprise, she turned to her side in her sleep. This is the first time Eric noticed her doing a major movement like that. That's such a major improvement.

Eric really needed to get some work done, He has piles of work waiting for him, but he doesn't want to leave her. There is this strange feeling that keeps bringing him back to Katie's room and keeping him there.

Thinking about what his mother said, was she right? Does he really need a tutor to teach me how to treat a woman? Eric doesn't think so. He knows if he meets the right woman, he will know what to do ... Then, with the fact that he had to be careful with Katie, she just came out of a coma.

Eric didn't want her wondering who the stranger was touching her.

He had spent over two months with her, cared for her and her daughter, Eric has had her investigated, and knows her to a certain extent but she doesn't know anything about him so he is a stranger to her.

As Eric stood there, he was not happy with the fact that to her, he was a stranger. The nurse walked back into the room.

Mr. Crown, I want to clear her up and get her ready for bed. Can you excuse us she asked.

Of course, Eric said, leaving. "Eric, time to go back to work he told myself." This fascination with Katie will not get your work done, and the woman is fast asleep.

Yes, why is he so fascinated with Katie Goris? Or is it just curiosity ?

Well, those are questions for another day Eric thought as he sat down in his study to do some work.