
The Love of The Demon Queen

For the sake of a job, Michael comes to a country which turns out to be the target country of the Devil Queen to rule. The beautiful and alluring Queen of the Devil wants to seduce humans to a real, sinful delusion. She was assigned by her father who is a member of Hell to bring all humans who live on earth to eternity in Hell and defeat the beauty of Heaven. But this time, the Queen had to lose when she faced Michael, who is the incarnation of the Angel of the highest heaven.

Vbeytha · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Fighting The Lust

Michael prevented V's hand from unbuttoning his shirt. He didn't want to make a mistake. He doesn't have any passion for V, which is weird. If he kissed Katherine, there was always a ripple of desire that wanted more than a kiss even though he couldn't, because there were always obstacles stopping her from doing so.

But with V there is no barrier, just don't want to continue, too flat like kissing a favorite object. "I'm sorry V." V pushed her brown hair back, embarrassed and frustrated when she was rejected by a man she loved in her dreams. V nodded and tried to get off Michael's lap but was restrained.

Michael's hands were beside her hips making them look even more intense. "Look at me," Michael asked V to look at him, Michael's calm gaze affected V's feelings. Slowly the faded confidence calmed down. V took a deep breath and smiled.

"I probably lost my mind," said V regretfully.

"You know, I feel a bad aura here, could it be that the creature is around us," said Michael while looking around him and V realized that she might have been influenced by a cursed demon's lust.

"Sorry Michael, I—"

Michael laughed, "That's normal, I like it," he said while caressing V's face, stroking his jaw and kissing V's lips again without feeling guilty.

"It's better this way and let them keep teasing because we're just going to stay like this until they get tired and leave."

The two of them laughed and joked unusually, kissing and touching each other, while Romeda's troops who failed immediately left and were about to report this to the Queen.


The bright and full moonlight always makes the elves alert, because the devil worshipers and devils seem to be partying and improving their strength. To be more powerful to try to paralyze those in power over the hills.

His troops lined up neatly guarding in front of their castle. Forming a holy circle of light where the light penetrated up to the sky. After making his rounds monitoring his troop, this handsome, pointy-eared creature, takes some of it to meet Romeda. He wanted a significant pact with that Demon Queen. Even though, he knows that Romeda will never fulfill her promise, because devil always breaks promises.

The way he moves is fast like the speed of lightning, and does not require transportation to get to the dense forest of Romeda's power. With the blink of a human eye, he had arrived in front of a dense, pitch-dark forest.

"How could humans be able to cut them all down if the water they use is wrong," said this handsome creature. Staring in amazement at the forest that was once just an ordinary forest, but since Romeda existed this forest has come alive.

The tree trunks had large, fiery red eyes. The grass was like thorns ready to prick its fragile skin, moving and waving to be approached.

"Humans can't see them, My Lord. Their work is only in vain, because the water that is poured on only briefly provides benefits. If it's finished cutting, the tree trunks should be smeared with the water. We give them, so they will surely die from the roots."

This man nodded and then drew his shining sword, when his hand was raised and ready to slash, suddenly all the trees moved aside, left and right, giving the road to the spooky majestic castle. The hand that swung up suddenly stiffened and canceled his will.

The leader and his two confidants prepared to take the attack. But in the darkness of the open road, a tall and massive creature with the head of a bull was striding towards them. With a deep resounding voice, "Our Lady Queen, only wishes to meet with one person, if indeed any of you wish to meet."

"Just me," said this handsome man.

"Your Highness, we are always watching," said his bodyguard who remained in place watching their leader being led by evil creatures that could attack mercilessly.

Every step they took as the passage closed, returned to where it had started and the two guards, could do nothing but stand in wait. Facing all the trees glaring at them. A huge castle and an overpowering stench, but this man managed to control himself. He was able to control himself when dealing with all beings on this earth.

The castle doors which were huge and hundreds of feet high were wide open. This man's eyes were served by Romeda's many troops that neatly lined up to fill a room that was truly large and spacious, exceeding the breadth of his castle in the mountains. Not even that many of them.

Slowly, his feet entered and walked. Noticed by all the ugly creatures that filled the room. Some even on the ceiling of the roof, hanging, floating, attached to the walls. It was packed full and the Queen was sitting relaxed on her throne in the shape of a giant snake.

One leg up on the stone steps and support the hand that rests on the knee. The body which was clad in the cream-colored gauze looked sparkling. Her desire filled the room and her troops immediately left for fear of being sucked in by the Queen's desire.

The crowded room was suddenly empty. Left them both, leaders of different streams.

"What is it that you come to my power, O beautiful creature?"

"You are allowed to test humans not to influence Cupid to commit crimes."

Reports from the little fairies that there was something strange about M, who was missing yesterday. Investigated by Elf that M turned out to be a bad influence. The arrow of love that should be for eternal love instead becomes passionate love.

The couple hit by the arrow commit shameless immorality wherever they are and the Elves begin to fear an impending disaster due to the wrath of God and angels.

Romeda laughed until her body shook. She got up from her throne and walked up to this handsome man who averted his eyes.

Romeda's body was exposed, and her seductive aura reached this man. Trying to normalize himself, he closed his eyes and focused on facing the enemy that was starting to cause reason.

"You are brave enough to face me alone," said Romeda walking closer.

The man's body glows and Romeda keeps her distance, afraid to get burned. Hissing, she suppressed her lustful aura even more to counter the man's defenses.

"Romeda, I want a healthy deal. This land you walk on is mine and don't harass my people. If you just want to tempt humans then go ahead and don't take advantage of either of us," said this man firmly, trying to open his eyes to look directly at Romeda.

But Romeda's temptation is not only from inner strength but from all her efforts. Romeda easily let go of her transparent dress in front of this man and saw the blistered skin burn on her back while squeezing her round and big chest, "Look at this scar caused by your damn water, can you erase it, if I can I will neutralize Cupid's arrow. "

This man's body trembled, his desire was surging, and his defenses were crumbling. This was the first time he had come face to face with the charming figure of Romeda, whom he had previously only known by name. Unexpectedly, his power could be absorbed without fighting normally.