
The love of a mother

This story talk about a mother who lost her one of her twins , Noah enter his room to see Lexi on the floor crying, Noah walk to where Lexi and hugs don't cry anymore is not your fault that the other twins is missing don't worry one day will find her Lexi , Lexi snap in hangry and push Noah you always tell me that but well I can went anymore it pain me Noah am a mother now and it hurt for me to not see my other twin I don't know maybe she is fine or happy who knows if she had eaten, Noah stood up and went to Lexi who is looking at the window am a dad too Lexi hug Noah am sorry for pushing you am just sad for the I didn't get the chance to see my other twin it hurts a lot am here now don't cry anymore my wife.

Lisa_lucy · Fantaisie
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When someone make a mistake don't join the person to make the same mistake instead just learned from it, because this life is full of learning and understanding.

Mia seat with Adrian while Lexi seat with fiona."Alexander come back with the menus in his hand", here your menu so what do you like to order with let me call one of the waiter who has come back for the tasks Phillips.

Phillips was walking to the kitchen direction when he heard Alexander the manager called her he, Phillips approach the table when Alexander was standing "good afternoon Alexander sir you called for me", Alexander look at Phillips yes I did I want you to take the order of our special guest I need to check if things is in order in the McDonald's restaurant ok .

Phillips nodded his head before Alexander leave, Phillips look at the table and noticed Adrian his friend he use to play with when they are small " yo Adrian you are here for after long , Adrian stand up and hug Phillips it has been long I have see you Phillips hug Andrian back you are right about that it has been long and am glad to see you here, Adrian and Philips dispatches the hugs".

All the ladies in the table watch the two having a good moments there Phillips stretch his neck to the side of Adrian and notice a girl with a brown reddish hair bro could you tell me who is this miss pretty here Adrian turn to look at his girlfriend ohh this is Mia my girlfriend and this her friend Lexi Phillips look at the other person Adrian introduced oh my she looks good with her black look long hair while is my auntie Fiona Lexi mom Phillips look at Fiona ho my she is young and more beautiful like she is 18 again.

Dude where do you meet all this beautiful angel, Adrian look at Phillips with a dark glare Phillips know the looks which means respect the ladies, Phillips place his hand on Adrian shoulder am just joking so what do you guys want to order Adrian take a seat and share the menus to everyone one in the table.

Castron was through eat lunch with his mother thank you mom for the lunch I appreciate do you want to say anything before I leave to my room, Chloe forded her arms again her chest them look at her son no I don't want to say anything else you can go to your room since my son don't want to talk to me.

Castron stood up and went to the door direction before he exit he said something "mom am sorry is not that I don't want to talk to you, you can talk to about anything else apart for marriage because my answer is no and that my final decision."

Castron leave the room with the door lock behind he, castron went to the living room and notice Ryan was seating on the sofas waiting for something.

Castron walk to me Ryan, so Ryan you are still around I thought you went home Ryan quickly stand up for the sofa when he heard castron voice sorry boss I was waiting for you in case you want to say anything before I go no I don't want to say anything and look at the time your place is very far why can you not stay for the night in the guest room.

Ryan was about to refuse castron offer but he can't do anything because is his boss"okay boss since you insist I'll stay just only tonight", good that what I want to hear and your lunch I'll send a maid or a butler to bring your lunch with some clothes. castron turn around ready to go when Ryan stop he yes I can hear you boss is that not too much am just staying only for tonight, castron reply no that's what I do for my guest and also stay away from my sister room because is near the guest room ok castron leave Ryan in the room looking confused and head to his room direction.

Ryan stand in confusion what do he meant that he have a sister nevermind let me go to the guest but how, Ryan put his hand on his chin thinking how can he go to the guest in this big mansion when Carlos pass he eh he the answer is in front of me Carlos, Carlos was walking to the direction of dining room to meet Chloe when he heard Ryan called he.

Carlos stop his step turn around to look at Ryan who is coming to his direction, Carlos rolls his eyes what do you want Ryan look at Carlos I just want to know where the guest room is can you please take me there but do you know that boss younger sister is there ! Yeah I know I will start away from her I just want to enter the guest room and freshing up also boss told me to stay for the night.

Carlos step forward close to Ryan and look at he straight in the eyes follow me, hmm that strange.


Adrian look at the menu Phillips I like to order mc double hand burger with McCafé mocha that what I need Adrian look at Mia, so want to you want to order mia hmm I will like to order McCafé strawberry milkshake with medium french fries and tangy barbeque sauce ok Phillips I who you wrote what mia need yeah I did.

Adrian look at lexi what of you Lexi what do you want to order I will order McCafé white chocolate mocha and some pizza ok what of you aunty Fiona cocoa cola soft drink with spring rolls.

Phillips was done writing everyone order so he left the table to get what they ordered for, few minutes later Phillips come back with everyone foods bon appetit enjoy your meals Phillips leave the table and went to the kitchen to meet the cook.

Ryan reach the guest room them look at Carlos thank you for your help Carlos just smirk before leaving without saying anything, umm that strange Ryan turn to open the door then enter the room before closing it for behind "ahhh what a tiring day", Ryan went to the bed put off his suit them but it on the bed first.

Ryan went to open the drawers to keep his watch and glasses, Ryan unbutton his collar them went to the bedroom wardrobe to open it when a girl fall on top of he ouch that hurt is just like a huge rock fall on me .

The girl stand up out of Ryan body them look at the person on the floor who the hell are you because you don't look like my big brother and also am not a huge rock but a lady, Ryan stand up for the floor them he want look at the girl who is talking on the long and also make he fall on the floor, am sorry about that when Ryan raise his eyes to see the girl Ryan was lost because of her beautiful face "pink rose slide lip, blue hazel eyes, small nose and soft smooth white pure skin.

she looks like a real barbie with her blonde dreamy pink long hair the reach her waist pack in a ponytail why some come front of her face hello anyone there, Ryan shake his head I can hear you am Ryan your boss personal assistant and what are you doing here, the girl walk to the direction of the door them turn am Barbara but you can called me Barbie I came here to suprise my brother when I found out that Is coming back today since his not here am leaving before he find out that I was in a room with a boy alone bye.

Ryan was about to say something when Barbara Walk out of the room fast and short the door behind her, out the room barbara breathe air out "few that is close I need to find big brother, I wonder where is he now".

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