
The love of a mother

This story talk about a mother who lost her one of her twins , Noah enter his room to see Lexi on the floor crying, Noah walk to where Lexi and hugs don't cry anymore is not your fault that the other twins is missing don't worry one day will find her Lexi , Lexi snap in hangry and push Noah you always tell me that but well I can went anymore it pain me Noah am a mother now and it hurt for me to not see my other twin I don't know maybe she is fine or happy who knows if she had eaten, Noah stood up and went to Lexi who is looking at the window am a dad too Lexi hug Noah am sorry for pushing you am just sad for the I didn't get the chance to see my other twin it hurts a lot am here now don't cry anymore my wife.

Lisa_lucy · Fantaisie
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we meet again: 4 The restaurant

Lexi and Mia was running around everywhere to look for fiona, Lexi turn to look at Mia who have return, Lexi walk to Mia have you seen mom no didn't see her I have check the dressing shop, ice cream shop, jewelry shop, shoe shop but nowhere to be found the mall is very big so it will take time to see someone, Lexi ensure mia that her mom is somewhere she can't leave me here maybe someone call her that why or something else.

Fiona went to put on a bath robe before living the mall with Chloe right beside her, outside the mall Fiona and her mother in law Chloe enter the nearby restaurant near the mall name "Come And Eat Dudo Delicious And Famous Dessert".

Fiona and Chloe enter the restaurant when a waiter approach then, welcome to "come and eat dudo delicious and famous dessert". follow me ladies so I can lead you to your table and tell you your table number.

Fiona and Chloe follow the waiter to their table, Fiona and Chloe reach their table.

Fiona take a seat in the other side of the table before her mother in law Chloe take seat with her, Fiona look at the waiter maybe he wants to say something else! The waiter clear his throat you ladies are table 11 Please wait am going to bring menu so you can order.

The waiter leave fiona alone with her mother in law, fiona look at her mother in law straight in the face who was silent so mother in law Chloe what make you to look for me after many years! chole roll her eyes then look at Fiona with dislike before replying Fiona since you say so am here to see my daughter and how is she after many years, fiona was shock I thought you lost your voice mother in law, Chloe keep her cool yeah I lost it before because of you but I have got my voice back after resting it.

So Fiona you are not married yeah I thought you have gotten married, but I was because you are still single and young also beautiful or are you waiting for my son accept you into his life never because that would not happen in my watch.

Fiona just feel a little annoy after hearing what her Chloe said about her, Fiona whisper in a Iow tone "i don't care if Lexi father come back, me and my daughter Lexi are happy together without he been involve in our life, after what happen many years ago" I hate carstron very much, Chloe call fiona what is that I heard. Fiona raise her head and give her mother in law a smile nothing mother am just want to tell you that I don't need carstron anymore, I'm independent, I can take care of myself and if it comes from marriage mother I'm beautiful, pretty, cute and educated also attractive I can make a man fall in love with me, with the snap of my fingers but I don't want to marry know.

The waiter come back with two menu in his hands before interrupting mother and daughter-in-law conversant.eh-hem ladies your menu what do you like to order today, fiona and Chloe collect the menu for the waiter hand before opened it, Fiona look at the famous dessert that the restaurant hmm interesting waiter I will like to order a sandwich and coffee with milk and sugar that is what I'll to order for.

Chloe looks at her Fiona hmm that poor eh Waiter I'll like to order a devils cake with some tea, okay ladies the waiter write down what the ladies ordered for before going to the kitchen direction.

Lexi turn to face Mia, I think we need to go back to the swimming pool Mia what if mom is looking for us. Mia looks at lexi before walking to her and give her a hug Lexi cool down you making more worries aunty Fiona will meet us in the swimming pool let go and wait for anuty in the swimming pool she might come back because she care for us, Lexi subside the hug look at Mia let go but after if is 1 hours and mom do not come we will go to the police. Mia look at her friend lovely and give her a reassuring smile anuty Fiona will come back.

Chloe look at Fiona umm what a poor meals, "fiona was so furious of what Chloe said", Fiona stood up out of her chair in annoy and hit her hand on the table very hard everyone looks at Fiona and Chloe, Fiona Igore they glare and look at Chloe ready to attack her but she control herself small "mother is a enough with all the insults am not broke, I just want to eat something light nevermind am not hungry anymore because my stomach is fill up I need to go, good bye mother in law".

Chloe look at Fiona who leave the their table and walk to the direction of the door mmu that is very disrespectful to me how dare her turn her eyes away from Fiona and noticed everyone is glaring at her, chloe stand up and tell everyone sorry for the event.

Lexi and Mia reach the swimming pool and notices that the place is full with people.

Lexi and Mia went to seat on the swimming pool copine while they legs was dip into the water, mia swing her legs in the water while talking to Lexi when someone out of nowhere cover her eyes.

Mia was about to shout we she smell the person sense hmm honey mix with blue rose the only that had that combination is Adrian but wait a minute, Lexi notice her friend is not talking she turn to see Adrian in suprise, Lexi was about to ask Adrian what his doing here when he place a hand on his lip , Lexi watch to see if mia Can identify Adrian.

Mia shout out a little Adrian are you here Mia do to let the person to reply she remove his hand out of her face. Mia turn to see Adrian in suprise.


What someone is going through. a few nice words can help a person a lot more than you think.

Lisa_lucycreators' thoughts